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  1. Stevepm. Have had a good read of the response to the CPR 18, and its sooo good.It does make reference to the Particulars of claim and what was put in it. I however filed online with MCOL and was limited to what I could enter. I have prepared another longer version which I had every intention of sending but after reading lots of posts on here, didn't. Am I right in thinking if I want to send a new longer version I have to complete a form and send this off with a fee. Should I do that now or wait until whether the courts request a more detailed one? Also I didn't get an Allocation Questionnaire, that has been dispensed with!
  2. Stevepm, thanks for the information, haven't been around on this site for a day or so, as been trying to sort other things out re claiming credit card charges. Gosh its all giving me a headache, but will read and digest your posts. Haven't heard anything from the court yet, but have sent a detailed description of the charges to both Cobbetts and my local county court. I suppose its just a waiting game now, but I certainly like the idea of responding in the way you have suggested. Thanks again.
  3. Thanks stevepm, would like to see the full details as and when you can post. I can see your pretty clued up on this stuff, so its good to know you're there to help. Makes me feel a little less nervous about the whole thing.
  4. Thanks stevepm - are we allowed to put a CPR on them - I would certainly liketo have a read at least. Surely, if you've asked them to respond and they haven't - won't that look bad for them if it goes to court. They would be the first to say that we haven't provided them with what they want. Thats one of the reasons why I asked for T&C's. At least the court will know I am trying to provide as much info related to my case as possible. I mean, who keeps their T&Cs. I've been with Nat West for years and to be honest I don't remember being given any, I only went with them to get a mortgage.
  5. ooh, sorry, thought it was my first post, but actually my second !
  6. Hi everyone, my first post so please bear with me. Received today Notice of Transfer to local court. AQ has been dispensed with and awaiting court date. Have aleady sent my response to CPR Part 18 request. Have a feeling its just my luck for this to go all the way so am in the preparation stage now. Been reading the defence and will be sending a full Particulars of Claim tomorrow as my original was reduced because of MCOL. Have been advised to fax this - will that be ok as although I will be signing the original, the fax they receive will not have an original signature on it - are faxes legal documents now? Also, when sending or faxing it, can I ask Cobbetts to issue me with a full breakdown of how Nat Wests charges are calculated. Surely if I'm being asked to provide info, Nat West can provide me with info too - am I right? Last point, I have already written to Cobbetts asking them provide me from Nat West, details of the terms and conditions relevant to 2001 to 2007 and am assuming this will be ignored, , so does anyone out there have a downloadable copy of he relevant T&C's. I want to make sure I have everything - just in case!
  7. I've just read a post saying that we should have a copy of the T & C's relevant to your own account, just in case we go to court. Well Nat WEst have filed a defence, so obviously I will need to gather as much ammo as I can. I opened my account with Nat West some 13-14 years ago. I don't remember being given any T&C's at all. I know it was a long time ago, but we only opened the account cos we were getting a mortgage with Nat West and thought it simpler in respect to the mortgage payments. And more importantly, no doubt the T&C's have been amended umpteen times since then so should they not have sent us a revised version each and every time. Where am I going to get a copy of the T&C's relevant to 1993/1994 and is it really necessary?
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