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Everything posted by angel2479

  1. I have to spoken to the garage in Worksop today. I explained the issue & was told categorically that the company would not provide any form of 'goodwill' contribution and that they were not willing to discuss the matter as I bought the car two years ago & they haven't seen the car since. I informed the manager that I was never told that the car had to be serviced solely by themselves & he agreed but still refused to discuss the matter even when I told him that I have had the car serviced with another Peugeot dealer and can provide all documents upon request. As I have read the sales of goods act I ask the service manager if he thought it was reasonable for his company to provide a car at a premium forecourt price and expect a customer to only get around 30,000 miles from the car's gearbox. The manager responded by telling me that if I wanted to go down that route that the company has their own legal team but that he would speak to his manager and get back to me on Monday. In the meantime, I have booked my car into a Peugeot garage for an £80 diagnostic test, which I am told will not be refunded if they find the fault to be as the previous mechanic found it to be. They have also again tried to tell me that it may have something to do with teh way the car has been driven - which I'm guessing with be their conclusion when they have taken the £80 from me, as it seems to be standard response when I talk to any Peugeot garage. However, independent garages seem to think otherwise. You mentioned that I should get the car checked by an expert, but I am unsure this will in any way sway the garage's response as they have already stated that they will not take the word of another garage as they do not perceive them to be experts in their products. I could end up being given a biased opinion by the Worksop garage & feel that I am in a lose/lose situation and am not sure who to talk to next
  2. I bought the car from Blakes in Worksop and paid by switch. I actually bought it when it was two years old & only had about 19k on the clock. After doing some research this seems to have happened to a few people & as far as I am aware it is highly unusual for a gearbox to go so soon, so would the manufacters not be liable? I spoke to Peugeot head office today & informed them of the problem. I was told that in order for Peugeot to specifically tell me what was wrong with the car, that I would have to book it into a Peugeot garage (at a cost of nearly £80). I informed them that I have had the car checked by an independent garage and that I didn't particularly want to pay £80 for them to confirm what I already know but Peugeot insisted that the findings of another garage are not taken into consideration - as they are not perceived to be experts on their products. I was told that in order for them to ascertain the problem the gearbox would need to be stripped. Yet when the mechanic that is currently dealing with my car called Peugeot he was told that they don't bother stripping gearboxes - they just replace them!!! Even Head office told me that I could book my car into one of their garages without having a diagnostic test. Yet, their franchises tell me otherwise. One of Peugeot's franchises also tried to tell me that the problem may have been caused by the way I drive - yet I have spoken to four other independent garages who say this is untrue. I feel that in order for Peugeot to even consider contributing towards the cost of replacing or fixing the gearbox that I have no choice but to pay the £80 diagnostic fee. However, I don't actually see why I should ahve to when an external qualified mechanic has confirmed what the problem is. My car is also undriveable so I will have to pay to have it towed to a Peugeot garage. Is it just me or are they being unreasonable or is this standard procedure with all car dealers?
  3. I have a Pug 307 HDI. It was registered in Marc 2003 and has done just over 45k miles. At the weekend I broke down thinking the driveshaft had gone but it turns out that its the gearbox. Peugeot have quoted £1100 but to be honest I don't see why I should have to pay it seeing as the car is less than 4 years old & has not done extensive mileage. Is it just me or are gearboxes supposed to last longer than 4 years?! If anyone else has had the same problem, please get in contact as I would like to know whether this is a common occurance with Peugeots before I go stamping my feet with Head Office.
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