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Everything posted by ajd01

  1. Brilliant, I never avoided as such and never do avoid paying any debts but these clowns wanted to play silly games when we were trying to come to arrangements originally and made life difficult..so I will smile about this. Thank you for the advice again.
  2. Thanks dx, So sit and wait. Will they re apply the default and if they do can they do it or do they have to apply for anything legally. Again thanks.
  3. Hi, the company is capital recoveries, sending in my wife's name and yes for a short fall. They don't seem to have sent mine yet..lol.. As i said it is a long story which I did post at the time on here when going through the repossession, Kensington claiming they only had fax and not email etc and just making things difficult when we moved away I made things awkward for them explaining I won't be able to forward anything as I don't have fax..yes I know I should have but they put us through a difficult time and didn't make things easy. Why would it have been removed from the credit reports within 5 years though, this is what I don't understand. And to collect on it now would they need to re-apply for anything. I don't deny I must owe something....
  4. Hi, Myself and partner went through a home repossession in May 2015 and it always showed on my credit reports. After the repossession we moved abroad till last Feb when we returned to the UK .We didn't have any contact with mortgage lender while abroad, long story but they made things very difficult before whilst we tried to not have the property not repossessed which I won't go in to at the moment. I noticed last November time the repossession was removed from credit reference agencies and does not show anymore under defaults or repossessions. But also since around 3 weeks ago we have a 2 letters from a collection company saying they are collecting on their behalf..which I will respond to with a letter template I found on here referring to the sale of property etc. 1st question is why would the record be removed from credit files an 2nd can it be put back once removed. Thanks in advance
  5. Cheers to both of you on this. dx100uk..if you had heard the phone call you would laugh..i told him I don't wear a red nose so don't treat me like a clown.Also told them they wouldn't get a penny as they can't show or explain to me where this debt has appeared from...dates. So I'm guessing what you are saying is place them letters in the bin Again thanks for the replies london1971 & dx100uk
  6. Not yet as lowell said they would send for all breakdowns and forward on..ill send this week. The bit that confuses me the most is saying there is a default registered.surely I would see it if there was on one the CRASH I mentioned above.Somid there is no default surely it isn't even enforceable...or am I wrong there?? Apart from the fact I have no knowledge of any debt until this letter last month
  7. OK quick up date on this and more advice needed. So I sent a letter to as advised by dx100uk to lovell and they have replied,I did also call them and recorded the call as advised. I'll breakdown what they have said and then what I think. So they claim a default was issued in August 2016. They say the debt is enforceable for 6 years from then I check equifax,experian and also clearscore...I have no defaults at all They claim the prepayment meter was last used January 2014 Again impossible as this would mean we never used the gas fire for 15 months,we moved out in May 2015. They are asking for proof of when we moved away from the property My thoughts are that I do not need to supply them anything.They have bought a supposed debt so surely they can provide what I asked for..the exact time the debt occurred as they must know or why would you by it? Do I just ignore? I'm guessing they can't just add a default now? Also if there was default would it be on any of them CRAs I have always checked. They say they've put the account on hold for 30 days Any advice Thanks in advance
  8. Brilliant, thanks for all the replies really did think it was a strange one I'll just send a letter of to them Appreciated
  9. Thanks bankfodder, Should contact npowwr or just go straight to lowell. I'm guessing this debt they are trying to charge for,although well above what it would be is for the period of may-september but as I said we had moved away in May. The gas was prepayment meter so impossible to be outstanding while we were living there.
  10. Thanks for the quick reply. The debt is just shy of £300 Should I at least call them to change the contact address and tell them I will asking for proof via register post They have my parents address as when we moved overseas I used this for UK bank contact as I had payments going in there and needed to still have UK contact address Thanks
  11. Hi, Not sure where to start and need some advice if anybody can help. Recently received a letter from lowell about an outstanding debt gas from an old address. We last lived there in 2015 and moved abroad . we returned this year in February and this letter was sent to my parents address, not heard anything of this since we left the country this is the 1st letter. they say there is an outstanding debt owed for gas supply from 1998-2015. small amount but I'm confused as we were on a gas meter paid by top card when we lived there. There is nothing registered on my clearscore file. So I need to know do I contact them or is this acknowledgement. I want to tell them my new address and also want proof there is an outstanding debt. I have no issue in paying the debt if they can show there is one. Do they have to provide proof in the form of a statement?? Also I don't want this on my credit file so any advice would be welcome on the best approach for this. Just to add the date started to is the end of September 2015, we lived at the address till end of May 2015 Thanks in advance
  12. Just another quick question on this.if we are evicted and we are not capable of moving everything from the property before this date will the mortgage company allow us to leave items for around 7 days. If not what happens??
