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  1. Is that 40 days from their reply to my letter or from the date of my letter to them requesting repayment?
  2. Have sent standard letter out to The Halifax requesting they settle my request for a refund within 14 days and have received a letter from them stating that they are "sorry to learn I am unhappy with the charges.... and that under the complaint handling rules set out by the FSA they have 8 weeks to investigate and respond to complaints....". It then goes on to say that "If, for any reason we are unable to respond fully to your concerns within the next 4 weeks we will write to update you of our progress". I am confused as to what's happening here and what I should do as a next step? Any ideas anyone?
  3. ...also on the above subject-it is not actually a legal requirement to supply a vehicle with a spare tyre nor is this checked or tested on the MOT. It is down to the individual if they wish to carry a spare!
  4. Unfortunately as you bought a "used" car not new then the vehicle like any other used item is "sold as seen" and it is the buyer's responsibility to ensure things like spare keys etc are included in the purchase at the negotiation stage. Remember the old adage-Caveat Emptor(buyer beware) and you won't go far wrong! ps I have several years experience in the motor trade!!!
  5. Thanks pal. I've used the template from the site to draft my preliminary letter to the bank and I'm sending it off tonite!!! Wish me luck!!!!
  6. Thanks for the reply. However, it's The Halifax I need help with not LlloydsTSB!!!
  7. Me v. The Halifax.Hi, I've just joined the site on the recomendation of my old man as he says he's had some great help in his pursuit of unlawful charges from Lloyds TSB. I'm hoping to recoup charges from the Halifax in excess of £3000+interest and would welcome any help from anyone who has had success with this. I think that firstly I need to get all my statements/charges from the bank. Can I send one letter covering all my accounts together with one cheque for £10 to cover admin costs or do I have to address them all separately? Where do I send the first letter to?
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