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  1. Checked my account this morning and at long last HSBC have refunded my charges. The whole process was much easier than i thought except for the slight hiccup at the end. Thanks to all who helped. ROOKA:)
  2. Have just spoken to the HSBC service Quality Department and they assure me that refund should show in my account tomorrow..........fingers crossed. They said the delay was down to me amending the account number on the acceptance letter which is true but only because they had printed the wrong one. Still doesn't explain why i had no reply to emails i sent them.
  3. Thanks for the advice , it's very much appreciated.I checked my account this morning and still no sign of any refund.Working this afternoon so won't be able to post letter til tomorrow am.In the meantime i'll try by phone. Will keep you posted. Thanks:)
  4. This is the post from "jonni2bad" which i mentioned contained the "full and final" phrase. ............................................................................................. Rejecting Offers Having sent your request for repayment you may receive a 'full and final' offer of settlement which is likely to be less than the amount you have requested. This may also be with the actual payment itself by cheque, or they may make a payment directly into your account. If this happens, send letter 1 shown below which will clarify your position of having rejected the sum as a 'full and final' settlement, but at the same time will allow you to accept it only as a partial payment towards your whole claim. It is important to remember that if the offer has further conditions attached then you should use letter 2 below. In all likelihood, the bank will withdraw their offer or simply not reply - in which case proceed with your claim within the timescales you have previously set. If they have sent you a cheque and you do not receive clarification from the letters below, you should return the cheque to the bank and either tear the cheque in two, or write CANCELED very clearly over the cheque. ********** If their offer letter arrives very close to the expiry of your LBA (perhaps within a couple of days) and is for less than the full amount you should read this letter very carefully. * If this offer is clearly marked as being FULL AND FINAL they have effectively denied your claim. In such circumstances use letter 3 below. *If this offer is NOT called FULL AND FINAL then you have a duty to mitigate your losses and continue with negotiations. This might be rather annoying, but you have to be aware of the danger of being seen by a Judge as having rushed into Litigation. In such circumstances use letter 4 below. You should give enough opportunity for the bank to respond to you one final time. There is no set figure that would apply for this timescale so I will suggest a further 10 days from their receipt (count 2 working days from postage). If it is easier for you, just consider waiting 2 weeks.
  5. No i hadn't yet filed a claim.I had sent a LBA and was getting close to deadline when i received this offer letter.As it was only £100 or so short of what i was after i accepted.I have sent a polite email to HSBC service team but as yet no reply. If i don't hear by tomorrow i'll have to send another LBA i guess?
  6. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone could give some advice as i am really stuck as what to do next. I started procedings against HSBC for a refund of bank charges to the tune of £1455.I followed advice given in the forum and sure enough i received a letter offering £1309.Not the full amount but pretty near so i accepted and signed the accompanying acceptance letter. I have however not had a reply or been refunded any charges and more than the stated 7 working days have passed in which they said the transfer would take place. It is then that i read the post "REJECTING OFFERS" in whichit mentions the often used phrase "Full and Final" ,it then dawned on me i may have made a mistake. This is an extract from the letter i was sent "We are however mindful of the management time and irrecoverable legal costs that it may incur in relation to such a claim.For those commercial reasons alone,and without any admission of liability whatsoever,we are prepared to make a payment to you for the sum of £1309 in full and final settlement of this matter......" It then goes on to say "If you accept this proposal please sign and return the enclosed acceptance form within ten working days and we will arrange for a refund to be made to you.Please allow seven working days for your account o be credited following receipt of your acceptance by ourselves." Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards Rooka
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