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Everything posted by tinytot

  1. Not sure if it helps but Ive claimed under my insurance policy; it took two weeks from submitting the claim to being told it was being accepted, and a further week before I was allocated a lawyer. I did phone every single day, but it did still take what felt like a long time when I'm considerably stressed
  2. I made a SAR to the HR department requesting copies of all information which I am entitled to under Section 7.1 of the Data Protection Act, including my personnel file and any related emails, notes and correspondence. When its arrived, I read it, and something I expected to see is missing; six months ago I know a supervisor had to subject a list of employees of the department and mark them if they were 'expendable, essential or promotable', and I saw a copy of the email after it was sent stating I was promotable. This email isnt included. If this becomes a disaster, this could help prove I was competent/good at my job. Am I able to submit an additional request for all emails concerning me between xx people and xx dates?
  3. Im currently on sick leave, and its likely to be extended past my contractual sick leave entitlements. I am not entitled to SSP (not a British citizen). I have some credit card debt, and am considering while my credit record is still good and I have evidence of steady income of refinancing everything into a personal loan. Currently my credit debt repayments are £500 per month (I'm paying off, but also charging more every month so I can continue living, so only reducing the actual debt by £150 per month). The credit card interest rates are 29.3% but the loan interest rate Ive been offered is 17%. After my income stops, I will still be able to make payments of £100 which is more than the monthly loan repayment over 5 years. Should I take the personal loan, paying off my credit cards and closing them, and then just have the loan payment of £86 per month to worry about. I will have to leave the country once I lose the income, so a steady £86 would be easier to repay from abroad.
  4. For my work permit, if I lose my job, I have a month to leave the country or get a new job matching my existing one, and get a new work permit approved. So I would have to leave! I don't have lots of evidence - just notes I've made, and copies of the results for the last few anonymous employee surveys, which show that his rankings have been getting steadily worse. There are other anonymous comments on the survey from a fellow employee, who has identified himself privately to me, which complained about the boss' behaviour. He did complain to HR about the boss, but nothing was done. Its no longer my boss calling me, but HR are every day, wanting to set up a meeting. Im worried I'm going to be ambushed if I go to a meeting, but my insurance claim for legal help is still being checked (they asked for more info). All I do is cry and vomit, and now I've got hives so I dont think I'm able to meet with HR. I think ideally I want to be made redundant so I can pay off my debts and leave the UK (only bad memories here now), and obtain a clean reference so I can rebuild my life away from the mess.
  5. Ive been employed for almost five years by bakery, and they sponsored my work permit. Three months after the work permit began, a new manager started and I report to him. I've had many problems. He changes my duties all the time ("Don't contact customers" / "Contacting customers is now your responsibility") but won't put it in an email; made changes to policy, but again won't email ("If you need an email, you dont trust me", "My word is good enough", "Your job is to do as I tell you", "If you won't do what I tell you, you're in the wrong job"); tells me off for writing notes at meetings or of conversations ("You will only write lies", "How can you prove you are telling the truth"); and will complain I have done something wrong, call me a liar and when shown it was his mistake (emails), not offer/refuse to offer an apology. (I am not perfect and will say sorry when I have done wrong, but not if its not my fault). Also, I had many times his 'favourite' staff member would tell me one thing, and the customer would tell me different. When I talked to the staff member, I'm told its a 'cultural issue' or "Its because you're a woman" (both he and the manager are from India); when I tried three times to talk with the manager, he told me on each occasion I was slandering the good name of the staff member and that if I continued, I would be fired. (I didn't say "XXXXXXXX is lying" but "I am getting conflicting information from XXXXX and customers"). When I tried talking to him about his behaviour and that it was impacting my work, he told me if I didn't like it I could leave. Several times if he felt I was standing up for myself (not often - I wanted to keep the peace), he would make comments "What are the work permit rules if you lose your job?". On two or three occasions, I was told women are there 'to do, not think'. When I said that decisions relating to my work should be made with me included or I look stupid to colleagues when I don't know about a change, e.g. I had no respect from staff or customers, I was told "So?". When I got married, I was asked how soon I would be leaving to have a baby. When someone else made a PG, the manager asked if I knew about the complaint. He then said "What do you think will happen if someone makes a complaint about me?". Then he said "I will win and that person will leave". He also told me that he was there to do the job, not be nice and he doesnt care if staff complain. I am now on sick leave, but am afraid of going back to work. HR have told me this isn't good timing, they don't have a lot of resources, and that they cant afford someone to cover my job.
  6. I've been sick noted for a month, with the reason being stress and anxiety, work related. When I contacted HR the day I was signed off, I explained that it was due to my boss' behaviour e.g. bullying. After reading elpulpo's response, I contacted ACAS, who advised the same thing but suggested that I contact HR to cover myself, if only to make them aware I was being contacted. When I spoke with HR, they told me that me being away right now wasnt convenient as theyre really busy and don't have the resources to devote to me at present. They then asked me to come in and complete a handover onsite. I advised that I didn't feel able to do this. They then advised me HR would contact me tomorrow to see how I was; I confirmed I was happy for HR to contact me, but not my manager. The phone call didn't happen, and I've not heard from them since. The stress and anxiety relates to ongoing bullying by my boss, and I've been on anti depressants for approximately five months. HR have been aware of this and the reason for it since November. I was told by HR to raise a Personal Grievance against my boss, but my boss (aware others were already raising PGs against him), took me aside and told me that if anyone makes a complaint against him, not only will he 'win', but those persons will go. I did tell HR about his threat, but I wasn't offered any additional support - just told if I do have an issue, to make a complaint.
