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  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. All my moneys back in my account in full!!!!!! - I also messed up and charged them 17.9% interest instead of 8% and they've paid it!! Thanks to all who've helped and this site as a whole. Luv Jxxxx
  4. PS They had already refunded over £300 over the years I banked with them leaving the total at just over £600, the rest is interest!!
  5. I have received a cheque for £998.25!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to everyone on this site. Luv Jxxxxxxxxxxx
  6. NatWest acknowledged the claim but did not enter a defence. I therefore understand it as they must pay me, but they haven't. I rang Sir Freds PA and was told that I would get a call back but haven't. What do I do now? Luv Jxxx
  7. I have started this as a seperate thread as had no response when asked on original thread and need to return forms to court: Form from court has arrived and I would be grateful if anyone can advise me where I can look to read threads of people who have actually been to court as I can't find any. (May be looking with eyes closed but am on limited time as on 15 min work break and internet at home not working til end July!! ). Questions on the form that I'm unsure of are: D. Are there any witnesses that I'm going to call? Its not a joint account so I presume not. E. Experts - Do I want permission to use an experts report at the hearing? If so, who is this expert and how do I go about obtaining his report? G. Other information - is there anything that I should include in this box? Thank you fabulous people. Luv Jxx
  8. Form from court has arrived and I would be grateful if anyone can advise me where I can look to read threads of people who have actually been to court as I can't find any. (May be looking with eyes closed but am on limited time as on 15 min work break and internet at home not working til end July!! ). Questions on the form that I'm unsure of are: D. Are there any witnesses that I'm going to call? Its not a joint account so I presume not. E. Experts - Do I want permission to use an experts report at the hearing? If so, who is this expert and how do I go about obtaining his report? G. Other information - is there anything that I should include in this box? Thank you fabulous people. Luv Jxx
  9. Unfortunately I'm going to be offline until end of July as have changed broadband provider. I am on my Dads pc but he lives 150 miles away and all my claim details are at home. I will pop in to the library and update when I can. Luv Jxxx
  10. Hi, Lloyds have entered a defence. I know that on Martins Lewis's website he says to sit tight and wait for a form from the courts to fill in and post back to them. Does anyone know how long this takes to come through? and what happens next? Any tips on filling in the form when it comes through? Thanks, Jxxx
  11. Sorry if I'm not allowed to do this, but I have copied and pasted the below from Martin Lewis's website: "in the rare event it does enter a defence, just do nothing. The next thing that will happen is that you will receive a Court Allocation Questionnaire - fill this in (very simple and very quick) and return it to the court (you must do so within 7 days of receiving it). Pay any additional fees at this point. Send a photocopy of the questionnaire to the bank - it is debatable whether you need to do this or not, but it's better to be safe than sorry over the price of a stamp. The court will now set a date (if the bank hasn't already given your money back by this point - and most will have done). Some (actually only one has ever got this far) might actually attempt to win in court - they may claim that the charges are for an extra ser
  12. Well they had their chance.... claim no. 6QZ35004 FINGERS CROSSED
  13. I would not accept a cheque for that amount whether it was interim or not as I believe that (as you say) it is an admission of guilt and they know that they are in hot water. I think that if you refuse this offer, the next offer that they make will be for the full amount. However, if you decide to accept this as an interim payment, I would just put something like whats below (I'm no expert though so would get second opinion - and maybe a third/fourth): "Re: Your ref. (what ever the reference no. at top of their solicitors letter is) Thank you for your letter dated *****. Unfortunately, I am unable to accept your offer of £2,200 as payment in full and final settlement of my claim. I maintain my claim for £5*** and seek to recover the full amount from your client. I am, however, prepared to accept a cheque for the amount of £2,200 as an interim payment. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance. Yours sincerely," How far did you get with the court proceedings before you got an offer? Good Luck, Luv Jxx
  14. Mr Higley had the following to say: "I am sorry to disappoint you but we will not be making any further refund of charges. You deem these charges to be unlawful yet our opinion is to the contrary. I have noted your proposed action and alerted our lawyers and litigation department to expect your claim. Incidentally, it is today that the banks are to respond to the OFT statement of 5 April and whilst I have no knowledge of what it likely to be declared, I suspect that the events will be widely reported in the Media. Thank you for writing." So I guess my next step is money claim online Why do they push us to such drastic actions to get back what they shouldn't have taken in the first place?
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