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  1. This topic was closed on 03/08/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Are you at liberty to divulge the imposed conditions?
  3. Just bringing it back to the top because since this post was conceived, I have all of a sudden stopped being incessantly called by C1. Has this happened to anyone else? Are C1 trolling the board? I think so!
  4. I too faced this problem with LTSB. Out of four accounts previously held with them, they sent all statements and instances of intervention for the three oldest, and least used accounts. The one account (my then "current" account) with all of the charges I ever paid, bar one, was wholly incomplete. They sent me the first few statement sheets which showed absolutely no charges on. I simply listed all the items I wanted and gave them seven working days to make good. Seven working days, plus seven calender days went past so I sent a very strong letter giving them a further seven days otherwise it was of to court. I got them bang on the time limit I set, along with a frankly snivelling letter trying to justify their failure. I was surprised though, as they also offered me a refund of the charges applied but without interest. This is as far as I know, unheard of with regards to LTSB and their awkward, delaying attitude towards their customers. Needless to say I accepted it only as part payment with a view to reclaiming the rest. I await their reply. Sorry for the rant:rolleyes: Guess what I am trying to say is keep on their back about it, 24/7 if need be, don't let them get away with a single thing cause I am sure they would not afford you the same leniency
  5. I know of a good solicitor in Aberdeen, if you would like his name PM me. He helped me out when I was a student up in Aberdeen. I do not know his area of expertise but I am in no doubt he will be able to point you in the right direction if need be.
  6. I understand your concerns Battleaxe, recently I have been thinking about the exact same issue regarding non UK call centre security. The recent tv programme highlighted the issues involved with identity theft. I received a call from from a C1 "agent", they initially made out that they were from C1 but the girl had a very strong North American accent. I started to ask a few more questions about her identity and managed to find out that she in fact was not an employee of C1, but of a call handling company in Canada that was simply contracted to C1. Exactly who they were is still a mystery to me. Since I refused to confirm my own details she would not tell me any more information. This worried me!
  7. Could you please tell me how this came about?
  8. :o Teaspoon.....you could be the arrow in the CAG bow, or to put it another way, the teaspoon stirring up C1's nice hot cuppa:D No wonder their staff at the call centres are so rude and unhelpful. We need to devise a firm plan of action in order to confidently move forward with this suggestion/idea/complaint. One thing I am sure of is that everybody involved has had enough of C1 to last a lifetime. Battleaxe, what do you think the outcome would be from your proposed actions?
  9. The only reason I asked was because a close family member was in a similar situation to you and had been threatened with a forced sale of their property to settle outstanding debts. Their only saving grace was that the property was in both husband, and wifes names. IMHO if you do not qualify for a IVA then it is important that you concentrate on what you can do to resolve your situation rather than trying to "worry" your creditors. Have you contacted the CAB or a similar debt help agency? I am not qualified to give you sound debt advice and only stated what I had personally experienced, all without prejudice. I wish you the best of luck!
  10. Great news!, once again...good luck Sarah:) I will be following your path shortly, so will be watching with interest. skyap, have you started your own thread?, as I understand it, you must employ either a solicitor or a Sheriff Officer to serve the defender with a Summary Cause. Have a look in your local phone book or yellow pages and you will find both that are capable. I believe they will complete S8 for you.
  11. I have to say this made me chuckle. IMHO consumer confidence is already waining with regards to the real value of the Banking Code. I wonder what the ramifications are for a financial institution that is refused association with the banking code? Anybody, any idea what this would mean to C1 or any of the rest of them for that matter? And what about the recent C1 palaver with PPI which they had to refund due to their failure to issue t&c? Sorry, I cant find a link to it.
  12. Do you have a joint mortgage or is it in your name only? Are you married or have a partner?
  13. Unfortunately the monkeys that call are only doing what they are prompted to do by the computer screen in front of them. I dare say that they also get some kind of perverse satisfaction with their "untouchable" attitude whilst hiding behind a telephone. Their sheer arrogance and frankly unlawful actions astound me, I believe this is all part of a deeper rooted problem within the company though. Exactly how this could be firstly proved, and then rectified, by whatever means available, is still a little unclear to me. Perhaps all posters in the C1 thread could be asked to submit an account of their experiences and treatment. And then a "group" complaint submitted to the OFT.
  14. I concur, this is exactly the situation I am going through just now, despite a written notice of dispute and them continually "dead" calling me after several written requests to communicate by means of letter until the the present situation is resolved.
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