  13. Thank you sirbob, It' is exactly like you say,I think I have kind of realised over the last few months that things just can't continue the way they are.time with family is more important and to work every hr and not be able to take time out spend some quality time together because of constant worry is wrong.this why I am not going to court to ask for more pressure and stress,to start the cycle over again.once the house is gone they have nothing take and I will make an offer to pay the short fall when it comes,but I do remember how difficult they made it for me the last time around when I needed to send them things as they don't have email and only deal with fax. Anyway I hope things work out for yourself and family and your husband gets back to good health.
  14. Thank you again Ell-enn, This pretty much sums up the situation and how We feel.although though no and understand that repossession should be last resort I just feel it is getting very stressful and causing family problems as we live to a tight budget trying to clear debts and have no family time due to pressure from this. Although still a little worried it does feel like a weight is slowly being lifted. Thanks again
  15. Hi ell-enn, Thanks for the reply and also the help you gave me last time. I am totally at a loss to be honest on what to put.all I want to ask for is an extra 7-14 days allowing us to get organised and remove everything from the property.
  16. Sorry,yes.. We had suspended order just over 12 months ago which we kept to up till March and missed one payment so I set it up again but struggled and missed the payment date.so they went back to court and the next thing we got a letter with the date for eviction. Thing is the only thing they will agree to is to up the payments and in all honesty I am tired of living like this.working and stressing to make payments and pay bills every month.with the amount of arrears it will be a good couple of years at least of this and we've decided to walk away. Let them have the property and go from there.i know there will be a shortfall but the house has slight negative as well so selling will leave us with most likely the same debt. There is myself,wife and 7 year old daughter and we can stay with my parents for a while but they are away at the moment and this is why we need the time.i am going tomorrow to sort out storage for goods.
  17. Hi, I am just after advice on trying to suspend the eviction date allowing us an extra couple of weeks to sort something out. The date they have given is 6th may but we just need a little longer. Do I file the n244 form to ask for this at the court?. Thanks
  18. Thanks for the replies. I posted previous on here about the situation.but yes at the moment it's hard to pay.i tried to make an initial payment towards the debt,this was £1000 and set up payments,twice the bailiff never showed up or let me know.i am self employed so work is unpredictable.this initial payment is gone now as was kind of juggling thing rounds to make this payment.they then set a letter that was dated for them to call and remove goods,waited in,they never came.. I'm not trying to avoid the debt,I just need time whilst I get finances in order..and bailiffs usually don't accept time,they want paying. On the making appointments note..this was done to suit both myself and his schedule.they won't accept payments without calling.as for fees I'm pretty sure they've added all they can??.. I also don't feel judged as it is not my nature to worry about what people think.so nothing is took to heart but thanks for the backing as well.
  19. Very true.his attitude today has Gained a little trust.was just very annoyed as to the facts I stated above.but maybe it is different bailiff as the one who came today was polite and sounded approachable..(never thought I'd say that)
  20. Marstons.. In all fairness he was polite,just thought they were not allowed to call on Sunday's as this is what I read.i made to appointments with them,taking time of work for one of them to call a few weeks back and twice they never showed up.then had letter couple of weeks back saying they were calling to remove goods in the 16th,again they never showed up. And now this on a Sunday.
  21. Confusing..as I when I answered and aske for my wife(who's name it is in)I said she's not in,wont be in and he can call in the week like he is supposed to..and he just said ok and left??.. Thought he would have had more to say if he was within his rights.
  22. I have been talking to the bailiff via phone.and thought I could set up something in place,I was wrong..so now won't to go down the court road. No intention of dealing with them direct now
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