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Posts posted by jonnyk

  1. Update:


    I sent the letters asking for my contract and transaction history - received yesterday ONLY:


    Signed copy of Credit Card Agreement

    Barclaycard Executed Agreement

    Current Barclaycard Conditions


    Ie, I've not received a history of charges which I requested - I want to see all of the PPI I've paid and any additional charges I've incurred.


    First question is what should I do now regarding the missing info? Is it normal that they would be sent seperately - would it be different departments dealing with my letter?


    Second question is regarding the PPI. The application is dated 17.5.01, which I have clearly signed (so must have done this in person but cannot remember doing so). The PPI box is ticked, however this is not something I have specifically opted into, it is preticked as printed on the application. I cannot recall being given any advice about this at the time of sale, and PPI is not something that I would ever knowingly agree to.


    Do I have a case of a missale of PPI? If so, what should I do next?


    Any feedback and advice would be most appreciated.


    Thanks in advance



  2. Hi, thanks for your comments:


    I was going to use the following template:


    Your address


    Their Address







    Dear Sir/Madam

    Your name: xxxxxx

    Account No/ No’s




    I understand that you currently hold details of my personal and financial information within your internal record systems with regard to personal loan accounts And or credit cards


    Please supply me with a complete list of transaction and charges relating to my history with your organization, INCLUDING Loans and or credit cards, payment protection insurance and other products. Alternatively a complete set of statements for the accounts or associated accounts is acceptable. I would be grateful if you would provide the following for ALL accounts or associated accounts I have held with your organization:

    -Full copies of all contracts which you believe exist or have existed between myself and your organization, including true copies of any documents you hold in support of the same.


    - A complete list of all transactions or statements relating to ALL of my Loan Accounts and or credit card with your organization.


    -Copies of all documents which include any of my personal information including copies of any contacts or invoices, emails or computer records containing my personal information, or any records which pertain to this information.


    -Full copies or transcripts of any correspondence in postal, email or any other format which you have entered into with any individual, organization or third party which contains my personal or financial, or which pertains to me.


    - Where any previous information or records held have been deleted or disposed of, the methods used to do so, including dates, certificates or references confirming details of destruction. Where you are unable to provide such certificates, please provide a declaration, signed by an authorised officer of your company, confirming the dates and methods of destruction of this data.


    -Full hard copy print outs of my personal or financial information, held in a digital, magnetic or any other format which is held in any archives, backups or other storage devices / locations.


    I enclose a cheque in the sum of £10 to cover your fee.




    I look forward to hearing from you in the first instance of receipt.


    Yours faithfully


    As this also asks for my transaction history which I will also need, should I send this aswell or just sent letter N on your link and wait to see what arises from that??



  3. Hi,


    Just noticed in my Barclaycard statement that I am being charged for Payment Protection. This is not something I can ever recall agreeing, nor is it something that I would agree to.


    Looking through the checklists of whether I have a valid claim or not, I cannot see anything that says of being sold PPI without knowledge.


    However I would imagine that in these circumstances I do have the right to claim??


    Anybody else have anything similar?



  4. Hi,


    Pretty confused about the implications of this...


    I've got a court date set for 28 Sept. I understand that I should continue as normal until I hear otherwise, but reading between the lines I fear that my court date will be suspended pending outcome of this hearing??


    I appreciate that this test case is good news for consumers in general, but after such a long wait for me personally, it finally seemed as though the end was in sight, it's a tad frustrating to say the least that it looks like I'll be in limbo for another few weeks and months....


    Is there any indication when this is likely to be resolved once and for all?

  5. Thanks for the feeback guys, I think I'll just stick to the 8%, I really do just want to get this all done and dusted with no unecessary complications.


    Trucker, you ask about whether I've contacted the litigation team yet - from the thread 'litigation team, good or evil...', I got the impression that contacting the team any more than a couple of weeks before the court date was little more than a waste of time. Would you recommend differently?


    Thanks again,



  6. Hi guys,


    I've just got a court date of 28 September and was trawling through these pages to get a feel for what to expect.


    I noticed that some people were claiming 27.5% instead of the statutory 8% interest. What element of risk would be involved in doing this? I'd hate to have my claim thrown out because of an unrealistic interest claim, but if there is no additional risk in claiming at the higher rate, the difference would be worth about an extra £1000 in my pocket. Which is VERY appealing!!


    Also, since orignally processing my claim on the MCOL website, I have incurred about an extra £300 of charges - should I just add these on to my schedule of charges I return with my court bundle?


    One last thing - my court hearing is stated as a preliminary hearing, but there is a discalimer at the bottom of the letter that says the judge may decide that this is a final hearing. Is that normal?


