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  1. Ok, i have mailed Watchdog on the off chance they find it a good story nothin ventured nothing gained.
  2. Hi Gyzmo, i hear what your saying, and can appreciate the extra cost involved, but with this in mind why do they sell fresh chickens in the refridgerated area as small, medium and large, and coincidently with visibly different sizes and sold by weight? Hi Foolishgirl, im wondering if it would be an issue of enough significance to be on such a show, id certainly challenge everyone else to pop in there local store though and bring up the same complaint (that is unless the day i visted was a one off )
  3. You make a good point about the chicken not being sold by there weight gyzmo. You are correct in assuming that the chickens were not sold by weight, but by how big Tescos thought the were. You mentioned about them describing them as small, medium or large etc, and that size can be in the eye of the beholder so to speak. Well i believe Tesco actually realise this as they told me they did originally sell there deli chicken as small, medium or large but that they had dropped the small and now had just 2 sizes which from the managers earlier point that they keep them seperate because obviously cooking times are different seems odd that as i take it the small are either gettin burned or the mediums would be under cooked. So these two sizes they now have, medium and large rite???? WRONG they are now, Standard whole chicken and Large whole chiken. So just to add more blur to being prosecuted, the argument stands as standard by who. Tesco could technically argue i suppose that standard is just 1g from from large at one point. Id like to see what the price of the small, medium and large used to be out of interest as i can bet the 'whole' price is closer to the medium than the small. I basically think they should be sold as price per Kg, with the argument that Tesco's are willing to give you a clear set price in pence for a product (which is approx. 20% more than the other) but not willing to give you a clear set amount of a product which could at one point be practically no different and after cooking and loss of weight during that process be even less.
  4. I havent done that yet I didnt file it today because im still not sure what grounds to put for why it shud be set aside. I phoned the court and she said can i put it in before friday, so i said yes. I need the equivalant of the particulars of claim that you would use to reclaim bank chrges but maybe reworded as obviously im now the defendant and not the claimant so if anyone could write one out it would be helpful, i know all you guys are pretty busy so if none of you can help its ok i will just have to try some layman attempt lol anyway thanks if anyone can:)
  5. Whatever you do conniff, dont tell him i found a cigarette butt in Asda's smart price pancakes if he now shops there then....and yes i did actually find one, called the enviromental health round who took pictures while round my house of the offending item and took it away, funnily enough this was well over a year ago now and although the guy told us he would get in touch with us to tell us how his investigation went we never heard anything from him again. While he was round i mentioned some chicken id bought from Asda (smart price again lol..every little helps as Tesco say) that when my mrs openned, she came staggering out the kitchen heaving from the acid smell, which considering it still had 3 days left on the use by date.......he said i know which shocked me a bit so they obviously check if you have complained before. Maybe he thought id done it as some kind of revenge plot against the place lol but i asure you i had not. It was quite funny when i took the chicken back actually, because it really did ronk i took it to customer services and explained the problem an she said well ive never heard of a problem before (which considering ive taken chicken back before on more than one occassion surprised me....obviously bad luck on my part) i said smell it, she said no i said SMELL IT!!! she said no im pregnant, i said what?? what the hell has that got to do with the price of eggs an bacon ....YOU SELL IT....YOU DAMN WELL SMELL IT!!! The store manager was called to see if he could help he said hed give me back my money and replace the chicken which he did and that was the end of that, a little harsh on my part maybe but hey if you work in customer services and you give loads of crap out im gonna fire off lol
  6. I do appologise i was writtin my response while you guys posted and to be fair i was getting quite into it lol. I do hope mrshed sees a funny side to the battle and i mean no offence :D
  7. Absolutely not. This is personal disbelief on my part. I for one would never have the time to sit and argue about £1 on my chicken with a store manager for 45 minutes Apologies - this is going to sound like a trolling post, and it is not intended to. But...do you have nothing better to do with your time? As far as pettiness goes, this seems to be quite near the top. Who were you talking about when you said you? this obviously wasnt a personal disbelief i think you need to be more careful how you write your posts. I have never any comments about your personality. I said that from your comments i could make a guess at which catagory i thought you fell into. As for being off topic, somebody who described the initial post that i did could have:- A) made things happen i.e. Questioned the labelling of the product, and if needs be get it changed. B) watch things happeni.e. Observed that the labelling of the product, did not seem correct, but ignoring it. C) Wondering what the hell happened i.e. Taking absolutely no interest in the fact that they may being ripped off. As for being offensive, without saying which bracket you fall into, I take it that you have found a catagory for yourself. As for slandering your interest, i used the word believe and not the word have when reffering to you with regards to any interest you may or may not have. Also further to this if you were to have an interest in the business then it would obviously be of relevance. Finally id like to draw your attention to your final statement. Hilarious It seems apparent to me that you find it acceptable to flount the rules of the forum, by using certain swear words which i find deeply offensive and not hilarious by any means, whilst at the same time showing utter contempt for the very people who run this site by breaking there posting rules, i wonder how hilarious they may find your actions.
