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  1. Just found out that I have gone over my overdraft this weekend and that I will be charged tomorrow for it. Very angry about this, I have claimed back their charges before and want to do so again. I have spoke to them tonight, several times, but they will not refund or cancel the charge due to be applied. Any advice please? Thanks
  2. I went ahead anyways. Full refund of £24.
  3. The lender called me today to discuss my borrowing. I explained that I had contacted TS who said I should refuse to pay the £100 they added. I argued the case using the information and arguments given in this thread. They agreed to reduce the £100 fee to £15 which I accepted. I will now be making my final payment next month which clears my balance with them. Thanks very much for all the help in this thread, I'm sure someone else in a similar situation with these sort of lenders will find it useful. Matthew
  4. Thanks again, I have cancelled the bank card now, and rang the lender to ask to pay by standing order. They said they are sending me a form out. Maybe they are sending me a DD mandate? I always thought it was at my end the SO was set up I have PM'ed you for your email address so I can email you my credit agreement thanks matthew
  5. Thank you very much lookinforinfo for your helpful reply. Yes that is the case if i wanted to reduce the debt it had to be done in multiples of £100. They are no longer using my cheques as I cancelled the cheque book with my bank. They have changed the rules to get me to pay £40 per month, but have slapped £100 onto the amount I owe for this. I have been paying £40 per month on my payday using my bank card. Despite me asking them not to keep my card details they keep them and take £40 on my payday. Last payday they took £60 because I could only afford £20 the month before. I have spoke to my bank and can cancel the the bank card whenever I like. They also made me sign a direct debit mandate so they could collect payment if all else fails, but apparently I can cancel DD under the DD guarantee. At the moment they are not adding interest onto the amount. I have just noticed where it says about the % interest INTEREST will be charged at a rate of %on the credit provided, calculated at 20.00%ofthe face value of the cheque payable in advance. The Interest Rate may be varied when any change is made to the Bank Rate and notice will be given to the customer in writing. In the paragraph above (from the credit agreement) there is a blank next to the first % sign, they did not write anything there. (I was emailed the credit agreement by the way) It then says THE APR in respect of this service is 1413.1 They do not use a % sign in the line above. Also the credit agreement is not signed by them before I signed it. The creditors name is in a computer font that looks like handwriting.
  6. Just got a couple of questions... When I break the news to them that they're not getting £100 of the money I think there's a high chance they could get a debt collection agency to do their dirty work. Where do I stand In refusing to pay the DCA? If they get a DCA should I take the lender to court? Also, I will soon be moving address and intend on not keeping them updated, will this be frowned upon by any courts, or will it be seen as reasonable given the circumstances? Any advice would be greatly appreciated Matthew
  7. Thanks sequenci I contacted local trading standards, they said pay the £400 you owe but do not pay the £100 they added in 'interest' and say if they want me to pay it then they can take me to court where I will argue the terms of their agreement to be unfair and unclear. Matthew
  8. I made a mistake in my earlier post! The interest per month (to extend the loan) was £80 not £40. It was £20 per £100 lent. The way the loan works is... On each payday you can either: Pay back part of the loan in multiples of at least £100 Pay £20 per £100 to extend the lot to the next payday Therefore for my £400 loan they wanted me to pay £80 p/m just to carry the loan over to the next month! Do you know of any consumer body I can speak to in relation to this being extortionate Thanks Matthew
  9. They are not going to present the cheques as I have cancelled the cheque book. I am paying £40 a month comfortably and have paid half of the £500 back. My gripe is they added £100 on top of the £400 I owed when I cancelled the cheque book and told them I could only pay £40 p/m Is there anybody I can speak to for advice like oft? Matthew
  10. Some advice would be much appreciated Stupidly I took out a £400 loan with a cheque cashing company. I was paying £80 interest per month as an extension fee, or my cheques went to the bank. I could not keep on paying £80 per month and not reducing the debt so I cancelled my cheque book with the bank and phoned the creditor to say I could afford to pay £40 per month. I also informed them I was in financial difficulties. Their response was to add £100 onto the amount outstanding, meaning I am now repaying £500. Please can someone tell me if any of the terms in the credit agreement could be deemed unfair, and what action I can take, or what agencies could take action for me. (The text of the credit agreement below...) CREDIT AGREEMENT REGULATED BY THE CONSUMER CREDIT ACT 1974 Agreement No ****** Creditor: **************************************** Tel: **** *** *** IMPORTANT –YOU SHOULD READ THIS CAREFULLY –YOUR RIGHTS The Consumer Credit Act 1974 covers this Agreement and lays down certain requirements for your protection which must be satisfied when the Agreement is made. If they are not, the creditor cannot enforce this agreement against you without a court order. The Act also gives you a number of rights. You have the right to settle this Agreement at any time by giving notice in writing