  7. Hi Ive been given a month off on sick leave due to work place stress caused by my boss. The sick note started Thursday last week; now I've had an email from my line manager asking me to call the office and explain to a colleague how to do my job. Is this allowed?
  8. I work for a subdivision, which we believe is about to be sold (due diligence information requested, rumoured new owners spotted in reception, lots of lawyers visits). My contract is with the parent company but the work I do is for the subdivision so I expect that I will be subject to TUPE. 1. My boss is unpleasant to work for and has had several personal grievances raised with HR; currently he is receiving management training due to a current grievance. In my case, I spoke with HR about him as I felt consistently abused and demeaned ("I don't listen to womens opinions" etc) and I was being given directions only for them to change weeks later and he would claim differently (colleagues recollections of the conversations match mine, and they also suffer from his amnesia too), but didn't feel able to raise a grievance as I was petrified of still working with him after the HR dust settled. 2. HR are repeatedly requesting copies of my passport and other details (previously discussed in an earlier thread) so I feel harassed (almost as though they are on a fishing expedition, though Im fairly angelic so it would be pointless!). I've been on anti depressants since October, and my doctor has suggested I take time off, especially as I suffer from psoriasis and I now have new severe outbreaks on my chest and groin. I've checked my company's sick leave policy which provides three months weeks full pay, three months half pay, and I'm considering taking the sick leave as he is extremely likely to be leaving with a 'golden goodbye', so life would improve post TUPE. I can possibly ask that the stress/depression sick leave be attributed to personal reasons rather than work reasons (uncle died of cancer a month ago, ex fiancee was a victim of the Christchurch earthquakes this week); am I better to use personal reasons than work reasons? Also, sick leave policy states you shouldn't leave the country while on sick leave but I have a four day holiday to visit family booked from last year; if I am still using annual leave to cover this, can I still in theory go? Finally, I am on a work permit; new ownership means that the permit has to be transferred. Should I be informed prior to the sale, or do they not have to tell me who holds my work permit?
  9. They sponsored me onto the work permit, which is a five year permit, and Im only 4 years into it - it expires April 2012. Surely the copy passport and the UKBA approval issued back in 2006 would be enough? Seriously though, I've got no problems with them having the correct records - I just want them to look after them, and the constant requests show that they don't. I actually harassed by the requests now as it feels like they're taking the easy option by not bothering to look after things, and just re-requesting to save themselves the trouble of looking after the documents they've requested before
  10. The first time was both standard at time of joining the company and for visa change (Dec 2006) The second time was when visa change completed (as Im not UK national) (April 2007) - visa was for 5 years The third time was they couldn't find my records when the company was restructured (February 2008) The fourth time was they couldn't find my records and wanted to confirm my work eligibility (April 2010) (three years into five year visa) The fifth time was for backdated CRB check (August 2010) The sixth time was for backdated CRB check as they couldn't find the set from the 5th time (a time of about six weeks) (Oct 2010) And time number seven - the most recent - was they wanted to check my eligibility again (four years into five year visa) (Jan 2011). I've got emails from each time making the request and confirming the receipt each time; when I've forwarded the emails showing they've already got it, I just get "Well we dont have it now". I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall *bang* *bang* *bang*
  11. well if thats all the action the Information Commissioner will take, there's no point in me pushing the issue as I'll just antagonise HR - I guess its a description of the 'slap of a wet soggy ticket' (or rather letter). I'd just like a guarantee that I never, ever get another request for my information again, and a consequence if they do. I feel harassed by HR's constant requests
  12. Hi today I've received a request for copies of my passport and other documents - the fourth request inside of ten months, and the 7th since I first joined the company five and half years ago. When I gave the copies last April and complained that they had lost the previous 3 sets, they apologised and said they would look after them this time. The next set they claimed it was for a backdated CRB check, but then I got another request, again for the CRB check. Then I got this request. Each time I ask where the previously supplied documents are, they tell me they dont know and its because of the various mergers/demergers, but we've been static for 12mths, so I cant understand why they keep losing my documents. Surely under the Data Protection Act, they have to look after my passport copies etc?
  13. We've tried asking, but all we get is a "Theres nothing to tell" As for my job, Im a Credit Controller - and I only chase people who owe money for wedding cakes, not the standard bakery stuff Eg bread etc So I guess I'll be subject to TUPE - damn!
