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Posts posted by Rayne

  1. Had enough of the entire corrupt greedy system now in all honesty. Doesn't matter how you look at it, the whole thing is set up to line the pockets of those who are in any position of power, real or imagined, at the expense of those who are least able to afford it, including the vulnerable (or should that be "especially the vulnerable"?) And I'm not even just referring to the banks and debt collection industy, but I think it's fair to include government in that statement, ESPECIALLY the current one. And as for the so called regulatory bodies that are meant to be there for the people...imo they're not even worth the paper used in their own toilets.

    • Haha 1
  2. Probably a typo in all honesty, I know I know, doesn't happen very often with DCA's but...well...ya know...

    Still it might be worth asking for clarification. That said, me wonders if they couldnt also have shot themselves in the little pinky with it as well. Just a thought :)


    W00t, 1000 posts...I so need to get a life instead of hanging around on here with u reprobates :D

  3. Just had a phone call from these lovely people. Only reason I answered it at all was becaueit was a Bristol number and I thought it was the childrens hospital.

    Asked for Mr Rayne and once I confirmed that was me wanted to go thru "security". Point blank refused when they said who they were, told them "U got anything to say to me then put it in writing".


    Mr Threatmonkey didn't like that, thought i was "refusing to deal with this", whatever "this" is. Told him again "in writing" and hung up on the numpty. Wait and see what comes thru the post now :)


    Obviously they havent heard that if they want to deal with me then they could do with at least waiting until I've had my coffee cos i'm grumpy until then. Added their number to my contacts as "we are **** do not answer" as I'm feeling quite good about dealing with idiots like these today :) No idea where they got my mobile number from but hey ho, time to play.


    Think its in relation to a CrapOne card I used to have, which I'm actually already paying BCW over anyways. Might be time to CCA them if they're gonna start phone hassling me, but I'll wait and see what, if anything, comes thru the post, just in case its for anything different.

  4. Dear Mr Rayne


    I refer to the above matter and your E-Mail below.


    I can confirm that a Warrant of Execution should have not been issued on this matter and I have referred this matter to have the Warrant of Execution stopped.


    I can also confirm that we have received your first payment as agreed.







    Just got my reference thru Consumer Direct - their advice is to contact the Court and confirm whether or not this is standard practice when a CCJ is issued (wish I'd opened my inbox beforehand) and if not then to contact DCA stating that if they do this again then a complaint of harrassment would be in order...

  5. Complain to everybody! Cause the feckers grief. They have caused you grief.


    LMAO!! DB you just gave me the first genuine laugh in days, thank you :D


    Little bit stuck though on the wording if you get five? So far I have:L




    With the greatest of respect I wish to make a complaint, to be heard before a Judge, in respect of the Claimant’s behaviour in the above matter.


    I refer to an earlier email sent today to both yourselves and the Claimant, in which I stated that a County Court Bailiff attended my property last night at approximately 1900hrs GMT. The above claim already has an agreement in place, agreed by both Claimant and Defendant, and of which I have documentary evidence as such.


    I feel that the sole purpose of the attendance of the Bailiff, although he was rightly attending as instructed by the Court, was in order to secure further payment, at possibly a higher rate than that which can be afforded by the Defendant, in a manner which would place further considerable unnecessary stress and embarrassment on the Defendant, at a time when it has already been stated that further stress may have an adverse effect on the health of the Defendant and that of other family members.


    In support of this complaint I refer to Harrison Vs Link (His Honour Judge Chambers QC), 30 September 2010:


    ""[There] can be no excuse for conduct of which it must be supposed the sole purpose must have been to make the claimant's life so difficult that he would come to heel.


    "I cannot think that in a society that is otherwise so sensitive of a consumer's position this is conduct that should be countenanced,"

  6. JUst had a quick skim thru Harrison Vs Link (great job there PT!), and I'm a little confused as to where the relevence is? WOuld it be the part where the Judge says:


    ""[There] can be no excuse for conduct of which it must be supposed the sole purpose must have been to make the claimant's life so difficult that he would come to heel.


    "I cannot think that in a society that is otherwise so sensitive of a consumer's position this is conduct that should be countenanced,"


    Which is fine in of itself but was he not referring to the phone calls alone or was it their conduct in general?

