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  1. Hi all I wish I'd found this site May last year! My husband received letters from J2Solutions re 'attempting to contact' ... being an upstanding citizen I persuaded him to call them as I didn't want any CCJs against our name, and he seemed to think it was about a debt him and his ex wife had which he thought may have been paid off. Anyway, after several months of receiving letters from Mackenzie Hall, on behalf of Cabot Financial, and not receiving any documentation regarding the original debt, I bottled it and when we got a full and final settlement offer for under half the original debt, I persuaded my hubbie that we should pay it. Which we did, and I have to say the chap on the phone sounded pretty surprised when we paid by switch over the phone Do we have any leg to stand on to try and get it back? He's not sure if the original debt actually was paid off or not, he doesn't have any paperwork, and I see from other posts, its unlikely they do either. We asked for written confirmation that the debt was cleared but never got it!!! I've no idea whether the debt is time barred - if it is, does this give us any legal rights? Should I write this off to bitter experience?
  2. Hi all i've just found your website and wish I had known about it 6 months ago, before we got suckered by Mackenzie Hall! probably too late now to do anything about it, but I look forward to reading this site regularly before signing up for anything or paying any one money in future! cheers
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