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  1. Thanks for the telling off, I have already had from the wife. Next time I will think before I park in one of 6 empty disabled bays for 1 minute.
  2. I received a FPN ticket a couple of days ago for parking i minute in a disabaled bay, which has the wrong time on it. Should I accept/admit that I was parked there at the time, when I clearly was not. In fact the ticket has been completed incorrectly as follows: From/at 13:29 to 13:00 ie -29 minutes (back in time). Should I contest?
  3. I wrote a letter back in April. Requesting a refund of my charges. Firstly they did not respond to my letter for 2 weeks. So I send an email, which they did respond to requesting 4 weeks to investigate. They did not investigate so they send me another letter after a month to tell me they need another month to investigate. So on the 14/06/2007 I get a letter say that they will offer me £100 of the £2200 I am claiming. Really. That much:rolleyes: I know, I know I should have started proceedings after a couple of weeks, but I have been a bit lax as I already sorted out the Halifax. But now I am a bit scared because of recent events. Can any one give advice to make sure that I do not end up losing my case? Abbey are due to respond to the 'Notice of Issue' by the 02/07/2007. Oh no! I have realised that I have botched up my N1 form. In the Values section I have correctly show the bank charges, Interest and court fees, but I have totaled them up wrong underneath. All the other sections (amount claimed, Court fee, Total Amount) are correct. Is this a show stopper?
  4. I need a little advice on how to deal with a ticket I received in Milton Keynes. I accept that I did overstay my welcome, but this was due to the customer I was visiting having an emergency situation with thier phones and alarms, which meant I could not leave. 1. I sent a cheque (£30) to them quite close to the 14 day limit (maybe 1 day over) 2. They have banked the cheque. 3. I received a notice for a further £30 as the deemed the check that I had sent as part payment of the £60 4. I did not pay 5. I have received another notice which has added on another £30 for late payment. As far as I am concerned they should have returned my £30 if it was not sufficient to cover the fine and given me the opportunity contest the £60 charge. Surely it is not legal to add penalty charges for late payment(same as banks). Any Advice welcome
  5. I was contact by B&S regarding my CT and agreed to pay them £280 a month. But the new council tax year is upon us which means I now have an additional 112 a month to pay. I can not afford both payments. I don't want to deal with B&S any more as they are very inflexible. I have made 4 payments on a £2700 debt. Is there a way I can get the council to take the management of this debt back so that I could just make one payment of £280 a month for arrears and this years CT?
  6. Today they have acknowledged that they will be paying another £912.58 to my account. Thanks for your help
  7. I send a letter withdrawing the offer but they still transfered £1600 to my account and they have not taken it back to date. Contents of the letter: Thank you for your recent letter dated 9th March 2007. As I noted in the letter sent on the 12th February 2007, I would accept £1600 as full and final settlement if the matter was resolved within 7 days. 25 days have elapsed before you have decided to respond to my letter during which I have not even received acknowledgment of it. For this reason I have already started court proceedings to recover bank charges and associated interest and therefore the offer of accepting £1600 as full and final settlement is withdrawn. You will have received the court documents on the 9th March 2007 and I assume it is by coincidence that you have decided to accept my offer on the same day. My claim including interest and court charges are now £2512.58. If you do credit the £1600 to my bank account it will be accepted as part payment of my current claim and the balance will still be pursued. End of letter. Should I do anything else?
  8. Only the offer was without prejudice on a separate page. I will stick with the court route. Shall I send a letter withdrawing my offer?
  9. I sent an offer to the Halifax 'Without Prejudice' for £1600 on the 10th Feb giving them 7 days to accept. Since then I have heard nothing up until 9th March. I submitted my N1 court form on the 7th March, which I received on the 9th March. The schedule of charges I submitted on the 7th March included some additional charges of which one I was quite upset about. This new schedule included now totals £2400 including court charges. Today (10th March) I have received a letter from the halifax agreeing to pay my original offer for £1600. I am not inclined to accept this now, as I have since had additional charges (completely down to halifax's error), I have had to take time of work to pickup and deliver the N1 form and I now also have a court fee of £120.00. I am not sure what to do now. Should I just let things take path through court and advise the Halifax not to transfer the money? BTW I would now accept £2000. Seems a bit of a coincidence that my original offer is accepted after they get the court docs.
  10. Since I sent my final letter to my bank I have discovered some more charges and some new ones have been applied to my account. Should I add these to my court claim?
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