  7. Just doing an email to DCA, copying the court in, after speaking to bailiff. Is it worth stressing AGAIN my own health issues and those of our unborn child? Even if I did would it actually carry any weight. Really incredibly hacked off over this, been up most of the night, got out of bed and every single little noise, and can do without the stress right now. Email as follows (for now) with delivery and read receipt requests:


    Please be advised that last night at approximately 19:00 hrs GMT, a bailiff called at my address in relation to the above.


    My understanding is that we had an agreement, and that you had found this acceptable (I refer to your email dated 5th April 2011) in which you accepted my offer of £5 per month. You have already received the first payment (paid 7th April as per my email of 5th April 2011) and I have also confirmed in that same email that a Standing Order has been arranged for the same sum, 4 weekly, with the next one due to be paid on 5th May 2011. Copies of these emails are available should you require them.


    After speaking to the Bailiff and advising him that we had an agreement as per above he has advised me to contact you directly and request that you immediately inform the Court as to our arrangement, in order that further unnecessary enforcement action may be avoided.


    You have already been advised of my own health issues, and those of our unborn child, but for further clarification, I suffer from both depressive illness and thyroid malfunction, for which I am being treated. My wife is carrying a child who has a congenital heart defect (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome), that has a projected survivability rate, if treated with a series of open heart surgeries, of no more than 50 to 60% IF she even survives to the first surgery. In layman’s terms, this action is adding further stress to our family, and may well affect the health of my wife and by virtue of the symbiotic relationship between a pregnant woman and the unborn child, that of the unborn child as well.


    I trust that this failure to notify the Court already is merely an oversight or administrative error and will now receive your prompt attention.


    Kind Regards

  8. Well drowning urself isnt really a credible option. This is a credit card and certainly not worth losing any health over. Many of us have been in similair situations, myself included, and thanks to this wonderful place have succesfully taken the fight back to worthless pondlife like this.


    In the first instance, as ur CCA request was in the form of an email (did you get a delivery receipt by the way?), then I would send it again via recorded delivery, or at least with proof of postage from your post office, which is cheaper, with the statutory payment of £1 in the form of a postal order. Make sure you print your name, do NOT sign it. Once they receive it, they have 12 working days (if sent recorded,) or 14 days if by any other method. If you haven't received anything by then, send them the account in dispute letter.


    I'll stress again, these "people" are not worth placing your own health at risk, there is NOTHING that they can do to you that is worth that.

  9. the little mother*******!! Was down the road and whilst i was out a bailiff called. Wife answered, didnt let him in or anything thankfully.

    There was a warrant of execution issued against this a couple of months back but it was cancelled pending the original set aside hearing. What i dont get now is why the hell the bailiff has called at all as there is currently an arrangement in place between myself and dca which hasnt been breached.

    Any ideas anyone cos right now i want blood and i dont care whose!

  10. B******, back to square one, more or less. Went back thru dates etc (for the umpteenth millionth time), and suddenly realised that the one date I thought would have been an invalid payment, was in fact to OC3, not OC1, so its in fact fine. Still need to prove that the payments they say I made against OC1 were in fact made against OC2 (whoever that is)...sigh, was getting really excited there, how I hate Excel sometimes :(

  11. Well at the moment I'm preparing a spreadsheet with links to the locally saved copy of the email from DCA confirming that OC3 isn't OC1 (thereby invalidating at least one payment they claim I made against OC1). Once complete, I intend sending the whole lot off to the OFT, along with copies to the local court to get this thing set aside, along with complaints to the ICO for incorrect processing of data, and also claims for compensation for defamation of character.

    Just so wish I'd had the strength to do this right the first time, as it may have saved me all this trouble!!


    /waves to Donkey's gf :)

  12. Just read ur first post again, made a bit more sense this time. In effect, IF I can prove that since the payments were made to DCA against OC2 and OC3 AT THE TIME OF PAYMENT, and that DCA have only recently decided to attribute them to OC1, then I can nail them with whatever as its a deliberate act to line their pockets? But if they did it at the time of payment, then a simple admin error and I have no leg to stand on?


    Oh and no, no covering letters as it was all done over the phone a looooooooooooong time before I found CAG :(


    Think a SAR to OC1 may be in order as well, see if they received any payments from DCA

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