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charley farley

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  1. Nic it was 26/07/07 and i received another letter today saying they have suspended all claims until the OFT case against the banks has been concluded. They say in the letter that even if i go to court now they will ask for the case to be postponed until after the OFT case. I have to admit i'm unsure what to do now.
  2. Thanks for the reply Barty, i'll let you know how it goes.
  3. Hi, i've been trying to do a claim without starting a new thread to add to the multitude on here but i've received a letter from Lloyds today and i'm not sure what to do next. I sent the LBA to Lloyds about a week ago they in turn have sent a letter back saying - " I am writing to let you know we have received your further correspondence, we expect our enquires to be completed by 02 September 2007 but we will try to get our response to you sooner if we can, thank you in anticipation of your patience" Does this mean i now have to wait til i get their response or am i able to start taking my claim further? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Lloyds are the bank i will be going against aswell, i'm a little bit worried about starting this but after reading about how to claim the money back in the Independent and the massive profits the banks are getting at our expense, i just thought thats it im going for it, and this site certainly seems to have all the answers.
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