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  1. Hiya Lex Phone calls are from Link Financial. The bailiff that came on sat was from Burlington Credit
  2. oh gosh i have just put my phone on and had two missed calls from them today hund dogs
  3. sailor sam yes i did this following advice last week maybe on tue and found that i had people driving up our colidsack who had no reason to be there looking down my drive and then on sat the bailiffs turned up to take my car
  4. dx im not too sure what you are asking me to do here and im too stressed to learn a new skill right now Hire P agreement Nov 2008 bought the car Cost £139.44.99 less part exchange £4000.00 Net balance £9944.99 Balance payable £10,810.28 22 payments @ £136.97 followed by optional final purchase £7,513.00 All paid for and my ford credit annual account statement is DD Normal Nov/Jan 2010/2011 new HP agreement Total amount of credit £7,513.00 Balance of amount payable £10,550.20 Term agreement 58mths @ £172.17 Statement of account from 07/02/2011 to 07/01/2012 DD normal REV DD NORMAL FEE ASSESSMENT DD LATE CHARGE yet all paid up one letter from ford in nv 2011 with an outstanding amount due; thats it Then issued with a letter from IDR finance dated 2nd april 2012 Sale of your debt total liability outstanding is £8,356.32 and as a result of my default, the hereby terminate the hiring and the agreement forthwith They state the will * either RECOVER THE VEHICLE for sale at AUCTION (you will be liable for any short fall); or * recover the full balance by enforcement of a JUDGEMENT on an ASSES or PROPERTY you may own or * Instruct BAILIFFS to seize goods up to value of the debt. Im scared and think this is so unfair
  5. They told me that i have paid 20% of my second agreement, they dont take the first one into account. I will have to pull the info out and get back to you in a mo
  6. Oh thanks for your support ppl; ok i have not got my car here as i am scared out of my witts and its at a friends house which i causing me a great deal of stress. I can not keep paying for my hp because i stopped the dd with ford and now i dont know what or where i can pay it now or i would do. Ford have said to me that they dont have my account anymore eeekkk. I have turned my phone off as the calls made from link are upsetting me. Link have not taken me to court as yet but they said that they didnt need too as my car is their property. What is DCA please? I have only missed two payments which was in dec and jan nothing else
  7. Hiya folks please help; I have a car which i bought with ford in 2008 the original hp loan was drawn up whereby i paid for the car for a said time and at the end of the term contract i could pay the outstanding amount, give the car back or draw up another contract. I drew up anther contract and im in my 20% term. My circumstances changed and i was unable to pay two months; thus im two months behind. I did notify Ford of my circumstances and i said that i would rectifiy the cituation asap; thus dec and jan didnt get paid yet feb and march did. However Ford sold my debt onto another firm being Link Financial, when i received their letters i got on to them straight away stating that i would pay the outstanding amount and that i was in a position to carry on paying my monthly due amount without any problems. Link said that they were not interested and that they wanted the full amount or they would be coming to pick up my car. After a number of phone calls a guy from Link gave me till the 8th May to pay the outstanding amount of monies, great a little bit of breathing space i thought. Whilst I have been trying to raise the funds they require £8500 they sent a bailiff round to my house sat just gone to pick up my car. My car was not here and i didnt tell him where it was and said to him that i had an agreement with link that i had till the 8th May to raise the funds. I phoned link there and then and they still were not of any help and they said to me if i dont tell them where the car is then they would take me to court. I reriterated that I had been given till the 8th May and asked why they had turned up to take my car and he never gave me an answer and just carried on asking me where my car was. I didnt disclose where it was and stood by the agreement that was made and said that they would have to take me to court. Since sat i have had a number of phone calls from link but i havent answered them as im now ill, stressed and sick with worry. I feel jailed in my own home and freek out everytime a car comes down our coldisack. I dont know what to do from here. I am awaiting to hear about a loan but not confident that i will get it. I dont know where else to ask for one as my credit is up to my max. Please help!
  8. Hiya Im going through the same sort of situation with Link. My hp was with ford and i missed two payments and ford have passed the debt onto link and link have informed me that they want the money of £8500.00 of which i do not have. I told them that i missed two payments of £172.00 and that i was in a position to pay that off and to continue my usual payments but they just do not want to know and this sat they sent a bailiff round to pick up my car. My car was not here and i didnt say where it was as i had a verbal contract with someone from link to try and find the monies by the 8th of may 2012. Now im being hounded by a number of phone calls a day from link of which i havent answered. Link do not write to you they just phone you; this is a very strange way of dealing with customers. I dont know what to do but scared!..... How did you get on? Is there anyone else who can offer some help please
  9. hiya I bought the car in 2008 with ford, 1st agreement was set up for two/three years of which when i finished that i could give the car back or retake a new agreement which i did. My head is a mess right now so im finding this hard; my plate is a 58, bought new in the nov 08. I think i renewed the agreement in nov 10/11. having looked at my bank statements i have missed two payments in dec and jan this year. they have had feb and march, then i found that they (Ford) have sold the debt to link f. I have phoned them a number of times and e-mailed them. I got hold of them today and said that i could pay £50 a week and they said that they could not offer me a payment agreement and that they would be picking my car up in three weeks 8th may if i havent paid them the monies i owe.
  10. Im in trouble big time and link financial have given me three weeks to find £9000 to pay my car off or they will be coming to take it away from me and they have stated that they dont need a court order to do so. I dont want to loose my car, i offered to pay the dept at £50.00 a week and they said NO! I have missed two payments in total to Ford and passed my account onto Link. Gosh I feel sick can anyone give me some help on what to do as i can not get £9000
  11. Hi, getting ready to rock and roll with this! Sounds great and at the end I intend too put MY MONEY!!!!!! to good use ha ha, i.e my mates and I are off skiing, yippie
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