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  1. Hello everyone I just wanted to let you know about my claim, which has been successful, so everyone else claiming from HSBC can take heart. I was claiming £1441.50, and wrote the first claim letter three weeks ago. That letter was ignored, so I wrote the second last week. Today I had a reply, stating that they felt the charges were fair, and that if it went to court they would win, but that because of management time and legal costs, they were willing to offer me £1305.00. I'm perfectly happy to accept that - its 90% of my claim, and thats ok. I wanted the money for a specific purpose (to pay off my credit card debt) and its enough for that. I just wanted to let everyone claiming from HSBC know, so they feel more positive about their claim. I read that HSBC was one of the harder banks to claim from, but its been pretty easy for me. Good luck everyone! Troodle
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