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Everything posted by hijinkx

  1. Hi - I have now been awarded a partial rebate on my excess loan charges . They have sent a Final offer letter and cheque even prior to me accepting their proposal ! They included a nominal goodwill payment but no statutory interest on these 8 plus year old charges. I have written back asking for the interest and not as yet banked their cheque. I assume I am correct in claiming this interest ?
  2. Hi Again - I have just had a number of statements sent to to me as part of my SAR from Welcome. I have a number of charges listed and I wonder which I can legitimately claim back. I did not take out any PPI or Accident cover on any of my loans.so will this affect my ability to reclaim? I list the types of charges below - Acceptance Fees Product 881, Conversion/Default fee, Mortgage Indemnity Fee Prod 882, Acceptance Fees 882, Unpaid DD/Cheque Fee. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Hi - I am still awaiting my SAR back , but from what I have read Capitalisation in Welcome speak is simply interest, which they add randomly. It is added prior to any repayment you make. I guess if you had PPi or any other insurance policy the Capitalisation would be incorrect as they were charging you interst on the PPI etc. However better brains on here may know if they concocted another means to extort extra funds out of " Capitalisation" which I too would be keen to hear about.
  4. Hi - I will scrutinize the statements once in my possession and seek further guidance then. With many thanks.
  5. Hi Mr Z. No still waiting for a reply , but would appreciate knowing what costs are recoverable if you have such experience. Many thanks.
  6. Further to my last post has anyone got advice as to what other "wrongly applied" charges can be reclaimed from Welcome, outside of insurance policies ? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  7. Hi - I have just sent off a SAR to Welcome Finance to their Nottingham address with a £10 unsigned postal order. I did not take out ppi cover on any my loans I believe ( as I wished to keep the monthly payments down) but you never know if one pops up , that I failed to spot. What I would like some advice on is what other charges should I be looking for within the data I get back that have been unfairly levied and can be reclaimed. Inevitably I expect there to be late payment charges and extra interest. Apart from a small personal loan outstanding all my earlier secured loans have been cleared. If I do have a legitimate claim will/can they use this refund to clear the small current debt Any advice would be gratefully received.
  8. Hi - very belatedly I am to get a very small refund for the keyman insurance taken out. A moral victory but not very remunerative. But a win is a win. Many thanks.
  9. Hi Ims- Thank you, the Agreement had within it a Second Schedule which identified it as PPI , although it was Key Man. I think you are right, had i been told it was straight life insurance which I had in place I would n't have taken it. Interestingly the later Agreements taken out in Blackhorse offices were PPi ones. This original one was taken out in a dealership. So many thanks . Hijinkx
  10. Sorry looking at this I feel I should clarify what I am looking for . If I have had additional charges added to my original agreement ( ie Key Man Insurance) paid up front with interest added , does this add up to miss selling ?
  11. This was taken out in 1993 and so is under the FLA and not a body I have any faith in !
  12. Hi - I think we are talking at cross purposes. When I called Blackhorse in May this year they told me about the agreements I had with them and which had payment protection. They said this had but have rejected my complaint twice on the basis of self employment. I knew not what it was this year as it was such a long time ago. Now I believe the grounds for complaint are still valid but not self employment. Is the fact it was added up front with interest added not reason enough ?
  13. Hi- I was told it was ppi and it was only when I got the policy details this morning did I realise it was life/disabilty cover. So claiming as I did on the basis of self employment was not the correct strategy. Do I have any basis of complaint now do you think ?
  14. Hi - I was told it was PPi by Blackhorse, and it was added as an additional cost on the agreement paid up front with interest attached to it. Is this not ppi under a different name and the fact it was unnecessary as I had life cover ? Thanks .
