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  1. Can someone help me with this point of my ongoing saga!! When I previously VT'd a car, a mechanic came out on behalf of the British Credit Trust to assess the car prior to it being collected. This time this did not happen within a fortnight of my letter advising of wishing to VT I got a call from the collection company arranging for pick up. Can Peugot do this? Should Peugot have sent someone out to assess the vehicle prior to this?
  2. Despite all the problems I've had with Peugot finance I do still like the cars, my 206 was a great little car and I wouldn't mind having another one but I wont be bothering with finance this time!!! Will have to save up and pay cash for an older one.
  3. Thanks for that Tingy. I think that is exactly what has happened. They have now passed this to a debt collection company with all sorts of threats that home collectors will call. I did actually speak to a chap from the agency and explained everything to him and he said he would look into it and get back in touch. Still waiting to hear.
  4. Peugot Finance has not passed us on to a debt collections agency!! Can I just quote what it says on the agreement: TERMINATION YOUR RIGHTS: "You have the right to end this agreement. To do so you should write to the person you make your payments to. We will then be entitled to return of the goods and to half the total amount payable under this agreement that is £3,333.95. If you have already paid at least this amount plus any overdue installments and have taken reasonable care of the goods, you will not have to pay more" We have done all that. A statment we got today says that we had paid £3564.25. The letter from the collectins agency says that "The balance is relating to the sale of the secure goods obtained under the finance agreement. The goods did not raised sufficient funds to clear your full finace agreement and you are therefore liable for the remaining balance. Can I also add that it appears they have charged an amount of £203.18 marked as a penalty end of contract fee. There is no mention on the agreement of have of this fee. Please can some one help me unravel this mess.
  5. Thank you but what do you mean by shortfall? There were no arrears, and why would it say on the agreement that once the amount of £3333.33 had been paid then there would be no more to pay can there be a shortfall.
  6. I would be grateful for some advice. We recenty did a VT on my car I'd had the car for two years and the loan agreement was for 4 years. Now according to the agreement it states that as long as we had paid £3333.33 no further payment would be required. We have paid in excesss of this amount but Peugot are insisting that we still owe a further £600.00. I have had a number of arguments that as far as i was concerned there was nothing further to pay. I understand that the car has been sold. I have written asking for a full breakdown of all payments and exactly how this amount has been reached. They are now threatening legal action. Am i right to refuse to pay?
  7. biddy53


    I'm really after some advice. I have two accounts in my sole name one of them I have a 200.00 overdraft and use on a regular basis. The other one I haven't used for some time and has an overdraft of 2,300. I dont use this account and have been trying to pay it and have always tried to keep it within the arranged amount. Up until recenlty things had been OK but when I after contacting the bank about a didfferent matter the person I spoke to asked if he could put me through to the Collections Centre. To cut a long story short I was offered a loan to cover the overdraft on both my accounts and also on the joint account (1,600) but it would have to be in joint names. My husband was not in agreement and I rang them back and explained the position. It was agreed with the person I spoke to that as at that time I was 162.00 over my agreed limit I could repay 27.00 per month until 12/1/09 which I agreed to and recieved a letter from the bank to that end. About three weeks later I recive a txt askin me to contact the bank on an 0800 number urgently. I was not prepared for the treatment I recieved he wanted a payment immediatley to bring my acount back to the agreed limit I explained that I had already spoken to someone abut this and explained the arrangments. He said that this was not acceptable and that the person who arranged this shouldnt have done so. He was so rude and intimidating and made comments such as you should have known that this amount would not cover the montly interest charges and what had I done with money and then began threating that if i didnt pay the outstanding 162.00 immediatly then the woulld defaullt the account and commence legal proceedings that that at bailiffs would be come to reclaim the full debt. By this time I was in tears and could believe the tone of the conversation. I finally agreed that I would pay the amount by the following Friday. He spent a long time adding this information to the computor or whatever and said that you owe us the money and we want it back in a very threating manner. I then had to ask him if the conversation was over but he seemed to want to keep my hanging on will he added information!!! I eventually said that the conversaiton was over and said goodbye. About an hour or so later I recieved another call on my mobile regarding the same matter however this time the person on the other end was much more understanding and i explaned what all about the previous call and said that I was considering putting in a complaint. Anyway having just checked my account on line despite having bringing my account back to the agreed limit they have added interest and charged me 28.00 for being over the agreed limt which of course i wouldnt have been had they not added these charges. Sorry abut the lonog thread but I really would like some advice if anyone can help me. Biddy
  8. Hi just after some advice the charges we were claiming incluidng interest were £4,147.03 the bank have made us an offer of £1,7250. What were thinking of doing was negotiating for a amount of £3,000 and asking them to write off our £1,600 overdraft. Can anyone help.
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