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  1. Thanks Slick! I think I'm going to frame it and mount it on the office wall!
  2. Thanks Saintly_1, I appreciate your help, and the support of this web site.
  3. Thanks welshcakes! I'll get on and do that immediately Bai
  4. GOT IT!!! ££££££££ I was away for the weekend from Thursday midday, I just had time to check my snail mail and saw that the 'judgment in default' had arrived (never had time to phone the court), but I didn't have time to do anything about it. We got back home yesterday evening (Sunday) and I was very pleasantly surprised to find that the cheque from Barclays had arrived! It must have arrived Saturday, the cheques is dated July 6th (Friday). So, MANY Thanks to this website, and all those of you who have helped, and encouraged me. We can chalk up another success! In case anyone would like to see it, here is a scan of the judgement: -
  5. Well, it's been 8 clear working days since I applied for 'judgment in default' with the help of the lady at court. Nothing yet, so I'm hoping that I receive something early next week. Hopefully not a notification that Barclays have have 'applied to have it set aside,...' Of course, the 7 days mentioned in para 3 of the order may have started on June 18th - the date of that order (about 10 posts back on this thread), in which case they would have had very little time to react. All of which just means I'm quite optimistic now At least of getting the judgment. I'll probably phone the court if it doesn't arrive by Wednesday (July 4), make sure everything is ok.
  6. Anyway, thanks everyone for watching and the good wishes I will keep updating until I get the money - or whatever!
  7. Hi slickwilly132, yes, I'm worried about that one too. But from the phone call, I think they will pay reasonably soon now. Certainly before it gets to bailiff time! Fingers crossed!!
  8. Thanks LynZe I'm still not sure if they defaulted deliberately, or if it was a mistake!
  9. Further developments. I've just had a call from Paul Quinn (he confirms that the correct email for him is paul.quinn3@barclays.com - the one without the '3' is someone else apparently). He was a little puzzled, and thought that I had been paid already. I assured him that I had not, nor had I received any communication of any kind. He then asked me to forward a copy of the judgement when I get it, and promised that they would then pay. I've checked again with the court that I will automatically receive a copy of the judgement, but it will be 7 to 10 days. So, probably nothing else now for a few days
  10. Well, ok. That was interesting! Attached is an image of page 2 of the letter I got from the court, it arrived yesterday June 20th, the day before the hearing was due (today). Page 1 is just a standard cover from the court and has only my personal details on it. Having phoned the court yesterday, unaware of the letter, I was told what had happened, and that I should go to the court anyway where I would receive advice on how to proceed. Today, a very helpful young lady at the court gave me a sheet of paper, and asked me to write a simple letter addressed to the court requesting judgment in the appropriate case number, and for the total amount of money involved (in this case a little over £1000). She then took it away briefly to confirm it was OK, and finally stamped it with a rubber stamp of some kind, and placed it in one of her trays. Apparently I can send in bailiffs if I don't have the money within 14 days! (I think she meant 14 days from judgement, but I'm not sure) A few minutes ago I tried to phone Paul Quinn and got an answer machine, so I left a brief message asking for the money, and to phone me back. I have also sent a brief email requesting the money be sent by cheque immediately. So far I have not had a response from either.
  11. Thanks for that link saintly_1, very useful. I guessed maybe I'd have to apply some pressure, so that starts tomorrow. I guess from the exact nature of the letter I got from the court today, that the same applies to several others due at Leicester tomorrow.
  12. Thanks LynZe The letter from the court was waiting for me when I got home this evening. It appears that Barclays failed to file their defence! So the court has 'struck out' their case. Meaning I win my claim bt default. The actual hearing is cancelled, but I need to attend the court for advice on how to proceed and get the money from them. I guess they'll string it out as long as they can, but they must pay! I'll continue to update this thread until I get the payment.
  13. Thanks cogley, will do. If I can be any help at all, I'll be on line most of the evening. In fact, you can private message if you'd like my email address. I always monitor that closely. Bai
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