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  1. Darknezz

    Lost product

    Looking for advice really please as to what i should do, Anyways, Bought a laptop 3 yrs ago for gaming and work and tbh just wanted a high spec laptop. Warranty was nearing its end. Over the last few yrs it had been in and out of repair with various problems from blown motherboard to graphic card, but 6 weeks ago my lappie just stopped working, so i phoned up there support and it was collected next day, i asked them roughly how long would i be expecting my laptop to be returned back to me and was told 10-12 working days, needless to say 12 came and went, this then resulted in a number of calls to there support to try and find out what was wrong with it and when i could get it back as i now had no laptop for work, but each time i would get same answer that someone would call me back, and needless to say no calls and no progress as to when i would expect the return of my laptop. This week i finally get a call back from someone in support to say that my laptop had been lost and they would look into replacing it and look to compensate me for my loss. Today i get a call to say they would replace it with what is there budget range model ( as what had been pointed out was) mine was 3 yrs old and the specs of this new one were slightly better than mine. Also my laptop cost me £1100 the one they want to offer me is £600. The reason i never bought the laptop they were offering me in the first place was that i didn't like the look of it or the specs and still didnt. I sorta feel im being railroaded into taking a laptop i just downt want, can they do this?
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