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Everything posted by s1h

  1. I have complained to 3 about poor service, my contract is at the end of its 18 months and I am cancelling it not continuing it. I have had nothing but problems with them The most recent being: Basically one of their advisors saying he wont cancel my contract because I called 3 incompetent. He also said to me did it take me 18 months to realise they were incompetent. He also told me to write a complaint and "we will see who is right and who is wrong" along with shouting at me. They then disconnected the phone without notice a couple of days ago which I had not asked for and there was no money o/s arrears etc. I have complained to the executive office who have emailed me saying the phone call was not recorded (conveniently i think) apologising to me and offering a £30 credit to the account as a goodwill gesture. Should I take it or push for more? My final bill will probably be about £65 so I wouldn't mind getting it wiped. I think £30 is a bit low. Thoughts/advice please?
  2. yes enjoyed it cant beat a good winddup/argument see you again soon.
  3. wimbledon finished the other week. Or don't you have a tv licence either.
  4. I did know about them at the time and paid them I didn't refuse to or ignore them or say paperwork wasn't in order. Already reclaimed them, they were from a few years back. Like I said I never said I have never had money problems. I saw a way to get them back so thought I would. If it hadn't come about that you could I wouldn't of thought twice about it.
  5. Anyway enough of this i'm off for a beer. Keep on not paying your debts everyone and racking up charges. It means people like me who are in credit get free banking.
  6. I was just browsing and made a comment that has started a vendetta against me.
  7. I choose to answer the door and give people that are trying to earn a living the time of day. I once worked in sales door to door and it is not an easy job but it meant I could pay my bills so I did. Regardless of whether you buy what they are selling a bit of courtesy doesn't cost anything. I pay what I know exists on an account, as I look after my finances and would know if I was asked to pay anything different. I think what it comes down to is that i'm an honest person with morals and you are not. If I found a wallet in the street I would hand it in to the police station, you strike me as the kind of person who would take the cash out first.
  8. I was going to go and watch tv, but this is more fun then any soap opera
  9. Aren't you clever. Ok apolgies if I was wrong. Thought you were ignoring my petty comments. ps Believe is spelt believe not beleive.
  10. Have you never heard of just telling people your not interested? What says it all?
  11. Again I urge you to show me where I have said I have more morals than the rest of you out. Cowards way out, next you will be calling me abusive names. That's what people normally do who can have a constructive discussion.
  12. I was not putting you in that bracket, how do you know or in fact anyone else on here know that I have no real experience of debt problems?
  13. Threatening people with legal action for knocking on your door? Get a life. Do you have one of those signs saying no canvassers or door to door sales people as well. For your information I don't read Tabloids. Don't see the point in spending money on a newspaper when you can read as much news as you want to for free on the internet.
  14. Why dont you spend more time helping her then than arguing with someone about morals on a internet forum.
  15. Simple solution. don't bounce cheques then you wouldn't have to pay a charge whatever amount it is. I know for a lot of people the charges are unfair and fair play to getting them back. There is a difference between people making a miscalculation and straying over their OD limit and the abusers But there are people that write cheque after cheque knowing that they don't have the funds available. They don't deserve to get anything back as they are just abusing the system.
  16. why would anyone worry about being chased for a debt that doesnt belong to them? I wouldnt if it doesnt belong to you then let them take you to court. Suprise - When have I ever said that life is so wonderful for me?
  17. Anyway im now probably the most hated person on this forum so ill get my coat.
  18. I have had financial difficulties in the past, I didn't ever say that I haven't. Im not preaching im just giving my opinion, sometimes people need a bit of constructive criticism or a slap in the face and told up to wake up and stop hiding.
  19. With regards to bank charges I can see where your coming from, I do think they are unfair to a certain extent for example when people go slightly over there overdraft or creditlimit. I do how ever disagree with people claiming back things like cheque card missuse fees as they knew they didn't have the money available and wrote a cheque regardless using the card as a guarantee knowing it would go through. Having paperwork in order? so if the company hasn't got its paperwork in order, but you know that you owe them money you will use this as an excuse to get out of paying. I bet your one of these people who will never answer their phone if the number is withheld or you don't recognise the number. You also jump when there is a knock at the door, you dread the postman putting the letters through the door. Maybe you should spend less time recording times and dates of phone calls and building up a harrasment case, trying to find loopholes etc and more time doing some overtime at work or getting a part time job and actually paying some of your debts off. Sorry if it sounds harsh but my opinion.
  20. Yes they did accept it, surely they knew what they were signing up to. To say they had no choice is nonsense there is always a choice. No one forced them to. What did people do years ago before there was no such thing as credit, or readily available finance? They did without or they saved up first. I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for people that are paying 50% and moan about it, or that they are so hard done by.
  21. Im sure there must be others that think the same. The internet is meant to be a place where people can talk freely and share information and opinions. Next time I won't bother . Just keep ignoring it cause that really will work ok...
  22. Oh and sillygirl i can assure you I am not on the "otherside". But I can't see the logic, if someone has called then why don't you call them back and find out what its about rather than coming onto the internet and asking if anyone recognises the number.
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