and paying off all amounts payable under this Agreement. If you would like to know more about the protection and remedies provided under the Act, you should contact either your local Trading Standards Department or your nearest Citizens’ Advice Bureau. FINANCIAL INFORMATION THE CREDIT LIMIT OF £100.00 may be varied to such sum as may be determined by the Creditor and notice of it will be given to the customer. INTEREST will be charged at a rate of %on the credit provided, calculated at 20.00%of the face value of the cheque payable in advance. The Interest Rate may be varied when any change is made to the Bank Rate and notice will be given to the customer in writing. REPAYMENT is by presentation of each cheque 30 days from the date of the cheque AMOUNT OF EACH REPAYMENT is equal to the value of each cheque THE APR in respect of this service is 1413.1 Signature for (or on behalf of) Creditor Date XXXXX 18/05/05 You may during the currency of the agreement: · receive advances on your cheques providing the total value not yet repaid is less than the Credit Limit. · within the terms set out in the Financial Information, select a different date for presentation of a cheque. You agree · that signature to this agreement acknowledges receipt of a true copy of the agreement · if your cheque is not honoured we may share information about you and your account with other lenders · to a creditor making a credit reference and fraud prevention Agency search which may be recorded by the Agency concerned and shared with other creditors and · the creditor may disclose to such agencies how you conduct your account · if you default or are suspected of fraud that other lenders may use this information about you and others with whom you are financially linked for credit assessment, debt tracing, and fraud and money laundering prevention. You have a right to be told which Agency we use to obtain from the Agency a copy of your file. You must tell us within 14 days if you change your name or address. We will require you to pay all our expenses and legal costs as follows: · if a direct debit or cheque is not honoured · the amount of any other losses or reasonable costs we incur (but are not limited to) for tracing you, notifying you of the breach, communicating with you about the breach and enforcing payment due under this Agreement. We may · end this agreement after giving you proper notice in writing if: o You fail materially to fulfil your obligations set out in any part of the agreement o You have given false information in connection with this agreement o You commit an act of bankruptcy (such as failing to pay a debt as ordered by a Court) · allow another person to take over our part of the agreement, that person will then take over all rights and responsibilities under the agreement · charge default interest on arrears as long as they are in arrears at the rate set out above. By signing this agreement you agree: · That the details you have given are true and complete; · To pay the Creditor the instalment as set out in the Financial Information; · To the Terms and Conditions below. We may use the details we have about you to provide you with information about other products or services offered by us or other persons. If you do not wish to receive this information please write to us at the above address or tick this box. This is a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Sign it only if you want to be legally bound by its terms. Signature of Customer Date of Signature Creditors copy (copy must be given to Customer) 73.1v3 Debtor Creditor Unrestricted Use Executed Running Account Non Cancellable (Adv) © CCAUK 2001. This agreement may not be copied or reproduced. THE CONSUMER CREDIT ASSOCIATION Promotes high standards of business and consumer relations in the home credit industry. The Association has over 800 full and associate members who range from large public limited companies to small firms providing cash loans or the sale of consumer goods or gift vouchers on credit and cheque encashment. The Association has a Code of Practice to which their members must subscribe. If you would like a copy of the Code of Practice or information about your rights as a consumer in relation to this agreement, contact: The Consumer Credit Association, Queens Road, Chester CH13BQ. Tel 01244 312 044 Fax 01244 318035
  11. I am in a similar position to fillim's daughter, Just spoke to rachael at w&h, who refused to refund me as I was offered a loan but declined it due to the ridiculous intrest rate. I am getting them to call me back so I am not paying for the phone call. It takes 20 mins to get through to customer services so they are paying for the call to a mobile Has anyone had the fee refunded?
  12. Today got a letter, full refund of all charges. Thanks must go to all who have helped in this thread and CAG as a whole. I will be making a donation to the site shortly Matthew
  13. i am a cumbrian im thinking about telling my mam to get her charges back from the cumberland !
  14. Hi, Last year I borrowed £400, a cash-til-payday loan secured against guaranteed cheques from paydayexpress.co.uk I was unable to pay the £40 per month (10% extension fee, or they bank my cheques for £400). I called them to tell them I was in financial difficulties and arranged to pay £40 a month so the loan was paid off within a year. However the next week they had added £100 interest, is there any way I can contest this or am I bound over by the credit agreement i signed. I have already asked them to cancel this lump of interest but they refused. A similar situation also applies to a £300 loan from moneyshop Any suggestions welcome Thanks Matthew
  15. I think i might wait until my debts are paid off until I claim back for this one then! Thanks nattie
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