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Everything posted by Jamboray

  1. Jamboray


    This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. This topic was closed on 03/08/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  5. Thanks very much, I'll get that done today.
  6. No don't have them, been online for a few years now
  7. Hello all, It's been a long time since I visited this site. Anyway, I'm thinking about claiming missold PPI from Capital One and Cooperative Credit Cards. I have received an annual statement from both regarding my PPI, will this mean they can claim I have been advised about it in the past?
  8. I contacted my bank a while back, just before the banks went to court. After some time, I received a letter from the bank, telling me that all claims were on hold waiting the outcome from the test case, once the decision was made, they would review my claim. I didn't raise it at the sheriff court, but wonder if I should have?
  9. I entered into my trust deed in June 2001, where it was protected payments were made and though some difficulties arose during the time, my final payment was made and finished in Aug 2005. I followed up with my IP on several occasions to find out the next step and to get closure of the TD, no real help was provided from the IP on when this would be closed, I was hoping for the end of 2005, however this was not to be. Through 2006, I still heard nothing, I did call, write, email....nothing. 2007, nothing until Nov, they want the realized equity set at £23500 (I have a three quarter share in my property) for my shared ownership home and this needs to be complete by Feb 2008. Anyway, off I went trying to raise the money and find advice from a Finance adviser, this proved to be difficult as I was being given ridiculous quotes as none of the main banks would touch me. I spoke with my IP, who gave me the name of a Lawyer and Financial adviser who they knew off and had experience of shared ownership mortgages and TD's. This was not so easy as at the time, the market went bang for people like me (sub prime) the only offer I got was an interest only mortgage at 55k, but advised that hopefully when things settle, I will be able to get a mortgage from the big banks after 3 years. This is still going on, and the mortgage has not gone through yet due to the BS being overly cagey about lending. My property has had to be valued twice due to the time this has taken, the second time I refused to pay as I felt that the Lawyer and FA had dragged their heels, however they blamed the IP, but agreed to fund the second Valuation. I spoke to my lawyer at the end of last month to get an update and I was advised that it should only be a couple of weeks, the IP is busy due to an increase in TD and the credit crunch......heard that many times!! What is hacking me of is: I expected to be debt free in 2005, but this is still going on in 2008 I still have the poor credit rating obviously, it's now been over 7 years I now have to renew a mortgage at extortionate rates and double my existing monthly payment for another 20 years, I'm now 45, and only had 6 years left to pay on my existing mortgage The Lawyer is looking to claim over 2k for fees and the FA 1K (Parasites) Although the TD was in my name only, my wife is having to go though this too, with the added pressure of the extended mortgage and payments. Can anyone give me advice on where to go for advice and if I have any justification to complain?
  10. Here's something that has happened to me just recently. I signed up to a new bank about 5 - 6 weeks ago for online banking. Everything had gone well and like clockwork, however about 4 weeks ago, when I logged on to my bank, I found that I was unable to due to having too many unsuccessfull attempts, I hadn't tried to sign on for a couple of days and thought that it was strange, but followed the guidence to reset my information. I then noticed a click too late, that my email address had been changed to an email address that I used years and years ago. I immediatley phoned the bank to report this and got the normal assurancies that no one can access my account and all looked fine. I went through the process and re-set everything. A couple of days later, a letter arrives from my bank, saying thank you for your change of details, however please contact xxxxxxxxx to confirm you have requested this? I recieved another letter saying, I was successful with my application to open another account and my card would follow, I didn't apply? I tried ringing the number and ended up talking to the banks helpline, who asked I go into my branch to follow this up. I went to my branch with the letters and they looked into it on the system. Regarding the second account being opened: This would have been if I had hit the submit button twice That account was cancelled. The change of details request: This was an error at the bank and hundreds of letters had been sent out to customers I was given the assurance again, that it was computer error and all was fine with my account. Nothing untoward has been going on since, but now with this !!!! up, it makes me wonder if there is a connection? Does anyone know what date the discs went missing? I would be on the register as I recieve childs allowance, tax credits etc. Maybe I'm just putting 2 + 2 together = 5
  11. Whats the law regarding the location of my vehicle? On my ticket it says "Bus stop clearway, 10 yds from number 84. It should be number 384, the number 3 is missing from the door number. Is it a technicality I could appeal against?
