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  1. Afternoon all. I did an SAR a couple of months back and sent off a prelim with a sheet detailing charges (£745) in March. All the charges date from 2003-2006 and as such are over 6 years old. I've received a letter back today from HBOS which briefly says: "Hi there. Sorry to hear you don't agree with our charges, but looking back at your account I can't see anything for the last 6 years. Here's a pamphlet for the ombudsman. Cheers." Am I right in assuming this is a standard fob off letter and I should carry one persuing? I've had a hunt around but I can't find any templates or decent examples of how I should phrase my response to this/LBA. Does anyone have any experience of reclaiming charges over 6 years from HBOS and/or any links/suggestions on the best way forward? Thanks in advance!
  2. Evening sirs/madams. I'll keep this as concise as I can for now - I've received this morning an SAR bundle from CapOne. The account in question was opened in 2004, and settled in 2007 - the last "penalty charge" falling in October 2005. I have a Prelim letter ready to go, but before I waste a stamp - do I need to do some in depth case study on claiming over 6 years? Is it still relatively simple and am I likely to be able to push it through the ombudsman or will it be a court job? I initially contacted CapOne in 2007 about reclaiming these charges, but never followed through past the LBA because I got overwhelmed with work and forgot all about it. I have no proof other than my own copies of the letters I sent in 2007, and there's no mention of them in the SAR bundle so they would presumably claim they never received them? Any advice greatly welcomed. I have a similar story with a BOS Mastercard account which was closed in 2005 - I only have an old SAR request from 2007 with that one, so I guess there's slim to nil hope with that account? Does that warrant it's own thread? Thanks in advance! Tony
  3. I think I've worked it out for myself. The interest should be up to the settlement date, which would be £9.17 + 159.46. Which sounds more realistic!
  4. Just to clarify - I'm putting the £159.46 in the StatInt sheet - then claiming 8% interest on all the payments + the £159.46 overpayment back from Black Horse? So 8% interest over the 5 years since 2007 works out to £249.86 + £159.46. I'm looking to reclaim £409.32? Or does the interest only accrue up to the date the loan was settled? Sorry!
  5. Wow. Thank you so much! That's an heroic effort. I'll get on it tonight! (Unless anyone from work is reading this, in which case I'll get on it in my own time!) RE - The HSBC ones, I've no idea. I don't think I've ever had a loan from them!
  6. Aaargh. I've just got to work and looked and it looks like when I've saved them to PDF the quality's gone. I'm at work til 7am tomorrow, they're just about readable. If you do have a look and they're hard work I'll try re-converting them tomorrow.
  7. Have done! (I made a bit of a mess attaching them but they're there now)
  8. [ATTACH=CONFIG]34107[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34108[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34109[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34110[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34107[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34108[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34109[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34110[/ATTACH] Loan 1.1 UCAN.pdf Loan 1.3 Statement.pdf Loan 2.2 Statement.pdf Loan 2.1 Blackhorse Agreement.pdf Loan 1.2 BlackHorse Agreement.pdf
  9. Right. Here we are again. It's quite complicated so I've scanned in some documents and I have lots of questions. I've tried to work out using the single PPI spreadsheet but I just can't get the figures/calculations square in my head. Firstly there were two loans with black horse. Loan 1 - Car finance - Via UCAN Car Credit (oh the shame). I have a simple agreement with them, and a full credit agreement with black horse - Who am I chasing for the PPI back? (You can even see on the BlackHorse form that it's clearly not me who ticked the "I want PPI" box, although I'm sure that wouldn't stand up in court!) ONE MONTH in to Loan one I re-financed it with a secured loan from Black Horse. Did I pay for the full PPI in that figure? It looks to me like I did but am I over simplifying the numbers in the statement for Loan 1? Loan 2 I got the PPI cancelled in 2006 (see top of thread, and also Black Horse Statement for Loan 2. Did I get it all back? I also sold my house early on in Loan 2 just to ensure neither loan is simple! I can't work out what proportion if any of the "Rebates" on there are for PPI. Or the amount refunded when I got the PPI cancelled on loan 2. What's the "refund £220.92"? It looks like I'm refunding them? It's too much for me. I'm hoping someone on here with a much bigger brain can point me roughly in the direction of what sums I need to be doing. Please. Thank you! Attachments to follow:
