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Everything posted by elseg

  1. Hi, I am just starting out. I am a single mother of 2 (one with CF), with a spiralling circle of charges causing overdraft excess causing bounces causing charges..... I have 2 accounts, a current one, and a student one which is not being used as is maxxed out on the OD and the current one which is the circle of destruction I have account statements on the current one back to Aug 01, but the student one is missing alot, which I have asked them to supply. My current account looked quite healthy in 01, so I am going to start the preliminary letter for the £2050 of charges now for that one, and if I dont hear from the student one I will send a SAR(?) the one asking for the data on that shortly Just got to get it all pasted into the spreadsheet! A little aprehensive, as am assuming the banks are honing their defence skills as more people claim. Just one question - what is this money claim online business Oh and another (sounding a little like the Spanish inquisition) should I send the letter to my local branch or to a head office? thanks E
  2. Hi, I am a single mother of 2 (one with cystic fibrosis) and recently finished a degree. I have 2 accounts with Lloyds, a current account, and a student account, both of which have incurred charges over the last 6 years (and before, but lets do one thing at a time!!) I went to my local (very friendly staff) branch and ordered the 6 years of statements for each account - got most from 1, a few from the other, and alot of duplicate sheets. I did ask for them to resupply the others, but that has not happened, but I think I have enough to piece something together The current account has £2050 of charges (7 months are missing, so I shall add the 'average monthly' into the total) The student account only gave me jan 04 - sep 06 at a total of £370, I could do an average for that too. I have been told that I can add interest, and found Martin Lewis's site which has an interest calculator, also it says that you often get a better offer if you do this - does anyone have any experience of this. I need to get on with it, because at the moment I am in the position that the charges they are charging me each month for excess overdraft and bounging DD, means that it puts me over for the next month, and unless we dont eat or breathe we are caught in a cycle! also wondered whether I should lump both accounts into the one letter - after all they are from the same bank? going to read a few threads before sending the first bit, E
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