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Everything posted by dannygr27

  1. they tried it with me but i didnt pay i complained to the court and within 30 mins sherforce called me and said they will not deal with me and they sent the debt back
  2. Hi thanks for the reply, I have taken steps to sort out my spending and did join cag a while back to start reclaiming charges on various accounts, but life got in the way (5 kids under ten, house move and child in and out of hospital), am starting the whole process again, have about £300 of charge's on the catalouge account's which i want to reclaim, they have sent account to a dca, should i send them the letter's that i was sent confirming that the accounts were closed and fully paid, or should i just send a lba? I have every intention of paying for the good's but am angry that the account's were left active after written conformation of them being closed? Have had letters about court action and need to know where i stand, i have evidence that i paid account's in full and asked for them to be closed and letter's advising that the accounts were closed,is it pointless asking for a cca or should i request one anyway, also where do i stand as far as intrest goes? due to lower payments they want a much higher rate of intrest on the account
  3. HI i have had alot of debt problems in the past and early last year cancelled all of my credit agreements and paid off everything i owe, i sent the cancellation requests by recorded delivery and asked for a written response, in november i was a having a bad time and did some virtual shopping only to find two of my catalouges were still active, i still have the letters confirming that the accounts were closed. i used the accounts(stupid but i have a problem with spending which is why i had tried to close the accounts) i cant afford the re-payments and the amount they want from me in a payment arrangement is double what i can afford and will also have a much higher rate of intrest, where do i stand with these debts, I know it's my own fault but i did try to close the accounts and paid them off in full, i cant afford what they want as dont work at the moment, any advice on where i stand so i can make them accept more reasonable payment's would be appreciated
  4. Hi i have a problem with spending and decided to clear off all of my debts last year and cancel my catalouges, i did this in writing and got written responses advising that my accounts have been closed, about six months ago i was very stressed and went onto the site's to virtual shop thinking that they were closed accounts so i could not get into any trouble, both accounts were still active and i have used them both, i know it's stupid but the whole reason i cancelled them in the first place was because i knew i could not trust myself not to use them, well i cant keep up the payments anymore as i cant work at the moment and need to know where i stand as far as these debts go, i know i took the goods and that i owe the money but when i tried to get in to a payment arrangement they wanted four times as much as i could afford, any advise would be appreciated
  5. HI all , Sent polite e-mail to Hsbc to let them know that they have 7 days before futher action is taken, thanks for the link lateralus! Have sent non-compliance letter, Got a partial offer from cap one today , its starting to get fun again lol sam
  6. Hi PD, I have been so busy, little ones just started walking! been doing loads of overtime so not had much free time, hope all is ok with you:D Sam
  7. Hi I have had a letter from barclaycard saying oft has given them six weeks to provide statments on micro film?? is this correct or are they just stalling for more time? thanks sam
  8. HI all, been tapping my toes for the last fourty days waiting for statments, cheeky gits have cashed my cheque but still not statments, im not sure which letter i should send now? would really appreciate some help thanks Sam studio setteled in full capital one - claim for £348 sent in 5 days to go! littlewoods visa- snotty letter saying have six weeks to send statments on microfilm, partial staments sent- looking at 400+ so far addittions/ lx direct dpa breach committed as of 14/05/2007
  9. £60 compensation promised last week in writing and an appointment for the 9th of may also in writing, letter of complaint sent via recorded delivery, if nothing is resolved in 14 days the ombudsman can take over, I have also sent a bill for the 4 days i have taken off work to for their appointments as its been over a week since compensation was offered and nothing has been sent out. I refuse to give up though, no one use's 200 of electric a month and i want my money back Sam
  10. HI Went out today to buy my 8 yr old daughter some shoes, littlewoods credit card was declined! phoned them to find out why and found out my credit limt has been reduced from 2k to £300, sar request was recived by them on 12th April, their records show statments were oredered on the 3rd of may and credit limit was reduced on 2nd of May. Apparantly this is just a coincidence (ha ha), not bothered about reduced credit, in a way they have done me a favor but very angry that i was not informed. Is there any action i should take aginst them as i am convinced that this has been done to punish me for sending sar request Sam
