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  1. Thanks Welshcakes...much appreciated. We'll see what they have to say!! Will continue to update...see you all in 14 days (hopefully!) Sam
  2. Hi to all...have just drafted second letter, requesting my bank charges..I've looked through various threads but can't find a mention of which address to send the letter to, do I send it to the Barclays address or the Woolwich? (although now defunct). Would sincerely appreciate the address is anyone knows it offhand.. Many thanks, Sam
  3. Hi all...thanks for your replies...sorry for huge delay, have had a baby recently and my brain is mush! I received a list of charges from the bank on the 38th day of the 40 they had to reply. Problem is, the list seems innacurate. According to the bank I am only owed £1500 (approx...can't remember the exact amount offhand) for 6 years, but I totalled up last years statements (I only kept last years)...and they come to £600 just for that one year...and I know that each year has been the same. Bottom line is, I feel I'm owed more.. Does anyone know what I can do to obtain actual statements or query this? Is that possible? Many thanks, Sam
  4. No he hasn't..at the minute he's trying to get assistance via telephone banking..who clearly don't have a clue! The branch offered no assistance...but I will certainly suggest this to him (it never occurred to me), I'll tell him to call the branch tomorrow and ask if it's a possibility. Many Thanks, Sam
  5. No they didn't. The situation (according to Barclays) is that he had a joint bank account with his ex, and couldn't get round to taking her name off (they split 3 1/2 years ago). She has her own account with Barclays and has apparrantly mis-managed it, the upshot being, because her name was still on the joint account (she wouldn't sign anything to get her name removed until 3 days ago), my partner is being 'punished' for the mis-management of her own account. Despite finally having her name removed the bank has refused to reinstate his overdraft. They have given no explanation, despite being asked many times. Sam
  6. Hi...I know this is the wrong forum but I can't seem to find one that fits the bill, if there is one, and I would be eternally grateful if someone can point me in the right direction. Barclays has removed my partners overdraft without warning....as a consequence, DD's are bouncing left right and centre. We rely on this sizeable overdraft (£1200) for living costs as his wages are taken due to debts. Its a pretty serious situation....and we need all the help we can get to deal with it...is there any forum on here, or maybe a moderator who could advise me? Felling pretty desperate!! Many thanks, Sam
  7. Hi to all!!!! This is my first post as I have only recently stumbled across this brill websibe. Here's hoping you are all successful and get back these unlawful charges. I will be really grateful for any help and advice you can give me along the way.... As it stands, I have sent my first letter (using the template from the Money Savings Expert site) requesting statements and including a £10 cheque with the payee named as The Woolwich. I received the standard reply, that they will get back in touch by the 27th March (sent my letter 27th Feb)...they also returned my cheque. I'd be interested to know why they returned it, I wondered if anyone on here knows? Many Thanks....Sam
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