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Everything posted by moneymania

  1. They have sent me a copy of the executed agreement. Loan details as follows: (a) Amount of Loan - £10000 (h) Optional PPI - £1620.37 (j) Amount of credit for PPI - £1620.37 (i) Acceptance Fee - £235.00 (m) Mortage Indemnity - £1100.00 (n) Total charges other than interest - £1335.00 (i+m) Total Amount of credit (a+j) - £11620.37 Total amount of Loan (k+n) - £12955.37 Interest rate - 1.2% per month APR 18% Amount of each monthly payment - £176.03 Number of Monthly payments - 180 months. That's all the figures that are on the agreement. The PPI, I have no details on. Bet it only runs for 5 years. wate of money, never wanted it never gonna use it. Indemnity, waste of money, there's no way on this earth that welcome could force the security on our property, miss-sold.
  2. I want to ensure they are acting within the law. If they are not then i will fight them all the way, to get this reduced or written off. There are several issue about the agreement that don't concur with the CCA, as listed in previous post. Just wondered where i stood as regards this. Need help with finances, as this past year has been pure hell.
  3. Yes. It's to cover them for any short fall, but it only covers them if they force the security. As it was platform that repossessed, it does cover them. Waste of money if you ask me, and we had to pay for it.
  4. I do try to take one at a time until we know the full outcome from platform. Welcome do phone us evry now and then for payment but I do tell them I cannot do anything until we have the final statement from platform. Also, I'm not sure the agreement follows the guidlines of the CCA 1974 either. They have added the PPI to anount of loan, there is now ' total amount payable' on the agreement, we had no unexecutable copy of the agreement sent to us prior to signing and the one we signed (on the 31/02/06) was then signed by them on the 7/2/06. I though they had to wait for 7 CLEAR days before they signed. They signed on the 7th day.
  5. So, if Moorcroft do not request the COA from the original creditor, will the account still be unenforable. Or will a have to submit the same request to ntl for S77-79 of CAA to kick in, and again wait the alotted period.
  6. Hi, sorry didn't put all the info in first post, rather a lot of it. I had to finish work begining of 06 due to personal reasons, but we knew the consiquences, so we put the house on the market for £170k. By july we hadn't sold and platform repossessed after getting court order:mad:. They put on market for £160k and sold this month for £150k . Once all cost's have been taken out, as far as I'm aware there was enough for the 1st mortgage but non for Welcome. But the way Platform sold and for how little it went for is another issue. Cuz we had ' higher lending charge' with the mortgage, they weren't botherd how much it went for as they were covered for any short fall anyway...more . So in answer to your Q's £150k Covered 1st Mortgage ( just awaiting conformation) Apparently we still owe Welcome.( although how much, we don't exactly know, as when we have had settlement figure's in the past, the amount just increases ?)
  7. Platform. our main mortgage was with them. Welcome had the second charge.
  8. Ok, I can do that, thanks. Would i need to issue the same request with the £1 P.O ?
  9. Hi all, some great information and advice on here. May I have a little advice on our issue with Welcome Finance. We took out a secured loan with welcome in Feb 05. In July 06 our property was repossessed and has now been sold on 06 Jan 07. We are now in council accomodation. My query is the PPI and the Indemity Insurance that we were adivised to take by welcome to insure we got the loan. The PPI was added to the ' amount of credit' and we are paying 18%APR (1.2% per month?. what is says on the agreement). We have recieved the DPA request information and it contains a copy of the original agreement. A few issue on the agreement I'd like advise on also but I would like to deal with PPI first. I thought they were not alowed to add the PPI the 'amount of loan', Secondly the Indemity insurance. In the T&C's it states that it covers the eventuality that ' if welcome have to enforce the security'. Now forgive me if I'm wrong but for welcome to enforce the security (which reading through many posts on here, they have never done) they would need our 1st mortgagees permission. I doubt very much that they would grant permission for welcome to for security for a £10k secured loan against a mortgage of £135k with approx £25k equity. Now surely this indemity insurance is a con and a complete waste. What are the chances of re-claiming the PPI and Indemity insurance?
  10. Thanks Pone. Has anyone on this site gone as far the court situation under the conditions of: a) agreement been produced at court - what was judgement b) agreement sent between 12 day period and before the 1 calender month ended - was debt written of or court granted DCA full rights to persue debt. Sorry for questions, this is a new one on me. Bank charges fine, section 77-79 of CCA, not so sure about.
  11. the only thing they have sent me is a notice of litigation. due to no agreement being sent within the 12 working day period this would mean the debt is now unenforceable without a court order. They can only get a court order to persue the debt if they produce the original agreement, yes or maybe not?
  12. It'll defo make me feel better. If they don't come up with the goods, they cannot enforce the debt, full stop. is that still correct in this case? Or is it for a judge to decide? How can u tell if a postal order has been cashed?
  13. Thanks for the replies. Thats what I thought, if they are 'acting' as collectors for the debt, then the onus is on them to comply. I just want to be sure that the failure to produce the original agreement within the alotted time, which they are now in default, will be a complete defence in any court. Should I remind them of their obligation, or wait for the court summons (which i'm sure will be issued before the calander month period of the 19th Feb) They have also threatened to send someone round my house.
  14. It was a bill from NTL. who are a pain in the rear end. I disputed some of the calls on a bill. £80 worth. They were made before we moved into the property, but they say it was on our line so we had to pay. they wouldn't budge. so I refused to pay anything until they sorted it out. Needless to say, they didn't. Now back with BT.
  15. ( MODS, started my own thread now, please delete other posts, thanks) Hi, Just found this site, there is a lot of information on here, it's great. I sent a COA to Moorcroft, they recieved on the 2nd Jan 2007. I know their 12 working day's are well up but just found out that they haven't bought the debt, they are working as agents for the original creditor. Will this make a difference to the COA request or not? Thanks PriorityOne for your reply on another thread. They have issued me with a notice of ' INDENDED LITIGATION ' Now do I just ignor it and if court papers arrive, use their failure to respond as a complete defence. Or reissue the request to the original creditors. Know if I do that, the statutory time frame will start again. Not sure where to go from here. Any advise would greatly received.
  16. Hi sorry to hijack but just wondered if someone could advise on an issue I have with Moorcroft. I sent a COA to Moorcroft, they recieved on the 2nd Jan 2007. I know their 12 working day's are well up but just found out that they haven't bought the debt, they are working as agents for the original creditor. Will this make a difference to the COA request or not?.. do you think
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