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  1. Hi 120805 They paid the money into my account on the Easter Bank holiday monday, they said it would be within 14 days and I got it on the 13th day!!! It was all really easy for me although I think I've just been mega lucky, my poor brother is going all the way to court with his bank. Anyway good luck and keep fighting. xx
  2. Thank you Wildheart 83, I was soooo shocked that they called me this morning as they only received my LBA today. I think the Whistleblower on TV last night didn't really help the banks in their claims that their charges are fair but it's all good news for the consumers. Keep going you will get your money back. xxx
  3. Well blow me down with a feather!!! Sent in my LBA yesterday to Halifax, have received a call this morning offering me half the amount I'm claiming, I of course rejected and requested the full amount. Was put on hold for a few moments then they came back with the full offer......£1301.....YYYIIIIPPPPEEEEEE!!!! This is my story: 1st Feb - Sent in SAR 5th Mar - Received statements 6th Mar - Sent in Prelim letter 21st Mar - Sent in LBA 22nd Mar - SETTLEMENT IN FULL:D Keep going everybody you will get there in the end.
  4. Hi guys It's so good to read on this website that more and more of us are taking on the banks and winning....gives us all hope!!!! Anyway I sent off my prelim letter on the 06th March, had the usual response 'We are sorry to hear of your complaint blah blah blah etc etc etc' Well tomorrow they are going to get my LBA. I'm thinking that once the next 14 days are up I'm going to give them a call and warn them of the impending court action and ask if they will settle before it has to go to court as I'll be saving them just shy of £500 in interest and court costs, it would be nice to get the extra money out of them but it could drag on and I would like the money sooner rather than later. Does anybody have any advice on taking this route??? Ta guys ;-)
  5. Definately give them a call, I did and got them 7 days later (about 30days in total after sending off original SAR). A gently nudge never hurt anybody!!!! Failing that send an email to kellyduffy@halifax.co.uk, she is senior customer services lady I sent my prelim letter off on 6th March, received by them on the 7th March, 9 days to go before I send off my LBA....the monkeys owe me £1300.
  6. Hi 120805 In total I waited about 30 days, sent the letter off on 1st Feb, they banked my cheque on the 12th or 13th then I gave them a phone chaser and received them on Monday 5th March. It is so hard when your waiting for somehting and I'm not the most patient person to begin with so it is really tough, but when you get those statements it is sooooo exciting adding up all your charges and planning what to spend it on!!!!! The cheeky monekys owe me £1300, to me that is a big sum of money to get back so hang in there it will be worth it in the end. Just keep on reading the threads and ask any questions if your not sure about anything. Keep us posted.
  7. Hi All Received my statements on monday 5th March, sent out my prelim letter on 6th March asking for £1301 taken in charges.....I will fight to the end I'm not giving up now!! 14 days and counting till the LBA goes out.....quite looking forward to it really. xxxx
  8. Hi Guys Just a quickie as I'm absolutely astonished by this!!! My auntie & unc have just had their charges repaid by Natwest who kindly sent them a letter basically saying that they did not agree with their claim but as a gesture of goodwill they were going to repay the charges in full, however (and this is the best bit) their charges were being increased from £30 to £38!!!!! I'm absolutely appalled that the banks think they can increase their charges when the OFT are going to decide in April that banks should be lowering their charges. Should my auntie & unc send this letter to the OFT or the ombudsmen to complain about the bank??? Sorry this has nothing to do with the Halifax but is this going to be the banks next trick to get back the money they are paying out in claims????? xxxxx
  9. Hi Everyone. I received my statements yesterday, 30 days after sending off SAR and discovered they've charged me £1301 over the last 6 years, a nice tidy sum which I'm sure will be put to good use. So today I have sent my letters off to Halifax, first class signed delivery, so they will be with them tomorrow......oooohhhhh it's so exciting but very scary at the same time but I'vr started so I'm going to finish!!!! Keep you posted xxxx:)
  10. Hi Ropey Thanks for clearing that up for me, appreciate that! I no longer use my mint card but I know my partner has had charges lately for late payments, will I have to send in a cheque for £10 for each SAR or can I request the statements for both cards on one letter with one payment??? I'm currently claiming from the Halicrap and have really been concentrating on that but now I'm getting more confident I'm going to go for the credit cards aswell. Cheers x
  11. Can we claim back charges from Mint, even though they have reduced their fees to £12 as recommended by OFT??? Thanks
  12. Hi guys Just phoned the HALICRAP TO make sure statements are on the way and yes they have been ordered on Monday 26th Feb so they should be with me by the end of the week, should make for some interesting weekend reading!! Spoke to a lovely lady on the phone who actually agreed with the claims being made so that was a refreshing change. Keep going everyone!!!!
  13. Hi Naughtyemit, I certainly did, you think they'd employ a few more bods to deal with all the claims which are now being raised instead of dragging their feet and p****ing us off even more!!! Anyway good luck with your claim, will keep you posted.
  14. Hi Naughty Emit Good to hear from another cornishman, I live nr Penzance and have also taken on the Hali-crap......sent my SAR off on 1st Feb, they banked my cheque on 12th Feb and I'm still waiting!!!! Have chased it up though with a couple of calls and an email......wait and see what happens. I just want to say how pleased I am that I found this site and all the support of other member is fantastic. xx
  15. Well they can certainly afford to employ more staff now to speed things up with the claims process!!!!
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