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  1. Watching the news last night I am sooooo glad I have my money in the bank - looks like one judge may have made a nasty decision which will boost the banks and their solicitors confidence.
  2. Got my money today woooohooooo Just made a small donation - wish it could be more but 97% of what I got back has gone on debts (not HSBC ones) but thats okay as I am almost debt free now wooohoooo.
  3. I sent their letter back just crossed out confidentiality part - Thanks Welshbaba Keep strong Micheyboo - why has it gone to merchantile bank?
  4. Thanks everyone - now to see how long it takes to get into my account
  5. Thanks Gary - got to love a man who delivers so well Well done Kat - congratulations
  6. 12th January 2007 - prelim letter sent. 20th January 2007 - Prelim letter acknowledged and replied to. 26th January 2007 - LBA sent 12th February 2007 - MCOL Claim submitted 15th February 2007 - Notice of Issue received (deemed to be served on 18th Feb - HSBC have till 4th March 2007 to reply) 15th February 2007 - offer made (less than claim) in response to prelim letter. 15th February 2007 - MCOL Claim Acknowledged 3rd March - DG entered Defence 2nd April AQ deadline (only I submitted) 10th April - DG still not sent in AQ 13th April - still waiting for a copy of order from District Judge......still waiting for an offer from DG!!! 4th May - full offer received from DG So from sending Prelim - to receiving offer was - 112 days - so hang on in there A Very Happy Helen (whatawoman)
  7. PS can I have a ******WON******** in my title? lol
  8. Thanks for all the congratulations - amongst other things it will be so nice to get my mum of my back for monies I owe her! Oh Lattie I am the ipitemy (sp) of patience wouldn't you agree? Good luck to those still waiting - and I hope more offers are around the corner - I have decided the courts are taking so long to do the orders because to them it is a waste of time when they know DG will make offers before it gets to court - thing is by them not typing up the orders DG have more procrastination room - but hang on in there
  9. Got my full offer today woohooo - hope you did too Kat
  10. GOT IT!!! Full offer - including interest and court costs - (bar £50 they refunded back in 2003 that I missed) I do notice though that they don't give a time scale to refund the monies.....
  11. My AQ deadline was 2nd April - as yet DG have not filled their AQ - they know the courts are over stretched with all these claims - the judge in my case did not make an order till 17th April and I am STILL waiting for the court admin staf to type it up - infact theya re so snowed under they have outsoursed to another court - however DG told me after 15 emails, 4 nudge letters, and 7 voice mail messages - all unresponded to! that they are going to be making me an offer this week! So hang on in there but don't expect a speedy response. Helen
  12. Hopefully - sure has felt like a mission impossible at times...
  13. I have just (16.00 on 2.5.07) had a lovely call from a lady called Michelle at DG - she was polite and nice natured and said she has dug my claim out - it was not far from the top of a HUGE pile anyway but they will look at it in the next couple of days and I should have an ofer by the start of next week.
  14. I have just had a lovely call from a lady called Michelle at DG - she was polite and nice natured and said she has dug my claim out - it was not far from the top of a HUGE pile anyway but they will look at it in the next couple of days and I should have an ofer by the start of next week. WOOOHOOOOOOHHHOOOOO DG know I exist!
  15. I think we need a new stratagy against DG - I am thinking of writing to the District Judge (If I can get a name) and complain about how many times I have made contact with them to try to resolve this claim and that they have ignored me everyime. MAYBE he can jsut order them to pay and dispense with this crazy system and I might have to claim costs now like he awarded the lady from Bristol....the time I have put into this claim is growing fast. If only we could have done a class action suit like in America - the Banks would not know what had hit them! Any thoughts on anything we can do?
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