  10. Hi all. It's been a WHILE. I've just been going through some docs on my work PC and found my PPI reclaim letters to black horse, and eventually found this thread as I recall giving up on the PPI thing back in 2007 when my personal/family life basically collapsed and I forgot all about it. 2 house moves down the line, I have no documents and very little memory now of what happened when I was first sold the loan with dodgy PPI with the exception of the letters (including the loan accoutn number, thankfully) and the detail I posted years ago in this thread. For ref the loan was settled in 2007. My question is - a: is it too late to carry on with this claim/start again? b: where should I start. Do I need any more info than the account number and who it was with? I've been trawling through the forum tonight, and I've just confused myself tbh. I just don't know where to start! Any advice very very very gratefully received. All the best Tone
  11. Sending this letter this afternoon - I belive it tells it's own story. Any advice welcome if I've phrased it horribly or stupidly. I'll check on here before I do post it... Black Horse Ltd St William House Tresillian Terrace Cardiff CF10 5BH Tuesday 19th June 2007 RE: Account ############# Dear Sir or Madam, I took out the above loan for £10,000 on 13/11/07. When I took it out, I signed up for Payment Protection Insurance. I phoned up on 06/03/07 to ask to cancel it and was told I would have to put my request in writing. I wrote a letter outlining my dissatisfaction on March 10th of this year. After a phone conversation with the Meadowhall Centre manager, he agreed that I should at the very least be able to cancel the PPI immediately without penalty, and sent me the appropriate form to do so by return of post. After signing this form, and returning it by hand to the office, I had no more communication from Black Horse. After the premium for the PPI was taken again in April, I contacted the Meadowhall centre by phone to ask why? They said they would send me another form to sign which I could then return. This never arrived. On Monday 18th June 2007, I contacted Black Horse again to ask why my payment protection policy was still in force despite my repeated requests in writing and by phone to cancel it. I asked to make an appointment to see someone at the Meadowhall centre to discuss the payment protection and my loan. When I was seen by an advisor at the Meadowhall centre, I was first of all told that to cancel the Payment Protection Insurance I would have to take a new loan – the PPI would be rebated, and then the new loan would be drawn up without the insurance added. When I questioned this initially I was told that it was much easier that way. Then I was told that in order to draw up the new loan, I would have to take some more money on top, the minimum being 10% of the current loan amount. “Basically you need to be walking out of here with some money, even if it’s only £700 or something”. Again I queried this, as I’m certain I am well within my rights requesting this insurance be cancelled without penalty, and the reason I was there at all was because I’d spent the best part of 4 months trying to cancel this insurance (which I believe was mis-sold to me in the first place). After I had made it clear that I wished to cancel the insurance and not take out a further loan, the lady who saw me asked me to wait while she went to get the appropriate paperwork. 15 minutes later she returned with a typed letter in my name, requesting that Black Horse cancel my Payment Protection Insurance. I was slightly taken aback by this kind of ‘paperwork’ as I had written a letter in March 2007 making it abundantly clear that I wished to cancel the Payment Protection Immediately, and that I believed I had been mis-sold the insurance in the first place. I still believe this to be the case, and after yesterday being told that I had to take out a new loan of 10% higher value than the first in order to cancel the Payment Protection Insurance, a fact which I know to be untrue and I’m sure is in direct violation of some banking codes, I’m even more certain that I was mis-sold the policy in the first place. As I made clear in my letter of March 10th, when I took out the loan, I said I did not need the PPI as my employer provides generous illness and redundancy benefits, but I was told I should still take it out. As this is not correct, I consider that I have been mis-sold this expensive insurance, which I do not need and which I said that I did not want. I also recall being offered two rates for the loan, one rate if I took PPI, and a second, higher