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  1. Hi Jane Spotted you another thread, noticed your court and date was the same as mine. Lets hope our court is carrying on. Submitted my bundle in June, got so close, bad timing or what, could have really really done with the cash, getting married this Satarday, on the verge of cancelling honeymoon in Dominican Republic in light of recent news, what else can go wrong, perhaps Pete not turning up on Saturday! On the bright side, when the OFT wins.... we'll get all our money back with loads more interest. April.
  2. Hi Steven Had probs with my pc, just found out the good news, congrats, well done. April.
  3. April7

    April7 V Abbey

    Thanks Steven, A couple of days ago, I got myself into a right tizz, I looked and read, and looked and read, until it hit me, "documents", and the penny dropped. Although the Judge did'nt strike out, he's not a bad old stick. April
  4. April7

    April7 V Abbey

    Maybe I'm adding too much. My notice says: Each party shall deliver to every other party and to the court office copies of all documents (including any witness report) on which he intends to rely on. Can someone please help.I've copied and pasted so much,I've confused myself beyond belief. April
  5. April7

    April7 V Abbey

    Thanks Adam, the other docs you mentioned are ready to go. Its just that some of the reports I mentioned in the last post are so long, surely not all the pages are required. A rough calculation, 300 pages, I dont know if you can buy an envelope large or strong enough to handle it. April.
  6. April7

    April7 V Abbey

    Got my court date for September, I presume that the judge did not Strike out the defence and has ignored the Draft Order. This being the case, I'll get my Court Bundle ready as follows: Basic court bundle downloaded from site. OFT report Analysis. Consumer Law Centre Victoria. Will the 2 page media release do, or do I need the full report. Transcript of Peter Mc's interview even though he worked for Lloyds. Early Day Motion BBC Moneybox Ulster- All of it or just pages? Scottish- " OFT 2006 " T&C Have I forgotten anything? April
  7. Looks like we'll be reading Reka WON. The relief you'll feel, ahhhhhhhh, cant put that feeling into words. April.
  8. Hi Reka Could you please copy and paste 1998 T&C. I am having probs downloading it. Thanks April
  9. Thanks Robs, Woke up this morning dying to see if someone could help, but I had no time,with going to mass this morning, getting Sunday dinner, ironing uniforms etc. cant tell you how grateful I am, maybe my prayers have been answered, I will do as you suggest, god bless you. April.
  10. Hello Big I got the same letter from Northampton. Like you, I'm waiting for someone to answer my thread, I'm with Abbey. I have posted to ask: 1.Should I do nothing and wait for the court to send directions. 2.Send the letter Is your court dispensing with AQ. 3.The letter above and Garys abuse order letter. I'll watch your thread, maybe you'll get someone to respond. April.
  11. Thanks Rob, I did my claim on MCOL. Do you know was it the local court or Northampton who would send the AQ before Northampton dispensed with it. What would you send to the court if you were me. a) Nothing and wait for directions. b) Letter above only. c) Letter above+Garys. Any advice would help, I'm really sorry I started all this, I cant even open the achive for t&C for 1998. I'm really thinking of throwing in the towel,or maybe I'm just tired. April.
  12. Thanks for the responce this is what Northampton sent to me: Ist Page. A defence to this claim has been filed. Claim transfered to court where claiment lives. All further communications should be sent to my local court. 2nd page. Court of transfer judges name sitting at Northampton CC Without hearing It is ordered that:- 1. Judge filing of an allocation questionnaire be dispensed with in this case unless the district: At the court of transfer orders otherwise. Note: Any party affected by this order may under rule 3.3(5) apply to have it set aside, varied ot stayed. Such a party must apply under rule 23.3 within 14 days of service of this order. The letter I was intending to sent to my local court: It is noted that in my case referenced above that the Allocation Questionnaire has been dispensed with. I am aware that this is likely due to the large volume of claims that consumers are bring against the high street banks. I am also aware that to date the banks have failed to defend a case in the courts and that they often use the court process to extend and delay the period of time within which they deal with these matters satisfactorily. In light of this the Claimant respectfully suggests that special directions may be made as per the enclosed draft order. The Claimant believes the proposed directions will further the Overriding Objectives in that they identify the most fundamental issues in dispute (as detailed below), and allow them to be assessed in advance of any hearing so that this claim may proceed justly and expeditiously. - The crux upon which this claim rests is the true loss suffered by the Defendant as a result of the contractual breach from which its charges arise. If the Defendant cannot substantiate the cost of each charge as proportionate to its loss incurred, it has charged contractual penalties contrary to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 and common law principles established since the early 1900's. - In the event that the Defendant's charges were accepted as being a fee for a service (which is refuted), examination of its true costs is required to determine whether the price is reasonable as required by the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. The Claimant believes that if the Defendant has the serious intention of defending this claim at trial as is indicated by its defence, that it is incumbent on it to disclose such information. Further, the proposed directions are already routinely ordered in claims of this nature in the Mercantile Court in London, as well as in small claims track cases in Leicester, Derby, Chesterfield, Northampton and Mansfield County Courts. As the law relating to contractual penalties is long established, the Claimant believes the outstanding issues to be of fact. Accordingly, the Claimant respectfully requests that this claim be allocated to the small claims track, and estimates that the hearing of the claim should last no longer than one hour. Yours faithfully, [name] enc: Draft Order Unless I'm misunderstanding the point of this, Is'nt it supposed to stop abbey asking for a stay in the first place. Please correct me, I really am confused. Thanks April
  13. Hello Northampton are transfering my case to my local court. Can you please confirm that I must now send the following letter to my local court that begins: It is noted that in my case referenced above that the Allocation Questionnaire has been dispensed with. I am aware that this is likely due to the large volume of claims that consumers are bring against the high street banks etc. And the draft order. Is that all.
  14. sorry panic over found the answers for myself. Unless I'm wrong all I send to my local court now is the polite letter and the draft order. The abuse order and the other bits are sent if abbey request a stay. I'm I right? correct me if I'm wrong, cos this is what I'm posting. April
  15. Northampton are transferring my case to my local court.letter says. Without hearing it is ordered that judge filing of an AQ be dispensed with in this case unless the District. At the court of transfer orders otherwise. Do I have now send the following to my court, or do I have to wait for something else to arrive before I send them, If I dont have to send them now, what do I send, I'm I being too hasty, goodness, I dont know. Help please. 1.Abbey abuse order 2.List of Settled cases 3.Lincoln County Court 4.Mullen v Hackney BC 5.Draft Order. Also I cant view the achive for Abbeys Terms and Conditions for 1998. My PC needs achiving, can someone please open it,copy, paste and forward it on to me. Thanks so much April.
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