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Everything posted by puffinstuff

  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. Just to say I am a 49 year woman and when someone and their 7 companions in a restaurant went out of their way to cause our table as much hassle as possible during our meal, it was myself and my husband ,sister and bil who ended up being taken to the station when they followed us outside and started abusing us.(I rang the police) We were put in cells and the two men were hosed down every 30 minutes with the fire hoses. ( have found out since this is a regular event and is the officers nightly choice of entertainment) So I am afraid this is no surprise whatsoever to me,not one of us has ever had any dealings with the police so no excuse there. B
  4. Hi Thanks for the reply's I can only go back as far as 2004 so am missing 2003. I have 353 sales since feb 03 but 60% of those were my own belongings and my sons, I just need to prove this before I contact the tax office. I will send them the 7 days notice. Puff
  5. Hi I have been selling all my shopaholic stuff on ebay to pay the debts which they incurred. I Have sent a dpa request to ebay to find out my actual sales, purchases and fee's etc so I can fess up to the tax man but they have not answered me. Now I know it is wayyyyyyyyyyy past the forty days , what shall I do now. Puff.
  6. Thanks Barty going to have a good christmas curtsy of ltsb
  7. I WON !!!!!!!!!!!! Money now in my account and donation sorted. Not been here for a few weeks as I have been ill but this has cheered me up no end as it is just in time for christmas. £303 in my pocket not their's, husbands claim is in january so wont be long now. Thanks to everyone for all their help you are diamonds.
  8. yeah that was a thought today but I will have to pay an early redemtion fee to them again!!!!!!!!!
  9. Thing is as I am currently suing the bank I dont want to go in as they will try to disuade me or tell me sod off.he he
  10. Hi boobaby I did have the insurances before but the girl on the phone didn't include when she gave me the new rate and payment details , when the proposal arrived I just checked the facts I wanted changed and signed then they sent the date of the new payment and the amount had changed as they then added the insurances in. This is just doing my head in today I have been on the phone all day. My branch are carp , no one know what the other are doing in there. Pufff
  11. do you think it would be worth my while to ask for a s.a.r. and I will have proof of what I was quoted and what we agreed to,she forgot to add mortgage sure and buildings insurance but it was only the rate and term I was changing nothing else. Puff
  12. The woman on the phone said no I cant even go back to my original mortgage without paying another fee!!!!!!!!!!!! surely this cant be right. The person I spoke to today said the original person who had done all the quates should have known she wasn't on the right screen .
  13. No I wanted to change my mortgage rate and ended up paying more than I am paying now and paid them £225 for the privalege. I only checked the key facts that I was changing, rate,term, payments the amounts of each sub account and the total involved, then once I had signed the forms and sent them back they sent me the details and the payment had gone up by £20 and I had paid a penalty to do it. GRRRRRR!!!!
  14. Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place but I need help. And stupid stupid me as well . Well bear with me and I will explain why I am frothing at the mouth. I have been thinking of changing to another mortgage provider for a while now and when I got a letter to say the rate was going up again I decided to ring and discuss it with Lloyds tsb. Well I explained I wanted to reduce my rate as the current one was 7.05% and payment of £269.00 and I was thinking of taking the mortgage elsewhere etc. I also told her I was hoping to reduce the term and hopefully overpay to finish it quickly (11 Yrs left and owe £24500 health not too good). Well after going though various options we finally settled on a rate of 5.54% with a payment of £238 Great I thought but is it possible to leave the payment as £269 with the extra £31 to overpay so to speak but still keep the official payment as £238 on paper, that way if things got a bit tough I would not need to find £269( you folks still following ). "I will have to check the lower payment bit but are you happy with the quote" she said " yes great £24500 over 11 years at 5.54% with payment of £238 hopefully to keep original £268 with the remaining as an overpayment thats fine can you just check the overpayment for me and ring me back I am in all day" She said someone will ring you straight back and in the meantime I will get the proposal ready and we can go on this in time for your next payment. I waited and waited all day and no phone call so next day I rang again and explained what the position was and told him I had been waiting bla bla and can someone from the mortgage department please ring me back to confirm the overpayment details. Well a week went by and I decided I would sort it when I came back from my holiday, I was just heading out the door on holiday when the proposal for the mortgage came. I had a look at it £24500 over 10 years at 5.54% 3 sub accounts yes totals the same etc nothing about the overpayment as they had just left the payment as £268. The closing administration fee was £225.00 blast I thought but ok after all the paperwork involved I will except it and see about the overpayments when I get back. I signed the forms and sent it back on the way out. Well today this letter comes telling me the outline for the mortgage and when the new payment starts and the total of the payment is now £282.14.!!!!!! I rang the bank and they basically said the person I had spoken to originally hadn't included mortgage sure @£16.54 and buildings insurance@£8.20. Now I have argued all afternoone with them because after the conversation I had I only looked through at the amounts , the term and the rate which is what I was changing I didn't want to change anything else and she knew this, now because I signed it I have basically paid them £225 for the privalige of increasing my mortgage payment by another £20!!!!!!!!!!! a month ,the part about about the insurances was on a seperate page further on and I didn't see it. The lady I spoke to today said she ( the first lady) should have known which screens to select when just making a rate change. I have asked for the complaints departments phone number to lodge a complaint and she said they haven't got a telephone number and no email address so I said how the hell are you supposed to make a complaint, she has asked them to phone me. Does anyone have any ideas where I go from here,I am so annoyed it is unreal.
