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Everything posted by ducatibabe

  1. *BIG HUG* Oh saffron I'm so sorry to hear you are still up to the eyes with this bunch of idiots. It seemed after your meeting you were getting somewhere, but keep your chin up and as setmefree says you have an increadible knack of finding solutions for everyone elses problems so I'm sure you will come up trumps for this new twist in your battle. I wish I couold suggest something to help but I'm at a loss However, if you want to talk (even if its about big Brother) to take your mind of things just give me a shout Love and hugs Dx
  2. Well done Saffron....you are a star I hope the council Man realised what kind of people the bailiffs are when the head honcho threatened you with solicitors etc in the PRESENCE of the council man as a witness:roll: If he can do that under the circumstances of the meeting, surely it must indicate what else they get up with no officials watching:evil: Anyway Well done again, go and get a nice glass of wine and congratulate yourself on a job well done Love and hugs Dx
  3. Good Luck Saffron, I still cant thank you for directing me to this Forum and everyone here enough for the help and support I got when I had problems..............i still lurk, but dont really feel qualified to post advice,. and often when i can help someone has already got in before me what i am doing though is writing and emailing as many people as I can think of that may be able to bring to the publics notice the bad practices of SOME bailiffs follow. If we all do a little bit we will get there eventually Dx
  4. not geminis husband but the bailiff company as they didnt check his authority
  5. Surely Sf's occupation makes no difference to her personal circumstances and the fact that she is on this site helping and advising other people, trying to ease their stress and STOP THEM BEING RIPPED OFF is something to be COMMENDED not critised. All I can say is if more people in the world were like SF and less were of the "lets knock it" brigade the world would be a better place. KEEP UP the GOOD WORK SF, its good to have a voice shouting for us that those in authority WILL listen to. You are making a huge difference and I for one cannot thank you enough for pointing me in the direction of this site and helping me resolve my problems with the bailiffs.
  6. I HERE HERE !!! For a very long time I have believed that this government has operated a policy of divide and separate amongst the Population of the UK in that no information is allowed "to get out" that would mean people can make an informed opinion on how the Goverment is performing and how they are wrapping us so tight in red tape and unneccesary laws, and how the country as a whole is being affected by certain issues..... this ludicris bailliff law, CSA non Payments, Id cards, Working Family Tax Credit overpayments etc etc etc, this list goes on but for the people caught up in these nightmares they feel alone and that their situation is not happening to anyone else and that they are powerless to make any real change. THIS IS NOT TRUE, but if more people were aware of the REAL situation they may stand together and protest and they dont want THAT....remember the poll tax riots???? I also believe the Media as a whole have a HUGE part to play in this deception and after my experiences recently with bully boy bailiffs and all the wonderful people on this site I am going to start shouting from the roof tops to anyone who will listen about these injustices. Sorry I shall now get off my high horse and I'm off to pen a letter to my MP (MR TONY BLAIR) before he resigns!!!!
  7. Hi Concat I have to say i know how you feel about your head being all over the place. all i can say is you have come to right place. The guys on this site are absolutely fantastic and the advice and support you will receive is invaluable. like saffron flowers said THEY HAVE STOLEN YOUR MONEY GGRRRRRR. You Will get this sorted and dont be scared of the baiiliffs doing this to you .....they are BULLIES and should be stood upto. I know you can do it . YOU ARE NOT ALONE we are all here to help in whatever way we can. DX
  8. Hi Everyone Quick update Council rang back and they have agreed i can pay £25 permonth to clear debt!!!!!!!!!! RESULT:D Different person than the guy I spoke to yesterday, but she was v interested as to the bailiffs attire...he was wearing cargo pants and a sweatshirt........and the fact he didnt say he was from RCS until he was in the house and DID NOT show me any ID at any time...........also wanted details on his vehicle, but as i live on a main road with no parking at front I didnt see one, but the fact SHE queried it made me think they ve had similar complaints about them charging for Vans but not having one Also lots of other stuff, but she was also aware IT IS FRAUD to try to take goods without having a signed levy!!!!!! Overall it seems that this has come about as the council has been pressuring Regional Collection Services to clear outstanding cases and as mine had had no action for months and months, they came a callin'. She said RCS had used a tracing service to try to find me and that was what the charges MAY be related to because I had moved house but when I told her the council were aware of my address and indeed I have letters from on unrelated matters to BOTH my other addresses and that that was balony she backed down pretty sharpish. call ended by her saying she had a meeting with the bailiffs and she would advise me as to fees. AS I understand it though, as the council have accepted my debt back I dont pay bailiff fees.......can anyone confirm or put me right on this score? MANY MANY MANY THANKS TO YOU ALL Dx
  9. Hi All, just a quick update, spoke to the head of revenues at the council and he is putting the case on hold until he can investigate it!! Should hear back tomorrow, but he did nt seem at all surprised when I mentioned I believed the bailliffs were acting fraudulently!! fingers crossed eh?
