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Everything posted by tevion

  1. just been on to website About Bailiffs and Enforcement Officers and it says that uncertified bailiffs cant levy for council tax. inform your council imediately that they are employing uncertified bailiffs. they wont like that and tell them what happened. kick up a fuss if you have to but dont let this one go. if the bailiff wasnt certified then he had no buisness entering your property. thats not tresspass its aggrivated burgary.make a complaint to the council and the bailiff company and the police if you can. if hes not qualified to persue the debt then hes not a bailiff and has no right to enter your home. make sure the council and the bailiff comany are aware you want to make this a criminal matter. get the debt pulled back to the council if its not already. make it aware to the council that they are liable for the conduct of the bailiffs they employ and if they are using unqualified bailiffs then that makes them liable for any offences committed.
  2. now that my little poem has been disallowed and removed, i would just like to say that it went ba ba. blacksheep not ba ba blacksheep1979. so could the cagbot please put it back. ba ba blacksheep is a well known nursary rhyme. i just changed the words abit. if blacksheep 1979 found it offensive in anyway, can i then suggest you remove all of his posting as they have been annoying other members from day dot.
  3. any posting on here by members can be taken as offensive to any other member, whether it was intentional or not. what may upset one member may not upset another. sometimes its not what is written but how it is perceived. this site is about expressing ones oppinion and it would be foolish to expect everyone to either agree or disagree with it. however if we are to be restricted in what we say then whats the point in posting. it would probably be more productive for us to go on ebay and auction off our belongings before the arrival of the bailiffs
  4. i presume your talking about a fixing penalty for parking. not sure but i think charges regarding collection of penalty charges are controlled. i remember reading something about someone who was being screwed by the bailiff on charges. he contacted the bailiffs made them aware of the correct charges and told them he was informing the council. the bailiff bottled it apparently and waved all charges and told him just to pay original penalty. you would need to find the info from some where. probably on the net.
  5. first of all stop panicing, i know its easier said than done. its apity you shredded the letter because you dont know whether its off the council or the bailiff company. anyway it doesnt matter cus your not going to prison. wont pays get sent down not cant pays. if the letter was from the council then it means the debt has been pulled back which is good news.if you have to go to court, dont worry, you will be allowed to pay what you can afford. they cant have what you havent got and as you said you have been trying to pay. as far as bailiffs are concerned if you dont want to answer your door to them or talk to them then thats your right. ok if might **** them off but so what they **** enough people off. bailiffs dont usually give a toss about peoples circumstances they just care about being paid. as far as racking up charges, council tax recovery charges are set by law. nothing can be charged for letters and no more than two visits (check national debtline website) and realistically he will have to have gained access in to your property before these charges can be enforced. if a bailiff turns up and you pay him then he will come back for more and try and rack on more charges. if he knows he isnt going to get any money off you or that he wont gain entry, then its more likely that the debt will be passed back to the council. just as if you make a bailiff aware that you know what the legal charges are, he cant screw you. council tax can be paid online and as far as i am aware, it doesnt refuse payment like bailiffs or the council. contact the council and explain your circumstances and see if you can set up a payment plan. dont be bullied into an agreement you cant afford and remind them that a magistrate will not take kindly to court time be wasted due to them not offering assistance and refusing your offer to pay what you can afford. you could also make a formal complaint if you are unhappy. make sure you inform them that you are pregnant and the stress that this is having on you as an expectant mother and ask if they would like to contact your midwife to explain to him/her how they can justify this. then ask them about their discrimination policies regarding the treatment of women and pregant women. what i am trying to say his dont be fobbed off.
  6. i presume you are talking bout criminal court not county court. contact the court and explain the situation and see if they can get the warrent pulled back. bailiffs acting for criminal courts, fines etc, can now force entry. however if its your partners property then theres not a lot he can do. what he may say, howver, is that as far as hes concerned the court have give him this address and hes wants paying or he will remove goods. tell him to do one. you can call the police, but if he were going to force entry they should be present anyway. if you call them dont mention bailiffs just say someone trying to get in. police cant usually do a lot, they just usually there incase it kicks off, but it will stop the bailiff giving it the big un.
  7. go down council and inform them your on bennefits and show them proof if you have it. remind them that bailiffs arent supposed to be used against people on bennefits and dont take any crap off them. bailiffs are supposed to pass it back to the council once they have been informed that some ones on bennefits and told to do so. try not to worry and dont let bailiff in to your property.