  11. well what a suprise sat in all day again waiting for british gas to come and do my meter test and guess what! yep yet again no one turned up!!! i now owe them 350, this just gets better and better Sam
  12. Hi I claimed for service and admin charges and i am doing a seperate claim for pip which is ongoing, good luck with you claim, hope its as easy for you as it was for me! Sam
  13. Hi it was after the first letter, i never added intrest but they added 8%! If only they were all this easy lol Sam
  14. Statments recived at last, total charges £348, will be sending inital letter tomorrow Sam
  15. Hi Studio settled in full within a week of sending spreadsheets with charges:D, can someone let me know how to make a donation pls Sam
  16. Hi Called energy watch and the ombudsman, have sent a letter of complaint to british gas to which they get ten days to respond at which point the ombudsman takes over. I called british gas who did everything they could to persuade me that my meter was fine, im at the point now though where it would be worth losing £65 just to know if it is the meter, so insisted that i wanted it checked, suprise suprise instant appointment for next thursday. everything in my house except my oven and computer is switched off and unplugged yet the meter is flashing once every second! Thank you for all of your help, hopefuly should have an answer on thursday ! Can anyone recommend a new supplier as once this is sorted i want to change suppliers
  17. hi Charlie, I dont have economy 7, i contacted energy watch in sept last year and got told to ring british gas complaints, but they have given me the run around ever since, i will call energy watch again today!
  18. HI I was wondering if anyone could help, im with british gas for my electic and gas, i used to be on a pre pay meter and used 10-15 pw , in 2005 i started paying by direct debit, at first my monthly instalments were 55pm, the then went up to 85pm, then to 100pm , then 150pm and then a whopping 200pm! In all this time i never missed a single payment, so no arrears on account, according to them im using this amount of electric each week. From last november i have been calling in and complaining, i have asked for meter to be checked and had appointments made, but no one turned up, i asked to go back to a pre-pay meter and no one turned up, i have suppied 7 day meter readings about six times, each time im told that the readings are unusually high, two weeks ago i paid them nearly 900 as i had stopped my dd in order to try and force someone to come out and check the meter. Today i was told that my meter reading inticates that i owe them 200 and will have to pay this before meter is changed, i am at a loss and starting to feel a little desperate! I know my family is larger then average and expect to pay more than most but even with seven of us this is a crazy amount If anyone can advise i would be very grateful as i really dont know what else i can do Sam
  19. HI Pete, I see you got your tank of petrol then lmao, congratulations and good luck with next claim Sam
  20. I would write to them and let them know that you will be doing this as well, any threats of this nature tends to send them into a panic!
  21. Hi Drob read a thread called advice on dlc/hillsden securitys, i left some insider info on that post, it may calm you down if you know how highly trained the staff at dlc are;) I would also set your mind at ease and ring the court to see if they can actual increase your payments, im afraid that i dont know the answer to this myself (see how well dlc trains it staff lol) Sam
  22. Hi Drob, dlc dont often carry out threats as far as court action is concerned, however i would highly recommend that you do ask for your cca, as knowing them they wont have it and would need to contact citi, advise them that you cant discuss futher payments until you have cca! The brought debt team is the nastiest of the lot as dlc make the largest profit from these debts, Somethings to remember when you deal with them;) 1. They have little or no legal training, quote laws at them and you will instantly have the upper hand. 2. Ring them yourself between the 24th and 28th of the month, you will have a much better chance of getting a payment arrangment as end of month figures are due 3. so that you dont fall futher into arrears, send in a cheque or postal order for £35 each month with a letter stating that you are sending in your court ordered payment( they will need to set an arrangment to apply funds to your account, so phone calls should stop for a month at least) I used to work for them and would be more than happy to share any information that i have with you Hope this is of some help Sam
  23. Hi candy, even with the bank holiday it only took me a week and a half to get my statements:D , im hoping that they will be as quick to reply! Let me know when you get yours, hopfully we should both have a nice payout for the summer lol Sam
  24. Hi Harry, ive just sent off my first letter to studio after getting my statments, was wondering if you had any luck with the ppi section of your claim? Sam
  25. Hi just got my statments, total charges £753.04, will posting off initial letter along with summery of all charges as well as letter saying all charges must be paid by cheque
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