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Status Updates posted by jowalshy

  1. It's Friday Yipeeeeeee!!! And The Weather Is Hot Hot Hot!!!!!

  2. Yep. Its look and see. I have only just seen your reply lol

  3. Good afternoon PD :) . Any idea on how we know that we have messages here? Do we get a notification or is it a case of look and see? I hope you are well. xx

  4. If you click on view conversation in one of my messages, you get a view of the conversation just between us. It's quite clever really lol

  5. can I be your friend ? pweeeease :)

  6. hey honey. Thanks for being my freind :) Have you washed the habits yet? lol

  7. check your emails kia. You will find some friend request in there.

  8. Have you found it yet????

  9. and you can view the conversation as well .. wow

  10. Your doing fine kenny lol (I think I have figured it out ....lol)

  11. awwww bless ya barracad. Of course you are wanted :)

  12. I'll be your friend barracad :) (well I think I pressed the right button lol)

  13. I have found the PM button yipeeeeee.

  14. Hey there :) this is rather strange.

  15. just emptied it thanks freaky :)

  16. Hiya dev :) Can you be my friend as well pleeeeease :)

  17. Hiya Dukey :) Isn't this fun. lol... Now all I have to do is work out how to send a PM (again).

  18. this is fun lol.

  19. you haven't deleted kenny lol.

  20. hey kia..Isn't this fun lol

  21. this is strange. why haven't all my friends shown up? where is honey? :(

  22. oooooh k. just realised what this little box is for. silly me.

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