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  1. does anyone know what it means if your driving licence is revokedbecause you were unable to supply it in a requested time frame?
  2. hi all, just got off of the phone to the halifax regarding their offer and am pleased to say that have negotiated a figure with them. it wasn't the full amount but after a good conversation regarding charges ( i know some people won't agree with me here) and my opinions of what the charges should be we settled on a figure to be returned to me of what i wanted less what would have been a fair charge for the costs incurred. however i'm not going to celebrate until the money is in the account - just in case. should all go well theres definately a donation to cag on the way. now i've cut my teeth on this one i'm going to start looking at other company that have overcharged me in the past. thanks to everyone for their help and i'll let you know if it does or doesn't go well.
  3. hi all, just opened a letter from the halifaxand they say that they're sorry to hear i'm unhappy with my charges but that they can help by offering me just over a third of what i'm claiming in full and final settlement. i reckon i'm going to call them and say i'll take it as part payment whilst i persue the rest and see what their answer is. any opinions or suggestions as to what/how to say it?
  4. i'd love to see the bailiffs going in on my behalf instead of being threatened with them. ha ha
  5. just read your thread jaxads, thanks. amazing how quickly you got it all done with, well done. hope mine goes the same way. docannie, a thought occurred to me - if you file a claim with the 8% and you win through the halifax not entering a defence or by not appearing do you get everything including the 8%? good luck.
  6. well the lba went yesterday, looking forward to what they send back as an answer.
  7. hi all, i've just got a book out of the library which is a guide to consumer law. i have found a brief passage in it entitled the consumer credit act and "extortionate credit bargains". it says that a bargain is extortionate if it requires the debtor to make payments which are too high and that the debtor can have the case reexamined in the county court. I believe it relates to the act (s138). is this relevant and has anyone used this to get their interest or repayments with welcome lowered?
  8. thats great many thanks to all who answered and helped me with advice. i just wish that i had known of this site ages ago, i might not have got myself into such a mess. it would appear that i have been conned and ripped off by different firms in the past simply because i didn't know my rights and was too naive to contest anything. NEVER AGAIN. as soon as ( if ) i get charges from my bank returned i shall definately be making a donation.
  9. thanks bailiffchaser i'll get down there later. any ideas about being able to use a recording as evidence. the reason i'm asking is that my wife and i have both received repeated aggressive, intimidating and once an abusive phone calls from a dca and would feel better taking it further if i had some hard proof of what was said. also any ideas anyone about the cedit file question. thanks
  10. great info, thanks all for replying. sorry to take up your time with more questions but does anyone know of a way of recording your phone calls and the legal ramifications of doing this ie: is it legal to do so and can the recording be used in court? also if a debt is statute barred should it be removed from your credit file as soon as it becomes barred, if not how long until it can be removed? thank you to all who take the time to read and answer my post - it is very much appreciated. hopefully as i learn more i'll be able to help others as well.
  11. just wondering if anyone can tell me why the halifax will pay up to some people fairly quickly but with others they seem to push it as far as they can?
  12. hi, my wife has received a letter from bryan carter &co threatening legal action about a debt, however we have absolutely no recollection of having a debt with the company that they claim to represent (jd williams ???) they want us to contact them regarding why we haven't paid but i am unsure what to do. if i contact them am i acknowledging the debt i.e. statute of limitations. or how can i dispute the debt? sorry if this doesn't make sense, i think i've confused myself reading too many different threads while trying to figure this out myself. hope someone can advise.
  13. from what i've read on the forums they do have great customer service skills when they start to get rattled, don't they.
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