  8. [qoute] jksfhsdkjhfjkf [qoute] jkchgkjgdfkjghdfkjgh
  9. I think you need to think a little before you write Yes lets clarify a little..... you wrote:- Apologies - this is going to sound like a trolling post, and it is not intended to. But...do you have nothing better to do with your time? As far as pettiness goes, this seems to be quite near the top. This wasnt a personal attack? My response you will find was one of defence. Its sad that you have to then resort to using words like you do, infact im surprised your even allowed to post here.
  10. Thanks for posting on this thread, a more useful contribution may have been a start and as for not trying to make this a trolling thread im afraid you failed miserably, so i'l continue....... Firstly, if you think that im being pety i think you should maybe start by taking a look at the web address you use to access this site. Part of it says consumer action group, which i assume would mean a group where consumers write posts about where they believe action needs to be taken. Secondly if everybody took your view there would be no need for any consumer protection laws and supermarkets and any other member of the retailing community could pretty much do as they like Thirdly, by defending this company i can only think you obviously have some interest in there business Mr shed im goin to lm going to leave you with this, which im sure many people have heard before. Some people make things happen Some people watch things happen some people flat out wondered what the hell happened Im guessing i know which category you fall into.
  11. lol i am crap at explaining things .....in a nut shell they charge you an extra 70p (ish) for a large chicken thats the same size as a standard size i bought a normal one and am eating it as i type, an to be fair to em its bootiful as bernard mathews would say, and worth every one of the 45 minutes i spent arguin the toss with the store manager for lmao:D
  12. I visited my local tescos in Cradley Heath today, to buy a hot pre-cooked chicken from the deli counter. Ive bought a few in the past and allways just got a standard size, but today the father-in-law is over so i thought id get a large one. When i looked there didnt seem much difference in size so i picked up a whole roast chicken @ £3.58 and a large whole chicken @ £4.18 and with one in each hand just tried to feel a difference in weight it seemed pretty close so i decided to pop down the fruit an veg and check the weights on the scales, to my surprise the large chicken was just slightly (10g) lighter than the whole chicken. I asked customer services to check it and we both went up to the deli counter to see if they had been bagged wrong she said no thyre bagged right. She said the chicken comes in on pallets of whole chicken and large chicken they dont mix them as the large have to be cooked for longer She said the whole and large chicken comes in a range of sizes come in a range of sizes which i didnt see. she checked some on the scales and from the weights she said i worked out the difference in size was about 1 - 2 % and they all looked pretty much the same. But her chief argument was that if the supplier to tesco says the chicken is a large they sell them as a large. Id say that whoever they got there chicken was, was there business and shouldnt have any baring on how they describe a product to its customers. I think its deceiptfull that tescos charges you approximately 20% more for a chicken that is the same weight. Is there a law about this? weights and measures? or a law on the description?
  13. Thanks for the helpful reply To be fair i have had the letter a week and dint realise that the date was the 11th, i thought the deadline was a week later I never actually attended court when the original judgement was passed. I assume that the judge is implying, if you dispute this judgemnet why didnt you go to court originally to defend it, which i suppose was a little silly. Im still left with the problem of what to do tomorrow, looking at the definition that you have kindly posted for me, it looks as though its saying youve filled the wrong form out and need to do this before we can go further (which being a plumber may be totally the wrong end of the stick) but i shall apply to have it set aside tommorow instead of having it suspended, and basically state the reasons i originally gave with the addition of the comment you have made about the test case. Im wondering if the fact that i havnt asked hsbc for a breakdown and just put it on the original n244 i filled out that they should provide a breakdown of how they calculated the charges they applied to my account, if the judge may say i shud have already done this and not waited until i got to court to ask them. As i said im a plumber and these things baffle me at the best of times if you or anyone else readin this can help further ie what i shud put down as grounds to set asside this judgment id be gratefull Thanks again jonny
  14. Hi, i recently posted on here (somewhere not sure now) that hsbc had applied for a charge on my house for a defaulted £1500 overdraft, which has gone upto £2950 over time with charges solicitors fees etc. They got the charge put on my house. which i thought ment if i sold up they would be able to make a claim, but they got a warrant to remove goods from my house. Before the date that the ballifs were due to execute the warrant, i applied at court using a n244 to suspend the warrant (not sure if this was the right thing to do, should i have tried to set aside the warrant or is it the same thing as suspending it?) on the grounds that i believed that the charge was placed on my house, partly made up of bank charges, which i argued were unfair. I basically used the 'particulars of claim' that you would use to try to get back your bank charges to stop the charge, hoping hsbc might not turn up to court. This stopped the warrant, but i have now recieved a letter from the court. Dear Sir/Madam, Your application dated 16 January 2009 was placed before the District Judge who made the following comments:- "The Charging Order has been made final. It is based on a judgment entered on 13th August 2008. The Defendant will need to apply to set aside the judgment by 11 February 2009 and should explain why he says the judgment is incorrect and what grounds he has for disputing it. On receipt of this information the file will be reffered back to s District judge for further consideration. As i said when i enetered the n244 i put down that the charges were unfair under the consumer act and said i would like hsbc to provide a breakdown of how they had made these charges up to prove i owed the money So what does the judge want from me now if i have already stated these things on the n244 If anyone can help id realy appreciate it.
  15. I have just checked HM courts service and the form i filed was an application notice
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