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Everything posted by pheonix95

  1. Hi, My case is still being dealt with by the FOS, but no I never did get a visitor... If I were you I'd bypass them and go straight to the FOS. They can complain on your behalf even before the forty day deadline. Have you sought advice from CCCS or similar? Who is the original debt with? I had more success complaining about them in my case. Mat
  2. I do sort of have an update, yes. Basically have reported them to OfT and Trading Standards. I have also, in writing, made an official complaint to them. Where I'm at right now is waiting for the 40 days from when I sent the complaint until I can complain to the Financial Services Ombudsman. I'm happy to give you some more information about who I've spoken to and the letters/emails I've sent to them if you like? Are you in the same situation?
  3. Hi Everyone, Further to my previous thread about TF/NDR, I wonderred about how much I should agree to pay them in interest. They appear to be adding £54 in interest each month (or each 30 days, I'm not sure) to my account. Now, first of all I have asked them to send me a statement of balance/interest/charges etc. which they have yet to do. I've taken this up as a formal complaint with them so they have 40 days from 23rd Dec before I can take it to the FSO. However, I recal hearing others talk about only paying one months interest after the original term of the loan. Can anyone clarify this for me? Thanks, Mathew
  4. Hi, My experience of CRS was that they were unwilling to accept a reasonable repayment plan I could actually afford, despite it being propsed as part of a DMP with CCCS. As soon as my account was passed to Clarity (after about a month I think) the accepted the DMP straight away with no fuss at all. My advice - be patient and stick to your guns. Clarity are much better to deal with. Also, if they start adding daft fees you should challenge them - something I am in the process of doing myself. OfT say that they can only add reasonable and proportionate charges, and it does not cost them over 100 pounds to send me a letter and make a few phonecalls!
  5. sillygirl1 - Thanks for the advice, it really is appreciated, but one step at a time. It's not a case of reclaiming overpayments but rather disputing the actual balance that I owe, so I need that statement from them before I can move on that one. My main concern, and the reason I posted, was to get them to stop the threts and communicate through CCCS as they are supposed to. Once that's sorted I'll probably start the new thread and look at disputing the balance in the new year. Plus if they do try to seek a CCJ then I can dispute the charges at that stage anyway, can't I? Sorry if that sounds like I'm brushing you off - not what I intended - but I'm trying to make sense of all this just now and don't want to overload myself!
  6. dx - yes. that did make me smile, cheered me up no end in fact! CCCS had a postal address for them, so I've sent them a letter which I think makes the points I want to make about not threatening action they can't actually take and communicating with me only by post. Hopefully they'll send me another email and then I'll complain to the ICO about them not removing my email from their files - though to be honest I'm not holding my breath. Basically the CCCS advice was to pretty much ignore them and keep making the DMP payments. The argument goes that the worst they can do is take me to court, and if they do that then the court will most likely just set payments at the amount I'm already paying theough the DMP. I actually think this would be better as a court judgement would mean they would have to stop hassling me! I've also asked them to send me a statement detailing the balance they say I owe and interest and charges that have been applied. Thinking I might have a go at them for unreasonable charges too... Mat
  7. Indeed - just spoken to someone at the OfT who seemed quite enthusiastic about me sending them the details when I explained the situation. I have to say it's nice to feel that there are so many people 'on my side' for a change!
  8. Thanks dx for the swift reply I have referred to trading standards (who said they will be investigating it as a case of criminal harrassment, what fun!), so let's see where we get with that. I'll post here I'm sure if there are any developments. Mat
  9. Hi, I've not posted here before, but been looking around. I'm on a DMP with CCCS (started on 1st December) and most of my creditors have now written to me saying that they have accepted my DMP. This afternoon, though, I received the following email from a company called Narthern Debt Recovery with the subject line: "Repayment Offer UNACCEPTABLE: file passed to bailiffs": Now what I really like is that this is the first and only contact of any sort I have recieved from anyone about the debt I have with toothfairy. I actually had to google NDR to find out who they were. No default notice or email saying 'debt being transferred to a DCA' or anything. Anyway... Having had a scout around the forums I see that these are not the most reputable bunch of people, but I wondered if anyoen who has dealt with them might be able to advise me how to respond, and if they had a working email address to respond to, rather than the contact form on their website which just seems to send me automated responses? I'm going to ring CCCS first thing and see what they say (I would really like to complain to the OfT, Trading Standards and anyone else), but I don't have the first idea how... Thanks, Mat
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