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Everything posted by pinkduchess

  1. sunraythroughmiseralbility ..........is a sign that change for the better is on its way dipinchonger
  2. I downloaded open office today & it seems perfect for what i need so I'm really pleased thanks all!
  3. painkillers that dont seem to be touching the pain i need killing....but do send me to sleep during the day...hence being wide awake now!
  4. recently got a new laptop. tried to download office 2003 but it wouldnt let me activate it as the licence quota had been used. ok fair enough searched around for an alternative & came across software4students....offering office 2010 for less than £40!! I would qualify as my daughter is still at school. Has anyone used them? Is it safe to buy this way? Also what about open office? do you have to be online to use this? Its free but would you recommend it over ms office? And can it open words docs? any thoughts appreciated
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