  15. :lol:I rang scm solicitors today and on their answerphone message was the veiled threat That Lloyds will call in their loan if you persist with this silly court business. It says "if you have received a letter from us requesting payment in full of all monies owed to tsb please press 1", if you need to speak to bla bla. I thought to myself how petty can a professional body get!!. I think they hope to make you stop and think "oh do I really want to find myself having to settle all my debts at the drop of a hat". I thought how pathetic mr solicitor but I am going all the way. Puffinstuff
  16. Oh and thank you mooreda Thats a relief,so if I fail to get the copy tomorrow it isnt the end of the world then,I thought this would just be the excuse for them to throw the case out. Not usually like me not to photocopy but we were going to cornwall for a week and it came in the morning post so I just filled it in and posted on our way out. I didn't want to delay for another week again. Silly silly me!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Thanks bong I will pop in the court and ask,didn't want them to think I was nuts even thinking of such a thing,never had anything to do with legal system I wasn't sure if it was the done thing.
  18. Does anyone know if the court will give me a copy of my allocation questionaire please ???
  19. Now scm have asked for a copy and I have already sent it to the court, what shall I do!!. I had thought of sending them an email stating I am away for a few days and will send when I get home, then go to the court and ask them for a copy, what do people think , will it work ? I dont want this to ruin everything at the last minute so to speak. I didn't copy my husbands either and am kicking myself now, maybe a lesson in there for others somewhere.
  20. Thanks everyone I had £265 which was £200 charges plus interest and £30 court charges paid into my account today. I have also sent a donation through paypal. I still cant complete moneyclaim for my credit cards I think I may have to start again and file a new claim as this just refuses to go through . It says there are too many charactors but there are only 900, it also says I cannot use which I havn't used at all, oh well this triumph has encouraged me to persist until I get it all back.
  21. Lloyds have finally paid me my £265.00. I received a letter saying we will be defending on these grounds bla bla and another letter in the same envelope saying it will not be cost effective to defend this claim so we will pay in full providing you agree to these conditions, keep your account in order etc . I crossed out the confidentiality clause and signed and I will receive my cheque soon. I will send a donation as soon as it clears and thanks to all you brilliant people. I will be starting my claim for my credit cards soon, for some strange reason the moneyclaim site keeps freezing and I keep having to start again so I decided to leave it for a while as my head was ready to explode.
  22. Hi all ,I sent my AQ to the court today and where it asks if there is anything I would like to add or request from the other party all I said was I would be supplying a cd with the interview with their ex chief exc. I also asked that Lloyds supplies a breakdown of the costs to pay or not pay a direct debit and in what increments this money is used for each step, we will then see if the charges are indeed just covering costs or not. I Have asked several times for this information. I have also sent a hard copy of my charges and interest as not enough space to include on the form. Hope I have done this right.
  23. oops!! sorry I didnt realise consider me well and trully chastened lol
  24. Hi bean I think they are trying their best bless them to make it sound as if they actually believe it themselves. The best thing is all the threats about reviewing your account and cancelling the card is water off a ducks back as my card has a nil balance for about 6 months now, just never got round to closing the account, a fact they would know if they even bothered to look into individual cases.
  25. Hi I have had a response to my refund request for my credit card charges and they basically said get stuffed. This was an interesting change in their usual tack though, "The oft's statement is their view of the principles they think credit card issuers should follow,ultimately,it is only a court that can decide whether a term is unfair in legal terms" "The oft made no recommendation about previous charges and we do not plan to make any alteration to charges we made in the past, as a result we are not in a position to offer you a refund". As they have now made their position clear I am now sending my LBA and will be sending by email. I will tell them "lets allow the courts to decide then shall we".
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