  8. no you dont have to accept the charge and gaining entrance to your block is not gaining entrance to your flat, so your goods have not been levied and there is no walking possession order. to be legally valid a walking possession order has to be signed. a bailiff turning up in a car is not the same as turning up in a van to remove goods. if a bailiff did turn up in a van, the costs have to be reasonable. this basicaly means if they charge £100 for the hire of a van but you can hire one in your area for £40, you can argue that the charge is unreasonable. anyway, he cant charge for a vehicle unless he gets in to your property and like i said cars dont count. speak to the council asap and dont pay the bailiff anything. get the council to pull it back. if your ever in the situation again where the debt has been passed to a bailiff and the council say that you got to pay him and its out of their hands, pay on line to the council. the internet doesnt refuse payments and once the debt is paid to the council thats the end of it, no matter what the bailiff says. if original debt is paid then theres nothing to persue. however, cus you are on bennefits its different. bailiffs shouldnt be used. get the warrent pulled back.
  9. tell them your not paying anything. invite the bank and dca to take you to court over unlawful bank charges so they can explain them to the judge. they will probably make threats but i doubt whether it will go any where.
  10. stop panicing, your not going to prison. you shouldnt even be paying the baliff. if you informed the bailiff tht you are on bennefits then he should pass it straight back to the council. contact your council and tell them whats going on. dont let them fob you off or give you any crap. ask to speak to a manager if they mess you around. inform them that bailiffs arent supposed to be used agaist people on bennefits, tell them that the bailiff is threatenig you with prison ( he has no authority to do this, scare tactic) remind them that council tax recovery charges are set by law (c nationdebtline website) you cant be charged for letters and you can only be charged for two visits. also remind the council that they are liable for the conduct of the bailiffs they employ. dont pay the bailiff any money and dont open your door to him if you dont want to. if he calls again, remind him you are on bennefits and that he should have passed it straight back to council, also remind him that recovery charges are set by law. the council can deduct arrears out of bennefits, i think its about 2.68 a week for council tax arrears. the baliffs charges are not collectable by courts or the council. dont take any grief off them.
  11. once a council tax bill is paid thats the end of it. if you wanted a statement of your account i dont see how council can refuse, you should have gone down there and kicked up a fuss. i wouldnt have paid the extra charges no matter what some prat said on the end of a phone. people who sound off on the end of a phone do it because they can and havent got the bottle to do it to your face. dont ever let some retard shouting down the phone worry you. they cannot collect charges on a bill that doesnt exist and is paid in full.
  12. big mistake letting him in, but its done now. no you cant be arrested. get down counciland dont let the fob you off. tell them about charges and what the baailiff saidabout you being arrested. remind them that they are legally liable for the conduct of the bailiffs they employ. kick up a fuss, ask that the warrent be returned to the council and ask to speak to a manager it you get any crap. counciltax recovery charges are set by law, check out national debtline website. 22.50 for first visit, 16.50 for second. nothing can be charged for furthur visits or any letters sent.
  13. i would definately take it furthur if you can. did you make a complaint to the council if not do so, they are liabe for the conduct of the bailiffs they imploy. im glad you got ur stuff back but that isnt the point. im raging inside for you. if a bailiff had climbed through my window he would have left alot quicker through it wether it was open or closed.
  14. please pm the individual who has left cag and ask him to rejoin. the postings of one very sad person on here does not reflect every ones views or weaken any help or advice that may be given. dont know about being called blacksheep, EDIT
  15. you wont end up in prison, the nicks are full they letting pedo's out after a week. anyway i suppose if you dont go you wont know what its about. i can't help you with wolfs or fox report because i'm not familiar with either. hope you get it sorted in your favor. i think they want to up the order.
  16. dont see what the problem is, as you said your paying more than the order anyway. it could be that because your paying more than you should they are going to try and get the order upped to more than your paying now or at the very least what you are paying now, just in case you pay less in the future. after all the order says £5 so if you suddenly paid them this there woulnt be much they could do. perhaps theres a problem with them receiving money because its going through a third party. i dont know. but what i do know is and this is just me not advising you. i wouldnt go. end of.
  17. theres always hope babe if nothing else. as i already said bailiff fees are regulated by law, check my previous post. if you have been over charged make a complaint to the council as i said and claim the money back. what you got to lose.
  18. well first stop panicing. even if the guy does enforce and a bailiff came to your home, you DO NOT have to let him in. deny the debt exists, its his word against your hubby's and as you said the court have lost the paper work anyway. also this guys talking out of his arse. a £300 debt is not going up to £2000. he's just trying to frighten you and it seems its working. if you pay the £65 say the reason your not paying is cus theres no debt to pay. what is this alleged debt for anyway? you can't have credit untill you are 18. so it doesn't matter when ccj taken out any contract if any would be invalid which i assume would make ccj also. if the the alleged debt was from so long ago why has he now decided to persue it after all this time. how did he find you and does hubby remember what it was for. anyway let HIM prove you owe it and chill out.
  19. EDIT http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forum-rules-please-read/9-forum-rules-please-read.html
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