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  1. cheers for the advice guys! But can I still go about my claim in the normal way, or would the letters I send out need to be ammended? Even if the cheque they issue me with goes back into my account then I'm still quids in, and will half the rest of my re-payment plan to clear the remainding debt! The debt I have is on my current plus account, on which I have a repayment plan set up as the bank account is frozen. I have also negotiated to have the interest frozen so at the momment I am only paying off the debt, with no build up of interest which is helping! Do you think this agreement could be affected by me claiming back the charges?
  2. Hi Guys I have already got some of my fact and figures together to try and re-claim back excess charges from my bank, but before I dive in headfirst I just wondering if anyone has any hints or advice! I actually owe Natwest £3000 ish but half of that is made up from bank charges roughly to the tune of £1600! Do I still have the same right claim back the charges even though I owe them money??? cheers Steve
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