rate if I didn’t take PPI. Whilst the Meadowhall Branch manager told me that this is not possible, after this weeks experience of bare-faced deception within the branch, I believe that my recollection is correct. In view of the way I have been treated since my initial request in March, and the way I was mis-sold the insurance, I would like to ask for a full refund of the whole premium. I would appreciate a reply to this letter within fourteen days. If you reject this complaint, I would be grateful if you could explain whether you provide an internal appeals process. If you do not, please supply me with a final response letter, so that I can take up the matter with the Financial Ombudsman Service. Yours faithfully, tone (livid)
  12. Black Horse Ltd St William House Tresillian Terrace Cardiff CF10 5BH Saturday 10th March 2007 RE: Account ********** Dear Sir or Madam, I took out the above loan for £10,000 on 13/11/07. When I took it out, I signed up for Payment Protection Insurance. I phoned up on 06/03/07 to ask to cancel it and was told I would have to put my request in writing. I am writing to complain. When I took out the loan, I said I did not need the PPI as my employer provides generous illness and redundancy benefits, but I was told I should still take it out. As this is not correct, I consider that I have been mis-sold this expensive insurance, which I do not need and which I said that I did not want. I have been advised that I should be able to cancel the PPI contract at any time and receive a partial refund of the premium that I have paid. I would like to do this. And in view of the way I was mis-sold the insurance, I would like to ask for a full refund of the whole premium. I would appreciate a reply to this letter within fourteen days. If you reject this complaint, I would be grateful if you could explain whether you provide an internal appeals process. If you do not, please supply me with a final response letter, so that I can take up the matter with the Financial Ombudsman Service. Yours faithfully, me Just change the bit in bold to say something to fit your case. edit: More stuff here! TMF: sample PPI complaint letter / Dealing with Debt
  13. Not sure about reclaiming, but you can certainly cancel it. You have to put it in writing, and then expect a call within a week or so from the local centre manager. He cancelled mine without any fuss, although he wasn't willing to refund the premiums I'd already paid. You might have more luck if you have a pre-existing condition that would make the insurance void anyway - thus basic proof of mis-selling. I only had my word against theirs. I'll dig out the letter if I can.
  14. I had a phone call on Friday from the Centre Manager at my local black horse office, telling me he's certain that this wasn't the case (the different APRs offered depending on PPI) as for any discounted rate other than the standard to be offered, he would have personally had to sign it off. He also said he had my original paperwork in front of him and there's only record of one rate being offered. He's happy to cancel my PPI from now, and is sending me the paperwork. I told him to send the paperwork, and I'd have a look. Just now, I've no idea how I'm going to progress with it, I just told him to send it on, so I have thinking time, and to see how much money I'd be fighting over if I persevere. As the loan is just a few months old, I guess it won't be too much, but we'll see...
  15. CarCraft add approximately £2k across the normal retail price of every car they sell. They might busge up to a grand so you feel like you're getting a great deal, but even if you paid cash you're still paying over the odds. Just about ANYWHERE is going to be a better bet than carshaft (and that's before they stick you with their PPI, warranty and their Own Loan company - when the paperwork turns up, you might notice that the Address on the car craft paperwork, the (expensive and barely useful) warranty paperwork, the PPI paperwork and (if you're too bad for Black Horse) the loan paperwork will all be the same address. It's no coincidence! Honestly, just about anything is better. If you look around, you can probably find a decent local dealer who will be able to do anyone credit, and the interest rate might still be high, but if the starting price of the car is £1000 - £1500 less, it's a good start! (BTW, for anyone looking at the carshaft website, the prices on there are usually at least £1000 - £1500 less than the price on the car in the showroom - this is so they can look vaguely competitive to anyone doing their homework / comparing prices on autotrader can be lured to the showroom. If you've got an interent price, they won't budge, because whoever's 'helping' you won't see a penny of commission if they do.
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