  10. Hi saffron flowers, thank you for pointing me in this direction....I am eternally grateful. I am at work at the moment so calling council when I'm on my lunch break to see what they say. Will update you as soon as I can
  11. thanks setme free.....As the bailiff hasnt seen the pc (or any of my goods outside the front room) i dont see how they can know about it:x I really am getting madder by the minute, just read your thread and have to say well done! I hope mine ends as well as yours I am taking great strength from you all on this sight, just psyching my self for that call to the Police:eek:
  12. Funnyman advised me earlier that as the bailiffs are apparently trying to defraud me that should be enough for the council to take back the debt, so guess who I'm telephoning !st thing on Monday:-)
  13. Thank you that has really cleared up a big worry. Now i know i have right on my side as i didnt sign anything it has given me a new determination. I feel so angry that these people are in effect trying to steal my stuff!!! granted i do owe something, but i have not refused to pay and this company seems to know its not operating correctly as when i questioned details of a visit they supposedly made in Jan this year a £110.00 charge was suddlenly waived:x . They said i could have details of the charges but would be charged for them.....so would only go over them on the phone and even then the details were sketchy..............grrrrrr another money making tactic.?
  14. The Watcher Hi! I'm about to move it into her room from mine as i have the telephone point, but see if the broad band will work over an shop bought extension wire. (that I'll be buying tomorrow!) Fingers crossed it does work!! Dx
  15. Hi Funnyman, Thanks for your support....its really appreciated. I'm a bit nervous of calling the police as its sscary calling them on an ordinary person but doing it with a bailiff is REALLY scary:eek: However needs must ansd i will let you know what happens. As for benefits i get child tax credit and working family credit as i work 20 hours a week and am a single Mum. My daughter is 15 and owns the probably the most expensive item in the house...a pc i bought her for christmas so she can do her GCSE course work, so I dont want them to take that. Hope that helps? Dx
  16. THANK YOU!!!! I know it seems silly but i'm really worried as i just dont have the money and am in the process of trying to borrow it from friends. I'm a bit concerned about reporting it to the police......do i just ring them and make a statement and then leave it to them? Is it possible i may have to go to court? or is it just so there is a formal record of my complaint? G-d iI feel like such a wimp:( but at the minute until i get my head round it all , I think I'm looking at everything from the bottom of a big pit. but at least i can see a light ahead somewhere:| Dx
  17. Hi Funnyman thank you for replying. All I have in writing is a pro forma letter he handed to me on Monday night just stating balance due is £585.30. It has space for Amount due prior to todays visit but this was left blank and also cost of this attendance was left blank. He handwrote at the top "£351.00cost + Instalallments Letter recd thurs but dated Tues again pro forma saying he had attended with a van and if £585.30/£351.00 then insts not paid within 5 days then he will emove goods previously levied upon for non payment of council tax arrears. I dont understand the goods previously levied upon as he stood in my front room and went no where else and didnt write anything down either. the company is regional collection services and the council is sedgefield. I know i cannot name him on the forum but i do have his full name Dx ps when i spoke to the company on Friday she said there was a charge of 24.50 for the first visit to my old address but as i explined the council had details of my new address so if they had wrong info thats not my fault and i should nt be penalised for their ineffieciency.
  18. Hi its my first post so "hello" to everyone Please can someone advise me on what I need to do? On Monday night I had a vist from a bailiffrequesting payment og £585.30 allegedly for council tax going back over 4 years. Unfortunteatley he came into my house as i didnt know i didnt have to let him in I didnt sign anything but i explained to him i had no knowledge of this debt as i have not had any corres from his company or the council, and that although I had moved house twice in the interveneing time I had always made the council aware of my adress, had my mail redirected each time i moved and was on the electrol register so wasnt hiding. He said there was a liabilty order issued in Jan 2005, and that the council nor his company had any responsibilty to send me any letters about it.!! surely this cant be right?. He did say if i paid the costs of £351.00 i could pay the debt by installments. All the time he was saying he was nice and didnt work on a commision basis he was salaried so he was trying to help me, but the van drivers who it would passed onto if he didnt receive payment are "not nice " and will take my goods. I am trying to borrow off friends to get the 351.00. After reading this forum (thanks to Saffron flower ) I rang the council who said the debt was £480.30., but thery wouldnt take the debt back as it was now with the bailiffs. So i rang the bailiff comapny to ask for deatils of all correspondence sent and asked for copies of the charges they are asking for. The woman on the phone said the debt from the council was £280.30 and that i had been chargfed for calling out to my previous address and leters to that address. she also said I had been charged £110.00 fora call out to my current address in January and when I queried this as no correspondence or card from the bailiff had been left she had a word with her Managing Director and this was miraculously dropped. She says that i was charged £150.0 for the visit on Monday. I also got a note pushed thru my door on thurs saying the bailiff was going to return with a van the police and a locksmith to remove my goods unless payment was received immediately. My concern on this is that the bailiff signed and dated the letter for TUESDAY but I KNOW he put thru on thurs. Soory for rambling but I've never had to deal with anything like this before and ANY advice would be gratefully received. Unfortunaltely my recollection of the actual debt is foggy as at the time it relates to i had a nervous breakdown and lost my job and was on stupid amounts of medication. Thank You Dx
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