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steve jackson

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  1. update update please have alook the girl that left him claims there is no man involved I called by her new address and there is a car in the drive way turns out it is her Boss neibour says its there most nights stays over how can we prove to the court that he lives there as she seems to have all the bills in her name bar the elec that is in his name she claims she is renting the house off him and is landlord not lover as far as the split goes she sold het own home and put app 20k into the house with my mate she and him both got a remortgage together JOINT she then said she like to be added to the deeds of the house for security is there any loophole that can get her off the mortgage he has kpt his side of the deal ie: he pays for the child every week she has not paid a penny towards the mortgage since she left.....turns out she never even paid a penny towards the house for mortgage or upkeep even while she lived there got to be a loop hole as she breaks the contract how can she claim half the house when she not paying for it any advice welcome
  2. yes I sent a mail to watchdog late last night have had no reply as yet thank you
  3. No need for a DNA TEST this poor chap is in a wheel chair and cant make babies like most of us the little Daughter that he loves so much cost him 10K so in other words he had to pay for his own daughter also note payment came out of his bank account not hers nor joint HIS he has the statments to prove it She in other words sold her body as a machine to give him what he always wanted then tried to bleed him dry they got alot work done on the house and remortgaged she said she wanted on the deeds of the house for her security...HE ALLOWED THIS in my words to claim her half he is going to go into this in depth with me later so I will keep you all posted also a point to look at if it will help him? I traced her X Hubby she split with him took 80% of the goods and his home...very bad experience with her...will not put in writing as says he has moved on.. is there anyway under the freedom of information act to get a report on the split up of the x marriage? as this would show the court she is a con artist all advice welcome getting info on her as well would be very good I have her surname before she was married thanks again
  4. The house was sold to a private first time buyer if you talking about the con man he owns his own house paid for by me and all the other poor people he left homeless Thanks again
  5. many thanks for the reply ok first they got engaged but never married. second it was a disabled car he had between the two off them she took it and he had to pay her cash for his half so got it back...even tho she crash the rear end into a wall... The child is def his and he is head over heals mad about his wee daughter as most fathers would be. this is breaking his heart and also going to leave him homeless...there is got to some way around this.....we know there is another man involved any more info needed I be happy topass it on to try help this man in need you just never know what is next in life..........
  6. Hi all Not sure if this is in the right place...if not please move ...CHEERS if so please correct me Ok me looking advice to help a friend in need My mate is in a wheelchair paralised from the neck down he had a blind date with a girl who was a friend from his work. they went out for a few drinks on several occations and seemed to get on well.... she called him late one night and told him that her lodger had walked in on her she was affraid.... he told her to relax and come over she could stay there so she moved in...YES ODD he owns his own home worth app 300K one think got to another and they got engaged child poped out....hes now a proud DADDY turned out she was after his home and money the hole time she works for a firm that does work with solicitors ...and got him to agree in writing to 50/50 on everything.....THE DAM FOOL AGREEDED anyway she was playing around in the background and has now moved out..shacked up with a so called friend. left him on his own took his wee daughter that he is mad about stopped him from seeing the child he had to take her to court to see the child...it was granded for 2 days per week. now she wants half the house 150K cash he dont have the money to pay her. he has offerd half that she told him where to go. she took most of the house contents she took the car she took the child she gets paid weekly for the child the guy is at the edge what can we do to help him? I have looked into her she binned her last hubby took him to the cleaners and all his money. she is trying to do the same to the poor chap there is got to be something we can do PLEASE PLEASE HELP HIM He is in court in a few weks to get the CHILD I hope he wins can we help him thanks again all
  7. Ok first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL THAT HAS TAKEN THE TIME TO READ AND HELP ME, sorry for posting names...I am new to the site and thought I was allowed to name and shame this man my mistake can the person who posted that they think they seen this chap on TV please give me more info I have all the details needed I done all my own PI work he lives st the same address that his so called office is based I made calls to ?????????? and they confirmed that this man had 11 different comapny names logged with them...they also made the point that it was odd to have so many and change so often..... I called the police and they did tell me I could look into it with them as fraud...I did not go ahead with this as my main concern is to get my money back for my LOST HOME so I may start again and have something to show for what we put into it. I done my homework and came across another family