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  1. ok. i have paid huge amounts in bank charges for credit cards and currents accounts to the bank of scotland over the past few years. thankfully ive now paid off the current account (o/d £750) but i still have the cc (£500 limit, was at £850 currently at £650) I am reading through the steps to try and reclaim the charges BUT I used to work for the Bank of Scotland as a cashier when i was at uni. I went through a disciplinary procedure which ended up in court as the bank had discovered i had been embezzling money from them while i worked there. It ended up in court and all got a bit messy. the sum was close to £2000. I paid the money back and recieve a community service order for my stupidity. anyway, that period in my life is over and i have moved on and i have re-invented myself. im in a good job and can afford to pay off my credit card no problem. what i want to know is if i start the reclaim process, will i have to end up in court again and will it all go sour. i dont want it all dragged up again. I dont know if they would even give me anything back because of the situation. Please reply to this if you can help. Id like to know if itd be worth contacting my lawyer.
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