  15. Hi - This policy was added to my original agreement as a Second Schedule of Charges - Amount of Credit 129.60 Total Charge for Credit 25.20 Total amount payable £154.80, APR 12.6% in Dec 1993. The policy is for Life Cover, Accidental Death, Disability Cover , but not I guess for unemployment as I was self employed. I tried to reclaim it because I was self employed , but perhaps I was covered. So should my claim have been based on different grounds ie that it was added as an up front complete charge with interest . Can someone tell me now how I should best proceed , as self employment is not I imagine a foolproof reason ? Many thanks - Hijinkx
  16. Hi Sorry the link above to my Insurance Cover didnt come out for the Mod to have a look at. I hope this does , it will need zooming in to see it properly. http://s19.postimage.org/v29i3f7pf/ppi_certificate_001.jpg Many thanks - hijinkx
  17. Hi - I have had the SAR back but I cannot find much save for Evidence of Insurance, can some one tell me if this tells me I was or wasn't covered in my self employed status. [ATTACH=CONFIG]38407[/ATTACH]
  18. Hi - It was a business account and business loan. I did have a Factoring Agreement with Royscot Factors at the time and I just thought perhaps I could send them a SAR as all my bank details would have to be on that. Plus I just remembered too my Bank got a fat referral fee for getting me the factoring deal , so no remorse on my part. I guess they are duty bound to respond to a SAR even though they are not a bank but another type of financial institution. Thanks for the help.
  19. Hi All - I had a really old RBS account/loans.ppi but I do not have the account numbers. I know the branch , the names of the accounts and the relevent dates. These date back to 1987 - 1995. I sent a S.A.R in to Edinburgh and they sent me back info on my currently used accounts which clearly I know about , so I rewrote asking for the correct data and they said as it was over 10yrs old they did not have it and suggested I visit the old branch , which is where I started in the first place. I do appreciate these are ancient accounts but I cannot see why they do not possess this info. Any suggestions as to how I move forward would be appreciated. Many thanks:smile:
  20. Hi - Asking for the terms and conditions failed informally all I got back was a final statement. I phoned them once more and was told that was all they had on the system , strange that they can refute my claim with all this so called evidence but when I ask to see it none of it is forthcoming. So belatedly I have sent a S.A.R. in today to tease out this evidence, perhaps if they dont have it it may be a "home run" ? As it it will be my word against them or is this delusional too ? Incidentally many of my recorderd/signed for letters went astray as they get so many apparently , so it was suggested it was more reliable to fax them through. Just as well I have a bit of old technology in the corner - but really it makes you wonder !
  21. Hi . They are stating after two rejections they will not consider my claim. I have asked them for the T&Cs and await their response. Do I persist with Blackhorse ignoring their two strike rule or do I contact the F.L.A. for them to arbitrate and presumably wait for ever ? I recognise the letters I receive are standard rejection ones and it may be I have quote " not introduced anything new to change our original decision", suggesting that what I thought was indisputable grounds for complaint namely self employment they don't ! Any further guidance would be most welcome. Many thanks.
  22. Hi Thank you for your quick reply , they said " Exclusions - your status at point of sale confirmed in your application meant that you were not significantly affected by any of the exclusions or limitations associated with your PPi policy". I thought self employment precluded me claiming ? They imply in the letter that their are no grounds for complaint , which cannot be correct. My other up held complaint was achieved on the basis of redemption technicalities. Is there a foolproof way forward as they seem to have closed the door which I cannot accept given my self employed status. They have not used the fact that it is the dealers responsibility which is positive. They conclude by saying " My review has not highlighted any failings with the sale that would lead me to believe your decision to purchase the PPI policy would have changed". They suggest the FLA to appeal to but I feel inclined to pursue it with them directly, but I could do with a final knock out blow ! I thought self employment was such a blow ? Any thoughts . Thank you..
  23. Hi - Four weeks on and I have had my appeal letter turned down ,they said that I was eligible for the policy (which contradicts the normal assumption that self employment precludes a claim being made) and the costs were explained to me . Are there further routes I can consider to appeal with. The other claims they upheld was due to the way they calculate the rebate as the loans finished early. They did not accept there were issues with the way the loans were sold , so them paying out was on a technicality. I had assumed that because they settled the later loans they would do the same with the earlier one. I wish to appeal once more with BH rather than using The Leasing Association ombudsman, but I need to have grounds which will be effective. Can anyone help with a revised strategy. Many thanks.
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