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  1. hi,am still awaiting backdated statements from BOS and have only a few days left until the 40 days are up. Am planning on lodging a complaint with the information commissioner but have no idea how to get in touch! does anyone have a contact address/website for them? thanks!
  2. just wondering if anyone else is hearing nothing from BOS at the moment? sent my first letter requesting my charges back 7days ago,heard nothing yet (only 7 to go before i send my letter before action!) but also havent actually received my requested statements yet(got my backdated charges off my online banking for the past 2years though)-and that letter was sent 30 days ago...looks like i may be complaining to the information commissioner about them! anybody else having same problems? i reckon they're getting backlogged now with all the letters they are receiving-but i dont care,its not my problem!!!
  3. Ok, quick update-sent my letter off to BOS HQ today claiming back my charges for the statements i have (which go back about 3 years), im a bit nervous at thought of it going to the small claims stage although i realise it probably will! Fingers crossed!
  4. thanks everyone! I have almost all my information gathered together now to send them-have put charge details into a spreadsheet showing the date and amount taken from my account and have my letter typed ready to go- my next question is- where do i send the letter to for the quickest response? My local branch or an HQ office?
  5. hi there,have just joined forum today as im sure im going to need some help in reclaiming my charges! About two and a half weeks ago i sent a letter (and cheque) to BOS requesting backdated statements, the cheque was cashed ASAP by them but i still hadnt received my statements, so called the bank to enquire when i would receive them-i was told that apparently some "information regarding my account had gone missing and it could take up to 28days for me to receive the information". Is this an genuine excuse,or as i suspect,just the bank stalling for time?!
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