  12. Hi, I had forgotten about this post lol I have changed lawyers, which was pretty painless, other than the time for the paperwork to be transfered. My new lawyer had to write and fax about 6 times:rolleyes: He now has the paperwork and has just wrote to say he has contacted the other insurers to advise etc, seems not a lot had been done and the lawyers the AA use is just a big claims centre and clients go through the system from desk to desk without much digging and fighting for the injured party. When I informed the AA about my reasons for not renewing my policy, they were very sorry, but didn't pursue my complaint? I'm now with Virgin, hope they are better:rolleyes:
  13. Sorry, didn't make that clear in the original post. Yes it was two separate claims, both turned down:mad:
  14. I have only found out today that my buildings insurance company are turning down my claim, due to the length of time since the accidents happened, I made the claim on the 5th Jan 2007 and sent this letter on the 27th Feb to support the estimates. I have asked for a copy of the policy as I do not have one, due to the building insurance being looked after by factoring agents, is there a time limit to when you can make a claim? This is the letter I sent to the insurance company: Dear Mr xxxx, REF: Water damage to property Following on from our telephone conversation on the 23rd February 2007 please will you accept this statement for my insurance claim. Bathroom damage Around about June 2006 a heavy perfume bottle fell from shelving in the bathroom into my WC pan, this caused a chip to the top of the pan, which was not of much concern other than cosmetic damage. In December 2006, one of my children told me that they thought the pan had moved. On checking the WC area, I could feel the carpet was damp at the base of the WC. When I pulled back the carpet the floor area was wet and the WC had sunk into the floor slightly, I saw that there was a hairline crack down the WC pan from the chip to just under the waterline. The back wall tiles had become loose due to the movement of the WC and had caused the fitting between the WC and the outlet pipe to leak. The base of the pan is located over a joist under the floor and this I think stopped the pan from falling through the floor. This is now of primary concern. The bathroom floor is now very unstable, and I am very concerned about physical injury being incurred by myself or a member of my family. Kitchen/Living Room damage In October 2006, I contacted xxxxxxxxxxx, to report a damp patch on the outside of my building above my kitchen window and down the side of my house wall between the kitchen and living room. I was informed that someone from xxxxxxxx would come out to examine the wall. (The girl who took my call, I think was called xxxxx?). I reported this to xxxxxx as they are responsible for the factoring and maintenance of the building. There was no evidence of flowing water but I was aware of a hole in the wall, accommodating the overflow pipe above my kitchen window and the dampness appeared to be coming from there. I do not know if anyone came to look at the wall. In November 2006, I was decorating my living room where I discovered a damp patch in the corner of the room above the skirting board, this was not seen before, due to a cabinet in that corner. Initially I did not connect the dampness to the outside until later in December, I discovered loose and damp wallpaper above my kitchen window, I found it difficult to close my kitchen window, on investigation I could see a very slow drip falling outside my kitchen window, this I discovered had also been seeping in through the wall. I contacted xxxxxxxxxxx to speak to Mrs xxxxxx, who is responsible for our property, she was not available, and therefore I left a message on her answer machine. Mrs xxxxx had not been in touch, I assume due to Xmas and New Year so I contacted xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to report the flooding damage to my living room/kitchen and bathroom, on this occasion, I was informed I should make a claim on the buildings insurance. xxxxxx then contacted our neighbors that live directly above us. They instructed a plumber to come and check the overflow pipe, and the ball cock in their main water tank was replaced. We then arranged for the damage to be assessed by professionals in order to gain two estimates for repair of the damage. These have been sent to yourselves in respect of these claims. Please find attached photographs to substantiate these claims. We welcome any inspection instructed by you.
  15. Hi folks, been a while since I last posted on this subject, I wrote to the practice manager last year and small things began to happen, but ended up in the same old system, so much so that I havn't heard a single thing from my soliciter this year? I have signed a mandate to have my file passed to a firm recommended to me from a friend. It seemed so simple and I do think I gave my old solicitor a fair chance to rectify. I'm surprised there is no cost involved though?.......would this be right?
  16. Whats the script with these? Can we claim these back, i'm sure I seen somewhere you could claim 12 years worth? Someone keep me right:( Living in Scotland
  17. Hello vital, don't forget you have the option of doing a summary cause, upto £1500? What you have suggested would be okay, but would take longer.
  18. Thanks for the reply. The insurer is Hastings for the first accident and AXA for the second.
  19. Hi folks, Wondered if anyone can give some advice on my issue? I had an accident in April 2004, where another driver ran into the back of my car at a set of traffic lights. No one was seriousley hurt, but my car was deamed a write off due to the damage and cost of repairs. I suffered neck and back pain and an xray suggested soft tissue injuries. I did not take too much time of work and just got on with it. I have recieved payment for the market value for my car and the third party has accepted liability, they are stalling on the payout and have offered about £1800 (March 2005) My Lawer is looking for about £3500. To rub salt in the wounds I had another accident in Oct 2004 where a young lad ran into the passenger side of my car on a roundabout, another write off and further injuries to my lower back This is another claim that is going through the same Lawer and the third party has admitted liability. As a result of these accidents, I have recieved a bit of councelling for loss of confidence, stress etc. Still on pain killers for my neck and back and recieved an MRI Scan which was all clear. I understand that these claims take time but I am getting fed up with my lawer and have had to complain about them before through my insurance company, the AA, due to the lawers poor communication and updates. I've now got to a stage of where I really feel that I am another statistic and case number for the lawer. A few of the problems I have had are as follows: Attending an assessment for back injuries, where the doctor did not know I was coming. Attending a phycoligists appointment to find the phycologist was off sick and waited a further 6 months for this appointment. Attending a court hearing in Jan 2006 for the April 04 accident, to find it had been cancelled. I have to constantly ring them for updates, I have had to ring them after 4 months of hearing nothing. I have not had an offer for the second accident and have asked. A change of Lawer made on my case, but no mention of this to me. What I would like to know is Do I have grounds for complaint against my lawer or is this common practice? How do I complain about them? Is it advisable to rock the boat? Any help and advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  20. My claim came to a stop due to not having the account number and their files being archived? The ICO wont support my request, but I have appealed. Got to wait and see.
  21. Can anyone tell me if there is a right to appeal with the Information Commissioners Office? I have an issue with the RBS Style card, where I do not have the account number and have asked for Data Protection Act information, like most people, I binned the statements once my trust deed was protected. The RBS say that my account cant be found just with my name and address and need the account number and dates when the account was open? I know it was in the last 6 years, the Information Commissioners Office have closed my case after first persuing it, the Information Commissioners Office seem to have just closed it and accepted the RBS reply. I could get the details I suppose from my IP but dont want to draw his attention to this as I have just ended my trust deed. I am sure there is about £1800 on the card, mainly charges? I have a similar case regarding the BOS and the ICO has given them 7 days to respond, diff caseworker looking at it. Anyone had a similar case, any advice appreciated;)
  22. Hey, thats great news and well done!!! It's been a long journey for you and i'm still waiting on the RBS to respond:p The ICO are involved however and they are writing to them, hope Mark gives me a call, i'll tell him your asking for him:D By the way....what team do you support?
  23. Hey Fruitycar, keep your chin up!! Well done!!
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