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militant minky

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  1. **HELP PLEASE** Could someone please advise me.. On the 18th MAY 2007 I sent mt LBA to barclays. On the 30th may I received a settlement letter offering half. On the 31st may I replied to that letter declining that offer. Giving barclays 10day to return the full fund before starting the Court Claim. Since then I have not submitted the court claim for personal reasons. Have I missed my opportunity to make the claim or should I write to barclays again requesting settlement before making my claim through the Small Claim Track.?? Please Help!! :o
  2. Fellows, has anyone advised you about a directions hearing. Do you know what there for ?
  3. Just received a bit of a shock. I sent my Preliminary Request for payment on the 26/04/07. With no reply. I then sent my Letter Before Action on the 19th may and today I have received a letter for half the ammount I'm claiming. I'm abit shocked because I haven't even registered with MCOL yet. Is this standard or is the tide turning. Of course I will be rejecting the offer for full payment however I thought they only made this offer once you have registered with the courts. Any thoughts?
  4. Sent Preliminary Request For payment off today recorded delivery.
  5. Hi digger, Yes that one of the charges they are allowed to make. It's for the privilege of them letting you bank with them.
  6. femaletaffy i think you would have to word it something like this on the N1 ?) The claimant has requested that the defendant makes clear the costing for the charges debited against the account for the purported breaches of contract on the part of the claimant. The defendant has refused to disclose this information and deliberatly concealed this fact which is relevant to the claiments case. The defendant is in breach of section 32 (1(a)) of the Limitations Act ???? and therefore all documented charges levied against the claimant are claimed for. You should get a second (or 3rd, 4th 5th) opinion on this before adding it to cover the fact that the claim is beyond 6 years. Hope it helps (Please get a second opinion before adding it)
  7. Hi manni, You should send the DPA Non-compliance letter by Recorded delivery!! Do not wait any longer if you are not firm with them they will use this against you when making settlement offers. Remember send recorded delivery to their head office address but for good measure take one in to the same branch that you took you original letter into. Dont worry about the court process the evidence that is required is all factual and is not reliant on your opinion or you convincing a judge. hope that helps Minky.
  8. Could someone please answer a question. I am about to send in my Preliminary Approach for Repayment. Does it need to be ammended because I am claiming all my bank charges back since 1997 or do I still use the standard PAR.:? Cheers!!
  9. Hi Changeling. Don't worry about the court system at all. By the sounds of you you will never get into a court room. Are you claiming for just 6 years or are you goining to back further as bankfodder has suggested?
  10. Thanks for your comments fitzos WOW. I have just finished calculating the money i'm owed from barclays and without interest it's new windows !!!!(with interest it's also a deposite for a new M/Bike). I have taken bankfodders advice and calculated the money from when the statements started 1995. I will double checking them tomorrow before I send off my request. I have 3 accounts all in my name. I have calculated them individually but I am claiming for them all together. Could someone confirm if this is correct. I've a minging headache so I am now off to bed to dream about new windows and a bike. LOL
  11. I received my statements yesterday. Wow theres so many. I will be starting the task of calculating what they owe me at the weekend. I have a feeling this is going to be a very long task.
  12. I have recieved the standard reply from Barclays on 22 February entitled Data Protection Act...I shall be sending them a reminder letter on the 20th day just to keep their momentun up.
  13. Today I have Sent my Subject Access Request, recorded delivery. I have photocopied the original letter that I sent. I must say the it look very impressive with the CAG stickers on the Letter and the evvelope. I have also orderd the Small Claims Procedure book to day although looking through the comments on other threads. I probably won't get my day in court, unfortunately !!!!!
  14. Hello, Reading the many threads on this and other web sites I have been truly inspired to to start my own proceeding towards cliaming back the unlawful charges levied against my accounts and me. I am awaiting the stickers advertised on this site to arrive before starting the ball rolling and sending in the Data Request Form. I applaud the founder of this webb site and the numerous active supporters for their freely given time and advice and hope that I will be able to draw on the experiance of thoes who have gone before me and support those who are yet to start in the true spirit of the little people fighting back. I will of course keep people up to date with my progress but may I thank you for the inspiration you have already given me to take up this challange.
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