that he did do a remortage with and he claims that this man and another stole app 30k from them.... I also had a meeting with the chap from the courts that gives out the CCJ turned out to be a really nice man only doing his job really. he told me that this man that was working on my behalf to save my home only contacted them once and left it far to late. he also told me of the record that the same man I hired had been though the courts so many times for worse than myself ie: ccj,s debts and at one stage bankrupt I called the court to get my court number from the computer system and they told me that I was not on their system I was told that it was becouse they have just changed to a new one and the chap I need to talk to is off.....he knows the system inside out. I got talking to him a few days later and he told me I was the only case that he has never found...looks like i Have not been thu the court. I was given a number for an department that looks after old files...again she told me my file had been lost..she sent a chap to the store seven times and has came back with nothing. what is going on? are they working together? does he have an inside contact to distroy my files? if you need any more info please ask I am happy to give you what I have to help me and my family I have all the paperwork I kept here be happy to mail it to you private if needed? I would also like help with the solicitor that delt with my secured loan...he was hired by the loan company and we paid his office most of the loan ....yet they dug deep and took the lot from the sale of the house including interest etc...so I paid it twice really. its just a real mess and why it has taken me so long to do it on a forum is every time I try to get this off the ground I am giving little or no information to help me...ie: lost details......also I dont have the funds to take this man to court....as was told it not be worth while.... this has got me down in the dumps...when I look at the price properity has gone up over the past two years and its almost imposible for first time buyers. may daughters school is yards from my lost home and we see it everyday so its never forgotten. this man has left me and my young family without a roof over our head. I know its my fault where I got into debt...but again how many others are like me...men like MR ??? ???????? pray on us. Thats whay he can afford to drive a BMW X5 live in a £750.000 house go on holiday 3 times a year and still walk the streets. do I have a leg to stand? or is it a waste of time. THANKS AGAIN
  8. many thanks yes I have an address for him I will also give you him web address so you can have alook He is still trading and making people homeless everyday any info you need just ask I happy to help you help me web address is [edit] please nore changed company name again Moderator note : Links to external commercial websites are not permitted on this forum unless expressly authorised by Bankfodder or Dave
  9. Not sure if this is the right place to post several years back I lost my job got into a bit of debt got a securied loan on the house fell in arrears with th payment as well as my Mortgage I was paying the loan company off extra to keep them from taking my home...as well as getting a stay on the property Now this is where it all when tits up A bloke called edited sent me a letter seen me in stubs gazette I can help you I can get you to keep you home etc told us he would remortgage us or buy the house for cash all lies he took £500 quid off us that we did not have we borrowed from our parents we paid himstraight into his back on a friday afternoon so he would go to court on our behalf to get a stay on the properity.... we were at this stage looking after my brothers home as he was away abroad..... I got a call to my mobile from the Courts to tell me that they were going to take over my properity within a few days I called Mr his reply was never worry he can get it turned around as its normal we called by the house the following day and found that the locks had been changed there was a forsale sign in our garden the following day. I called him but this time I got voice mail for 3 days including his office when I did get him on the phone he said again dont worry he will get our keys back never happened. turned out he did not even go to court for us. end result our home was sold for alot lot less than what it was worth he told us we would get app 30K after all the debts were paid we got around £4 k the man lost our home and we ended up with noting. I looked into this man I came across another couple in the same boat where he stole around 30k on them I spoke to the chap from the courts and he told me that he knows editedfor app 15 years and he has been thu the court himself for CCJ bankrupt etc...on many occation and is a bad man I called company house he has app 11 companys in his name that cahnge every few months the name he used to rip us off again has changed he will not take calls from us as he blocks our number what can I do to take this man to court to have his home removed from him and pay us back he is not a LTD company I also called the courts and they cant find me on the system they have alost lost all my files have spoke to them app 9 times and get same reply have lost them where do I stand what do I do I have a 10 year old daughter and no home we are now renting and have bad credit due to this may ripping us off there is alot more but you will fall asleep if I go into it in depth Please take the time to help us out ps several years has past is there a time scale? I have been on the ball from it happened but have been knocked bacK with paperwork lost I dont Have the money to take him to court I feel like going down with a baseball bat but that makes me as bad as him Thanks
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