    I'd be grateful for any feedback.





  7. I ended up trying to process the judgement by default bit on the website. Everything went through ok, but I've just checked back on my claim status and, yes, surprise surprise, barclays have now submitted a defence at the last possible minute.


    So I take it that I will now receive written confirmation of this, and also get issued with a court date?


    Which brings me to another question - looking at some of the other comments on this website it appears that Barclays' litigation team are surprisingly pleasant to deal with. When I get a court date, I'm getting the impression that I should be able to settle out of court if I contact the person who is dealing with my claim?


    What would be the best way to go about this?


    And how long should I leave it before the court date/from when I receive confirmation before I try contacting the litigation team??


    Here's hoping that it's not too much longer before I get my money back....


    Oh, and one last question - I've incurred about an extra £90 of charges since I processed my claim on MCOL. What would be the best way to add this to my claim?


    Thanks for any help that can be offered.



  8. Oh yeah, when I try to request a judgement by default on-line I get the message


    'At this moment you are allowed to request a Judgment by Default.'


    But I'm a bit nervous about going any further down this route - I've not read of another claimant who has managed to win by default in this way

  9. Hi guys,


    My claim is going through the MCOL process and I'm just after a bit of advice please. Details are below:


    Claim issued 1/5/07

    Deemed to be served 6/5/07

    Acknowledged 9/5/07


    By my reckoning, Barclays should have defended the case by 3/6/07, 28 days after it was served. It is now 5/6/07 but the claim status on the MCOL website is still saying acknowledged.


    How much longer do I give them to defend, or when can I apply for judgement by default? Or should I really not be getting my hopes up just yet....??


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





  10. cheers


    is there any sort of template for a letter at this stage of the claim?


    incidentally, I've incurred an additional £90 worth of charges this month, after I submmited the claim on MCOL and so not included. What's the best way to claim this back? Is it a case of starting a new claim from scratch (there are likely to be similar charges each month until I get the money from this claim).

  11. Cheers for the advice, sounds like I should be expecting some kind of response in the next week or so then and yes, I will begin preparing for the next stage of the fight..!


    Can I just have some reassurance that I don't need to do anything more yet - on the MCOL website my claim status is Acknowledged(07/05/2007) ,at the moment I'm waiting to hear from Barclays.


    That is all I can do just now isn't it??

  12. Not too sure - I sent £10 for one account but this cheque was returned to me, the service was apparently free of charge.


    Hope this helps, but you'll probably need confirmation from someone else.

  13. Hi guys,


    I've processed my claim on the MCOL website, which Barclays acknowledged and marked their intention to defend the claim. This was over 2 weeks ago, with just over a week remaining before the 28 days will have elapsed when I should win my claim by default.


    Just wondering how optimistic I should be that I won't hear anything within the 28 days deadline, thus winning(?!), or is it likely that Barclays will wait until the very last minute before submitting their defence and a court date is set?


    Any advice from those with experience would be most appreciated.


    Thanks very much, and good luck to all of those who are going through this claims process.



  14. Hi guys,


    I've processed my claim on the moneyclaim website, and I'm currently waiting for the 28 days to elapse from the date the claim was served.

    I was just wondering if anybody had any tips or advice on how my claim could be accelerated?

    Any help would be most appreciated.





  15. Hi,


    Having gone through the standard proceedings I am at the stage where I need to make a claim through the moneyclaim website. I should have done this a couple of weeks ago after Barclays failed to reply within my given timescale to my rejection of their settlement offer, but what with one thing or another, money was a bit tight and I needed to wait until the end of the month before I could make the claim. I have subsequently recevied charges during the month totalling around £90, for going over my authorised overdraft. This is not included in my original claim. Can I simply add these charges on when I process the claim on the moneyclaim website, or do I need to start the claim proceedings again by writing to barclays requesting payment of the new total?


    If the latter is the case, then I don't think I'll bother as it is likely to add a few weeks to the time I can expect to receive settlement.


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.





  16. Hi,


    New to this forum... and not totally sure what I'm doing.


    I've gone through the process of requesting my previous 6 years' bank statements and received them through the post yesterday. I've worked out that I'm owed about £1750.


    I'm not too sure which address I should be sending the next letter requesting reimbursement of these charges to - I sent my initial letter to my local branch but I'm pretty sure the next letter should be sent to the main office. Please could somebody give me the address details and is there any particular person/position the letter should be put for the attention of? Apologies if it's staring me in the face somewhere in the forum, I've tried browsing the FAQ section but can't seem to see it. But it has been a long day....


    Thanks for your help, and good luck to all going through this process!

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