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Posts posted by jowalshy

  1. Surely as we had confirmation of our booking first, then shouldn't the hotel offer the other party the alternative room first. The 2 function rooms are very near to each other, so in my view the other party could easily move from one room to the new room in order to let us have the one we booked. We could always let our guests know that our party will start a bit later in order for the hotel to have more time to move the other party.

  2. My frustration is the fact the hotel will not offer the other party the same option as us. We booked the function room as it was perfect for our needs. If it is perfect for our needs, then surely it would be perfect for the other partys' needs. It doesn't really matter how much compensation the hotel offer us as the room they have offered us is not what we wanted. Personally I think that the hotel have not even informed the other party of the blunder and that they are keeping them in the dark as their party would obviously bring in more money than our party.

  3. Hi folks,


    I'm in a bit of a dilema. I will be turning 40 next month and, along with a couple of friends who are in the same boat, decided to hold a party. We booked and paid for a function room at a hotel in April of last year to hold the party in July of this year. We received al the confirmations of booking in writing. Last month we all sent out our invitations to 150 people and have had confirmation that 138 will be attending. Also, we have booked and paid for the DJ, party decorations etc.


    Now the dilema.


    On the 15th June 2011 (yep, last Wednesday) we got a call from the hotel asking us how many people would be attending. We said 138. They said".........................Oh". The hotel then went on to say that they have accidently double booked the function room with another party who want the room for the whole day. They did however confirm to us that we had booked and paid for the room first. However, they then went onto say that as the other party want the room for the whole day, we would have to move to a different room. As myself and my friends are quite accommodating people, we told them that we would like to see this room first before we made any decision. Well, we looked at the room and was left feeling utter dissapointement. Turns out the room is the restaurant area to which they would clear for the night, but unfortunately cannot remove a large buffet serving thing (they are the ones you see in motorway cafes, the ones that have a space for your tray to slide on as you walk past selecting foods from a tiled area infront. It comes complete with a glass canopy of which they said they could take out the glass but not the large protuding brass prongs the glass attaches to. They would just cover the area)


    We asked the hotel if they could just change the other party's evening booking to the room they had offered us, but alas they said they couldn't as there were too many guests (same amount as us), and that it wasn't fesible to change from one side of the hotel to the otherside part the way through the day because of the timing.


    If we decide to go for the offered alternative room they will give us back half the money we have paid and also put £50 behind the bar for each of us as a tab for the evening. We paid £300 for the room we hired so all in all we get the same amount back, but still have to pay for the food and the sleeping rooms after. In my view, the half the cost of the room hire doesn't come into the compensation equation as the room they have offered is half the size of the original room we booked.


    What can I do?


    Do I accept their alternative room?


    Do I cancel my party that I have been planning for over a year?


    What would you lot do?




  4. I am sooooo NOT impressed with my neighbours kids. We have the son (who is 7) that stays round our house until gone 10pm during the week, because his Mum says he can. So that means my husband and I are stuck watching the Disney Channel instead of our normal programmes.



    This morning we had the boys 5 yr old twin sisters knocking on my door on a Sunday at 6.45am. We were all in bed asleep!!!!!!


    I thought that they would go away if noone answered the door and I could go back to sleep, but alas, they kept knocking and knocking and knocking, which made my dog keep barking and barking and barking.


    Well thanks to them, I will now be a total grouch today because I am TIRED!!! You may ask, why don't I just go back to bed? Well I'm the sort of person that once awake has to get up :(

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