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Everything posted by ds1997

  1. This topic was closed on 11 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Does anybody know how to procced outside the small claims. We've been offered £1065 by BOS but they owe us £3800+. I don't want to go throught the £750 at a time route, partially because they have offered more than that and partiallly because I feel it's a test of will( they are aware of how difficult this is for people like us). They made our lives hell last yr when they withdrew my husbands overdraft without notice, and took all his salary to pay it off! We weren't even over the limit at the time!This left us with no funds to live on for one month, and we had no time to prepare ourselves for such a situation, they told us to 'borrow money from a family member!' Great customer care eh?! Thy denied the fact that he had rang to renew the facility (not true) and said that they had the right to downgrade an account wheneever they wanted, apparently they had downgraded it some months earlier but didn't let us know, (so why send a letter asking him to renew his overdraft?) their reason was that the account had been overdrawn in the past (yes largely dure to OD charges). In order to survive this we were forced to extend our mortgage repayment period by 7yrs (more money to them). I had to borrow money on an ordinary overdraft despite the fact that I was a full time student, they said I couldn't have a student account but didn't have to give a reason why. Two weeks ago after several complaints and requests for our money back they wrote offering me a student account- I finish uni on th 7th June! Cheek! I feel they have been actively pushing us into more debt for the purpose of excessive profit for years- I have managed to claw back £1,981 from them but won't settle for less than I believe we are due! Altogether they have had almost £6,000 in excessive charges on all our accounts plus all the extra income on remortgages, loans etc. That kind of money can make the difference between a reasonable existence and disaster! Sorry for the long mail but I feel so strongly about this! I'd love also to hear their disclosure/defence should it go to court! Cheers Dianne
  3. Sorry (I'm being dumb!) I misunderstood the last post. I can now see that you didn't sign anything, I assume that you just apply for the money in chunks relating to the oldest first and work your way forward. Cheers Dianne
  4. If you accecped full and final settlement and I presume you had to sign something agreeing this? doesn't that mean you can't pursue them for any more money? If not, then couldn't I accept their offer and pursue them in court for the rest? Hope I'm making myself clear enough. Cheers Dianne
  5. Hi all Not sure what to do? Sent various letters to RBS/Halifax requesting a refund, they have now offered £1065 but they owe me £3800+. If I claim £750 at a time, it appears to the court that they have already offered me more than this. So what should I do? I'm in Scotland with an account at a Scottish bank. I don't think it's possible to claim through Halifax Leeds address....is it? Any ideas welcome. Dianne
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