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Everything posted by Tilerdon

  1. I've used the CAG Spreadsheet with interest for those cards where I have alll the statements and a modified version where I've used an average of their purchase interest rate from March 2003 and the interest rate now. If I declare that my claim for refund of this interest is at best an estimate of what they have charged me and invite them to provide an accurate figure if they disagree, would this be a reasonable basis for the claim. I'm not planning to attempt contractual interest
  2. I'm planning to do this. If the charge is unfair then to my mind then so is the charging of interest on it. In most cases the interest element adds an additional 50% to the claim. Then I'm going for statutory interest on both the unfar charge and the interest charged on it. Does anyone see anything wrong in doing this?
  3. DHJust write and claim your PPI, you probably can't work it out anyway. I just claimed it and they have paid me a sum which is premiums and 8% interest. I feel I should have been repaid interest i then paid them on the premiums but am having to argue this through the FOS
  4. Sorry Essential I really don't see how this works unless you include a penalty charge entry of zero for each statement that has no penalty charges You are paying interest on the previous charges in every month - assuming you are still in debt and there isn't any date/value look up as in the Bank charges spreadsheet I maybe thick but i need some convincing
  5. Thanks Essential I have successfully used the Bank Charges Advanced Spreadsheet but I have five figures on my Credit Card Statement - Previous Balance, Payments, Spending, Interest and New Balance which of these figures do i actually use. And can anyone tell me how to get the formatting to work in this editor
  6. This thread appears to have died, is there a reason?I'm trying to use the Credit Card England Advanced spreadsheet but like other previous posters I'm confused as to what figures to enter.I can see that there are some spurios pieces of data in the template that need to be removed before using it .But is there anyone on the site who really knows howe to use it?
  7. Well I took the bull by the horns and i've sent off my first 2 claims - both to Natwest. I modified the advanced spreadsheet to enter the highest and lowest overdrawn balance figures and calcualted the average. This looked ok for older transactions because the total of unlawful charges was below the average but as the total built up I could see that I would be reclaiming all the interest charged in a period even when for some days I was overdrawn by more than the total of the previous charges. So I then just used the highest overdrawn figure (all these being day end figures, not intermediate figures within a day) but I did a further mod to the spreadsheet to add the sum of the previous interest calculated on the penalties to the total of penalties to date that goes to calcualte the proportion of the interest charge which applies to penalties. I was happy with the figures produced, if the bank isn't then they can provide me with their calculation of the figure. I hope this helps. Sorry for the lack of formatting, the editor wont let me use any of the controls
  8. I would be interested to know whether the above members have MBNA credit cards. For some time MBNA were pushing Loans.co.uk as an associated company offering to convert your credit card debt into a secured loan.If correct this could possibly indicate the source of Loans.co.uk's data
  9. I've read many of the postings regarding the reclaim of interest and am generally bemused.i'm using the England - Advanced - Excel spreadsheet for Bank accounts.My account has swung quite widely from credit balance to well overdrawn often well in excess of overdraft limit but often on the date the interest period ends I am in credit so the spreadsheet gives zero penalty interest.I'd like advice on how to produce a plausible estimate for the overdrawn balance to useI started by working out the average daily overdrawn balance by multiplying only overdrawn balances by the number of days at each balance, summing them and dividing by the total number of overdrawn days. It produces a reasonable figure i believe but its an awful lot of work for 6 years of transactions.I note that the higher the overdrawn balance figure you include the lower the penalty interest figure becomes.Does anyone have a method that produces an acceptable result that is less work than this
  10. I have several accounts on which I have incurred penalty charges over a number of years, both bank accounts and credit cards. I have held off approaching my bank because my mortgage account is also with them. In the light of the new ruling by the Ombudsman in respect of A & L , I now feel more comfortable in going ahead. Am I right to do so and can I go after the credit card companies without the risk of having card accounts closed also? Thanks
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