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Everything posted by DK34

  1. All, Thank you very much for all your advice and guidance, it is very much appreciated. Apologies if I sound stupid. Just confused and frustrated that the process is so long, process not that long when the banks decide to take more than they are supposed to. I was shocked when I actually added it all up, doesn't seem so much when you don't notice it. Feel really scared that I might be in that small % that have lost, as Lloyds are the worst bank ever. They have really messed me up, I could really do with this cash, times are hard! I suppose that is the case for many people who are trying to claim this. Will be filling in the N1 this weekend and exemption form to see if I can get away with paying, if not i better start busking this weekend! lol Thanks guys. xxx;)
  2. Thanks choppedminx, I can't believe this whole claiming process is exhausting. I do receive child tax credit. so along with this N1 form do i also have to complete another form to be exempted? even more :?
  3. Please help! I'm starting to pull my hair out over this. Bank have credited 750 which i will only accept as part payment. have been advised by christinajanep that may get away with paying the fees. haven't even started the claim because can't even afford the fees. This website advises that best process is to use N1 form instead of MCOL. Is anyone aware that I can get away with paying the fees being a single mother? Please help, trying to fully understand next process. As I have transferred the 750 to another safe account, should I also send a letter to the bank telling them that I am only accepting this as part payment. Sorry about this guys, just need some guidance! :?
  4. Thank you jshtr3, I have saved the form. Got some homework to do now, these banks think we have time on our hands to be writing letters and filing claims against them. Boy they make me mad!
  5. Thanks Dave, I will surely do that, not letting them get away with anything. I always say they are the bank that like to say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Court Case here we come! They have till tomorrow, very least likely chance I will be going home to a cheque in the post, so may have to start this court thing, really nervous!!!!
  6. Just checked online they have credited that £750 Good will refund into one of my accounts on 17th May 07 and I sent them a letter of rejection that I am not accepting it even though it was overdrawn with their charges and that amount has taken off that overdraft! I've transferred the money into a safe account anyway. Can I still make a claim with the court? as I stated previously to them that I am rejecting this claim and for them to take the money back out of my account. That amount does not add up to the £4700 they owe me!!!!!!!! If I make this claim tomorrow, will I still be eligible to claim the rest?
  7. Just checked online they have credited that £750 Good will refund into one of my accounts on 17th May 07 and I sent them a letter of rejection that I am not accepting it even though it was overdrawn with their charges and that amount has taken off that overdraft! I've transferred the money into a safe account anyway. Can I still make a claim with the court? as I stated previously to them that I am rejecting this claim and for them to take the money back out of my account. That amount does not add up to the £4700 they owe me!!!!!!!! If I make this claim tomorrow, will I still be eligible to claim the rest?
  8. I bought some sofa's from DFS and am not happy with the quality. I have a 5 year guarantee, the cushions have gone lumpy, any advise on complaint procedures? Called them once and told them I was concerned a while back, they sent out their so called manager, who came in didn't stay longer than 2 minuted, sat on the sofa, bounced up and down a couple of time and had the cheek to tell me I need to plump up muy cushions. Hello!!- I do this every day. Any advice on what I can do?
  9. Hi Barty, Thank you very much for your advice, everybody on this site have been really helpful, at first I was doing it alone, but this site is great. I sent my rejection letter last week and rejected their Full and Final settlement of £750, gave them till tomorrow to reply and I will start a claim in court, also stated that I was never happy with their service and I tried many times to approach the bank to help me out and they just turned me away from the front desk. I haven't heard from them and the deadline date is fast approaching and I feel really nervous with making a claim taking into account the 2 cases they have won. Finding this claim thing exhausting as I am struggling financially due to the mess they left me in and I had to open up another account with Nationwide. In one charge they took out £800 in one month which had a knock on effect of my regular expenses, and I have never recovered to date from that I'm a single mother who gets no financial help from anyone, especially the father. If I make this claim in court would I have to physically attend the hearing? Sorry to come over as stupid, but all this is new to me!
  10. They finally replied!! Telling me all the same procedure rubbish that it is fair. Offered me £750.00 and said they will deposit it in my account which is overdrawn due to these charges. I have been refusing to clear the overdraft because they are because of this. Just opened a new account somewhere else and transferred all DD and wages etc. I am not accepting this offer, what is my next action? Do I write to them and tell them that I am now making a claim in the court? Please advise, I'm really confused now They have given me 10 days.
  11. Thanks african_igbo, I think this week has just been a downer, taking it out on the bank. I'm keeping my chin up and will not let them rest until I get an answer from them, not going to let them get away with it. Think I just need to rest my mind, been worrying about this bank thing all week. Thanks
  12. Hi All, Thank you all so much for your kind advice. Managed to create my own thread: New Lloyds TSB Claim. Please feel free to browse. Have been reading other threads might just claim for credit card charges with GE capital too, let's see how it goes!! Fingers crossed. This whole claiming thing is so depressing, since I sent off this claim to lloyds, been feeling really low, maybe because I haven't heard from them. Only time will tell. Thnak you once again.
  13. Thank you for your update Michael, Does it matter if I did not use the LBA that is being mentioned on this site, could not find it. New to this site. I used a letter before action from the money saving expert website, but that template stated 7 days for them to reply and the 7th day was yesterday. I have been advised to give them another week. Is that correct in saying that I should. Feeling scared if they say no!
  14. Hi all, Sent LBA to a place in Hampshire, received no reply. Have been advised to give them another 7 days as they have 14 days to reply but I stated 7, guess I was being too eager. Haven't heard from them. Was thinking of calling them for an update, any suggestions to contact numbers to prgress this?
  15. Thank you all for your replies. I don't know how to post a thread, very new to this site. I will have to give my bank another 7 days, I'm scared and really stressed out!!! feel that I do not have the energy, but have to keep going, lloyds have really left me in a right mess. Thank you:)
  16. Hi All, Got statements Highlighted charges Asked for money back - Typical standard letter telling me they are fair. Sent another letter telling them to reply in 7 days or I will start court proceedings. Have not received a reply back, 7th day was yesterday. Any advice?
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