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Everything posted by southendgame

  1. i purchased a sim and dongle to use with my laptop from t-mobile for £7.50 per month about 15 months ago. At the time i was told that it would have a price cap and stop me using up more that £7.50 per month. I've been getting emails telling me when i've nearly reached the limit and when i've hit that limit, i cant download for the rest of the month. the device has been a bit slow of late and i went to check for an upgrade and to my horror, was told i was paying betweek 30 and 50 pounds per month. I was shocked. feel like an idiot. how do i get m y money back? has t-mobile done this to anyone else?
  2. It that all it costs to get back dated bank statements?
  3. Hi there, I'm just starting getting charges back from creation/aka adams store cards and I wanted to know two things. First, do they charge for back dated statements. I have kept about half of them. Secondly, one of the charges is CPP default merchant. £20 aprox. Any idea what this is? Any help would be grand.
  4. anyone had any dealing with rbos and settlements. they've offered half what I've asked for back and i turned it down but know have second thoughts.
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