  14. I work for a foodstuffs company which I'll call BakeRight, and they hold our employment contract. One of the things they do is bake wedding cakes. The wedding cakes are produced under another company name, which I'll call It Takes Two. The company structure goes that BakeRight own It Takes Two, and the company It Takes Two owns our software, stock etc needed for the day to day running, but payments, IT support etc is supplied by the parent company BakeRight. We believe that BakeRight is selling It Takes Two (industry rumours), and we believe that we know who the buyer is. Problem is, we dont want to work for the new buyer due to a very nasty reputation (several former colleagues have gone there post redundancy and were all miserable), and are hoping for redundancy. Does the transfer of undertakings only apply to It Takes Two (which doesnt hold any employment contracts), or will we will be TUPE'd and our BakeRight contracts transferred to the new owner? Obviously we would rather redundancy than resign.
  15. Im more of a reader than a contributor - mainly through lack of detailed knowledge - BUT could one of those more knowledgable Caggers please explain how and why the credit card charges could be deemed unfair yet not the bank charges? PS also watching the Banking Minister (who's she - not heard of her before) saying that the system can't be examined before, only forward. E.g. they're lowering charges going forward, but nothing will be done for the previous extortion
  16. If it helps, I'd vote for Asus; since my fiancees laptop issue, I've since brought another Asus laptop in February, and had no issues whatsoever.
  17. Hi I ended up spending £120 on getting an IT expert to fix and repair it, but not before receiving a number of unpleasant communications from MBA. Unfortunately the Office of Fair Trading shared with me that I was one of many complaints regarding MBA Technologies. Surprisingly I've had better luck buying my laptops in Hong Kong on stopovers (and usually saved around £100). As for Acer, a US warranty company just released their statistics on laptop failure by brand (based on claims they received), and have to say Acer didnt rank very well Asus top, HP not in reliability study | Stuff.co.nz
  18. Apologies as I know the relevancy is very loose here, but banks in Australia and New Zealand are also being impacted by overdraft charges, so much so that National Australia Bank and Bank of New Zealand have now opted to stop imposing charges altogether. Apparently this is because of the number of complaints received from customers charged $25 for being a $1 overdrawn. If only UK banks could see the light.... Link PS I read the board often, I just don't contribute as everyone is so much more knowledgeable than me... and apologies again
  19. DX100Uk - thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't work. I'm open to trying anything because all we really want is a working laptop, so if you have any other ideas, I'd be grateful. In the meantime I sent MBA a letter giving them seven days to rectify the fault.
  20. On Saturday boyfriend decided to join the computer age, and brought an ASUS laptop from MBA Technology on Tottenham Court Rd. He chose Asus as I've had two of them without any problems, and a couple of friends have also got them. We took it out of the shiny box, powered it up, and it wouldn't connect wirelessly to the internet (although it will connect with the Ethernet Cable). Rang Asus CS in Canada (as UK office was closed); 1.5 hrs later they recommended we return it to the store as an out of box failure. We started ringing the store without success. Then decided to try Geek Squad; 45 minutes later they advised the laptop was faulty (after accessing the laptop remotely while we were connected via Ethernet cable), and confirmed the laptop was faulty. Continued ringing all day Sunday and Monday - no answer. Tuesday I returned to the store; got told I was a liar (about the phone calls) and refused to replace or refund the laptop. I advised I would go to Trading Standards and they actually laughed, saying I'd never get a result. They advised they would test it. Came back tonight; store clerk couldn't get it connected but manager could (after ten minutes). Brought laptop home, but same problem - it keeps responding 'Acquiring Address'. Other laptops, including Asus laptops, connect without any difficulty. Phoned store; they refused to discuss the issue any further. So far my boyfriend has shelled out 460 pounds for a laptop that won't connect to the internet unless using the ethernet cable - which isn't possible in his flat as the modem is inside a person's bedroom. Any suggestions how to proceed?
  21. As for the Aussies, go to moneyclaim.gov.uk if you're not getting very far and lodge a claim that way. They have to reimburse you for those flights, and I'd recommend causing as much as a fuss as you can via the media etc Do they show 'Airline' in Oz (a reality tv programme on easyJet)? If so, get some newspaper editor to tie in your story with the tv listings or something. Good luck!
  22. Hi, just my two pence worth. In September our flight from Shannon to Gatwick was cancelled at 11pm. Easyjet offered a replacement flight from Cork, departing at 6.30am, but refused to provide any transfers to Cork. When I said they were asking the impossible, they informed me that it wasn't their problem I was stranded in Ireland - it was mine. And so sums up their attitude towards me. And for those of you interested, no there weren't any signs or leflets containing passengers rights on display or even available on request. I emailed, I faxed, I posted (by recorded signed for), and I phoned. Almost seventy times. Finally when I said I was going to issue a claim in the County Court, the guy on the phone responded 'Go on - I dare you', and so thats what I did. Suddenly I got an email (surely not a co-incidence), and I got some money back. Then the legal department sent me a letter saying they'd paid me back more than what I was claiming so I should drop my claim; the paralegal was wrong as she was reading everything in pounds, when the refunds were done in Euros meaning I was still £50-odd pounds short (I've claimed for my postage and numerous call costs to their 10p a minute customer 'help' line). I've helpfully pointed out her mistakes via email, but am still awaiting any reply. If they don't pay up to the penny, I'll continue my claim in the County Court. Unfortunately the County Court seems to be the only thing they'll listen to.
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