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Big Earl

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  1. Hi there, Though my license loss hasn't lost me a job, it has lost my passport too! Needless to say this is an inconvenience and the lack of help and general abundance of confusion littering the DVLA email responses has not helped matters. I sent off my application to re-obtain a provisional drivers license after loss around a month ago and received a phone call asking me to confirm th change of address, which I did and didn't hear again of the matter until a response from my request for an update, which I received on the 11 June stating that there was no record of my license arriving at the centre and to go through Royal Mail. Concerning. So I composed an email expressing this which the next day brought a reply, "ignore information in the mast email we sent you. Your application was processed on the 30th May. Your enquiry has been passed to the relevant section (whatever that means was unspecified), who will contact you directly". This was followed by an apology for confusion caused. So now I am still waiting to hear from the mysterious relevant section in order to find out what the damage is to my time and pocket. Any advise in the meantime from someone experienced with these sort of issues? Should I wait or attempt to get in contact myself? Many thanks action consumers, Earl
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