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  1. Hi all this is my first thread it might seem abit long winded but please take time to read as I seriously need some advice. 2 years ago I bought a brand new ford ka se sport for cash paid £10000 plus part ex of my old car(sold a house had spare cash and treated myself). Within the first 2 months my car went back to the garage over 13 times with various problems eg oil leak, electric window problems faulty heater swith of which has now been replaced twice the list goes on and on. I took it back to the original dealer at start but after one time when my car went in it came out with a big scratch down the side(its only 2 months old at this stage)they did repair it but I lost confidence in them especially when they gave me curtesy cars with no petrol that ran a mile up the road and broke down. to cut along story short I had a meeting with the manager whos extact words were you should expect a few problems with a new car. So I found a different ford dealer who eventually did rectify the probs and I had trouble free motoring for 12 months. Now the story gets better For the best part of the last 6 months my car has had a funny smell to it. In novemeber06 i noticed in the drivers and passenger footwell that it was soaking wet confused by this I booked it in the ford garage to investigate and told them to service it at the same time taking in mind its only a 2 year old car with 12000 on the clock. The service went well but was informed that they had no idea were the water was coming from and that it was not covered by the warranty as water ingress is only covered for the first 12 months. and was informed the last time they did a car like this it cost £1000. Horrified i phoned ford customer care who informed me I had to book the car in for a diagnosis of a cost £150 of which I had to pay then they might offer me a percent of the exact cost for fixing as a good will gesture. So I booked my car in the manger of the workshop said he was 99% sure it was coming from the bulk head but couldnt be 100% sure as he had't took the interior apart. Dash etc. Ford customer care refused his diagnosis as it wasnt a 100%. They then informed me to book it in again and have the dash ripped out for a 100% diagnosis at a cost of £200 - £300 . Then they might consider a small gesture. Im at a loss the whole thing is making me ill. My dream car with only 12000 on the clock debt free and all I have had is problems. I have not booked it back in yet as I dont know what to do I feel like I have no rights I dont know whats best and to be fair I cant afford £1000 to get it fixed.. I couldnt even sell the car at the moment as its that bad. Soaking wet, smelling and full of green mould. I could understand if it was the clutch or brakes then no problem but water leaking in from the bulk head is surely not wear and tear on my behalf. Please can anybody help. Thank you and sorry it so long winded but I have tried to keep it fairly short. Claire.
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